
The reproduction aspect of the deal didn't bother Liam much. Courting women hadn't been in his plans, let alone having offspring.

Raast's glowing eyes stuck to his own. A hint of a smile appeared on his thin lips.

"Find my people and help them."

"You'll find acceptance from the Ashuras so long as they know you're my heir… but you might face a bit of difficulty at first."

"Find them how?" Liam asked. "And what do you mean by 'difficulty'?"

Raast's rendition gave another smug smile. 

"That's for you to find out, isn't it?"

Liam was getting pissed. 

Still, he had more questions. He opened his mouth to voice them, but tremors ran through the surroundings and stopped him.

"I've spoken for too long," Raast grimaced, staring at the shadows. He shifted his attention to Liam. "The Opposition is realizing something's wrong."