
Liam was taken aback by the man's change in demeanor. 

He was ushered and literally shooed away after asking his question.

'Now I definitely need to ask about that. Why was he so afraid?' 

Though, with the grave looks given to him by those who heard the conversation, Liam couldn't ask the stall right next to him.

'I need a map. That should help me locate the more sketchy areas of this country so I can ask the right questions.'

Liam set out once again, this time, muddling through the crowds and arriving at the hilltop.

Once again, a beautiful scene met his eyes. 

From the somewhat high vantage point, Liam could see a vast night market, consisting of large, tall and loose tents with spacious walkways in between – bustling with all kinds of colors, people and sounds. 

Here and there, towering white wisteria trees with purple, elephant ear-like leaves protruded from the ground and illuminated the regions with soft light.