
"Pack up. We're heading to the Citadel."

Liam's aloof and cold aura wasn't possible to hide. It gave off a threatening air, like he might attack at any given time. 

Frowns plastered the group's expressions.

Lawrence becoming a Rank 2 Magus crossed their minds for a brief moment, but they instantly denied that thought. It was shockingly unbelievable to think so. Impossible, even. 

After such a long period of seclusion, they just imagined that he focused most of his time with the Psionic Rune. A reasonable conclusion, all things considered.

Nessa looked at Liam with quiet, hidden disdain. She didn't approve of his cold and indifferent personality, but she respected him enough not to voice it.

Nord, on the other hand, only grew in respect. Just being around Liam helped increase his motivation to grow stronger.

Rin had a much more complicated look in her mauve eyes. It's like she had some words to say, but couldn't find or express them.