
Hearing his words, the bartender's mask of stoicism was slowly starting to crack apart.

"If I report you to the Ravenous Leash Sect, you'll be executed on the spot. Do you have a screw loose in your head? Don't speak words you don't know the meanings of."

Liam's gaze remained hard.

"I know you won't. Why else would you be hiding in the middle of nowhere? I spent a total of three and a half months looking for that Sect, and they'd be fools not to take me in."


Liam could see the flickering of emotions that became too complicated to understand – a mix of anger, panic and slow intent to kill. 

He remained quiet until the man answered.

Either the bartender was a Temple of Shadow member, or was afraid of someone from there. 

Nonetheless, where there is smoke, there is fire.

After considering Liam's words carefully, the so-called bartender shook his head.