Instinct for Survival

Liam opened the door to the empty bathroom and slowly shut it. Inscriptions on the wall were designed to block any mental waves or sounds, entering or leaving the space.

Liam's eye turned dark, his expression hidden by a veil of shadow.

First, he stripped the man bare.

Then, tensing his hand… Liam reached into the worker's left eye socket and yanked out his eyeball!

The worker jolted awake to a gut wrenching pain, but an iron-tight grip over his mouth denied his desperate screams to be voiced.

A moment later, he was knocked unconscious again.

Liam took out a spare revitalization pill and forced it down the worker's throat, slowly healing the wounds around his eye socket.

In a similar fashion, Liam forced the worker to swallow his imitation pill.

Disturbingly, the short man's face started to emit steam and curl, his vibrating body sounding cracking noises all throughout.