Monolith Lion

Everyone watching instinctively shuddered.

Rank 5.

That magnificent, colossal statue was a Rank 5 Spirit Beast!

To think everyone dismissed it as a normal statue!

It wasn't painted! 

It was preserved!

They watched, eyes widened, as the humongous lion's metallic surface slowly started to transform from where the blood touched it.

Tufts of yellow fur sprung from where the metal once was. 

Like a ripple, it continuously changed the rest of the body.

The vicious, outstretched claws of the lion gained subtle but growing movement.

At the same time, the lion's menacing stone eyes gained a white sclera and a crimson, circular pupil.

A low, guttural growl shook the air

An earth-shaking rumble violently rocked the entire island as it slowly came to life. 

At that point, the onlookers weren't comfortable watching.

Those massive claws were still in the air!