
Liam's Chaos pearl left the protective shield of goblin flesh and slowly drifted towards the mass of plague-like substance.

There was one reason Liam was doing such a thing.

Chaos absorbed the infectious, almost ghostly material with no issues whatsoever. 

But instead of getting rid of the problem, it took it from one place to the other.

What Liam needed was for it to disappear entirely. But even Usan was not capable of doing so.

That's when Liam got the bright idea of using his Chaos Pearl as a device to store the 'degeneration'.

The degeneration only affected his nerves and muscles. The Chaos Pearl was neither of these things. 

It was a circular sphere made from a powerful brass metal that was nigh-unbreakable.

As soon as it flowed through the thick layer of goblin meat, it slowly flowed towards Liam's left hand, where all the 'degeneration' was.