
Instantly, the crowds scattered in all directions, but not before everyone received thick books regarding the academy classes and timetables. 

Headmaster Reye had already teleported out, but Janice lingered for a bit.

"Alright. You misfits look like you understand everything, so I'll be on my way. Oh, before I forget…" Janice fiddled around with her pocket, before taking out five individual maps.

"That's the general layout for the academy. Just use your mental energy to get a better description of them," she said, handing them to Liam and the rest.

"Drop by my class if you'd like to get battered," Janice said with a smile, before turning around to leave. "If you're good enough, I'll take you as my disciple."

With that, Janice left.

"I'll be going, then," said Sveinn, shifting to the group. "I hope we can become friends and hang sometime."

Nessa nodded with a meek smile, Rin remained silent, and Liam hummed noncommittally.