
As if the darkness and blood floor wasn't enough, Nelsa stumbled backwards in fear once she realized the lumps were human corpses.

Some floated on their backs, allowing her to see their severed body parts and marred faces. Deep gashes on their skin made them unrecognizable.

Here and there, a severed hand and leg floated freely about. 

And the worst thing of all… was the fact that the bodies never stopped appearing.

Faintly, countless whispers rung in her ears. They were near incomprehensible – but loud and quiet at the same time.

She could only deduce anxiousness and worry from them.

Nelsa's breathing grew erratic. In her decades of Reading people, students and teachers alike, she'd never Read someone like this.

She desperately wanted to leave.

…But she couldn't.

Once a Reading began, it would continue until the end, through reaching its conclusion or some other way.