
After concluding his explanation, his crew had left, but not before giving him suspicious looks. 

Having made their plan, they would set out in a moment, but not before Liam had concluded a few things.

With a sigh, Liam took out his shortsword made from the Rank 3 hedgehog spikes. 

It was streamlined and resembled his own shortsword to a sense, but without the intricate details that Rogan had cared to put.

'I can make one much better but I'll have to hold off as of now.'

The beast will hadn't left his mind for the entirety of the two and a half weeks. 

Though the pain eventually simmered down to a tolerable amount, he had to hold off any forgings or inscriptions. 

Now that they were ready to engage the enemy, Liam decided to use it to be in peak condition.

Entering his sea of consciousness, Liam inspected the beast will. 

To his surprise, it was a lot more… tamed.