
Liam looked like a morbid killing machine.

The two Dusk Blades hanging over his shoulders made them look like serpentine fangs.

The Black Blade pressed against his spine made him look like an animal.

And the Breaker Blade of all looked incredibly menacing.

Liam's long black hair and black wrappings fit well with the transformation.

All in all, he felt pretty confident in clearing out the fourth Trial.

The first dragon gave Liam a quick growl.

Now, it was worried!

Liam wasn't the same as when he first smacked him away.

His aura was colder, more refined and sharp.

Like a blade.


Liam emptied his lungs.

Then, he crouched, empowering his body. 

Transfiguration acted quick and pulled all of his flesh to his legs, tripling them in size.

With the Triumvirate Body, Transfiguration wouldn't thicken or bulge his form.