
Liam heaved a long, long sigh after the events of the sixth Trial were done with.

The migraines.

The constant repetitions.

The loss of limbs and bodily organs.

The damn boulders!

Liam despised boulders now. 

'If I ever see a big rock in the open again, I'm gonna crush it into rubble,' Liam thought with furrowed brows.

A sudden rumble shook the fake dimension. 

Liam felt the ground shake, almost throwing him to the side, but his feet were firmly placed to the ground.

Liam cursed.

Slowly, the fake dimension stabilized. 

Opposite him, the seventh Trial gate opened. 

Then came Eternal Sword's voice. It was deeper now. Glitchier and distorted:

"When o-one is given a blessing, they must use it t-to th-the full-full-fullest p-potential."

'Damn it, it's getting worse and worse!' Liam cursed inwardly. 'What am I gonna see in the next Trial?'