
Usan saw the beam making a beeline towards him.

But there was nothing he could do.

There was no energy in his body to dodge, except move his body a little to the right.

Not only did Usan strain his core to the max, he also stressed his body while producing all those different attacks.

And now, he lacked a shoulder.

Usan let out a weak sigh, slipping into unconsciousness.

"North Star wins."


Liam patiently stood outside the dome-like Isolation Barrier.

Usan was strong.

Although he was weakened, the man possessed so many different methods of fighting that Liam paled in comparison.

He was a prodigy in every sense of the word.


"North Star wins."

Liam's stomach sank.


He lost?

Liam's frown turned into a scowl, which then became a grimace.