
Someone had hurled an Abyssal Needle.

Liam watched with a constricted golden eye as the javelin-looking weapon whistled through the air.

Although he made the weapons, he hadn't really tested them.

All he could do was make estimates on its destruction based on its features. 

The Nine Palm Border Guards all shifted their alarmed faces to the hissing noise.

But at that point, the Needle struck.

It silently exploded dead center of the campfire. 

…And instantly extinguished it with a giant wad of dark flames, quickly stretching to 30 meters of space in three seconds.

Choked shouts paired with strident cries filled the air, but no coherent sentences could form under their gas-filled lungs.

After all, one couldn't shout with a corroded throat.

Disturbingly gasping for oxygen, the collection of Rank 3 martial artists near the radius of the initial explosion fell to their knees, clutching their ruined throats.