
Liam was pensive. He himself didn't plan to be in Echoria forever. Going on such an expedition would be a good experience, and also allow him to understand the landscape of the world in person.

The problem was the risks that it involved. He could simply do easy missions day by day and increase his strength without having to worry about too much danger. 

…Then Liam remembered the Royce family. His safety wasn't ensured either way.

"What kind of rewards?" 

Reye's response sounded prepared.

"Well, that depends on how far your group traverses, and how much information you bring back… but as a baseline reward, you'll be given 350K, three Rank 3 spells of your element, cultivation techniques of your choosing, a Rank 4 martial art, and more."

Instantly, Liam's attitude towards the mission changed. 

He wasn't naive. It was obvious the endeavor was going to be extremely difficult, but the benefits to it were premium.