
Liam put the two forces together.

Obviously, the Black Hole was still the size of a human head.

But one had to remember that Liam had the Triumvirate Body.

His hands had already grown almost 4 times the size and width to compensate for the Mixing Test. 

Both his hands basically conjoined together, leaving no gaps in between.

It was sealed air-tight.

Using his mental energy, he monitored the reaction that happened between his palms.

There was no issue for some time.

The Absorption and Repulsion forces rubbed off on one another.

Through the exchange, Liam's chaos gained a slightly calmer quality, but without losing its wildness.

And the Black Hole was slowly becoming disorderly, but without losing any of its intrinsic properties.

As it continued to change and reform, Liam had to strengthen his hands to withstand the experiment.

For some reason, the heat radiating from Liam's palms was stupidly immense.