
Knowing the reason why Nessa had been so contemptuous towards him, Liam genuinely felt disgust.

Why did Nessa hate Liam so much?

Because of Gerald's death.

Who was Gerald?

Liam actually had to wrack his brain to remember who that was.

But then, a memory flashed through his mind.

The Korsan Lands mission.

Gerald was another party member.

A cowardly, weak boy that Liam made the grave mistake of choosing for the mission.

During the fight with the Blooder, Gerald's right eye socket had been hit with a spiked pole.

And that pretty much sealed his fate.

Now, what did this have to do with Liam?

Wasn't Nessa over that incident?

Well, no.

She was not.

In fact, as time passed, Liam could deduce that it only grew worse.

To a point that she was basically haunted by it.

Haunted by Liam.

That was one of the thoughts Liam picked from her mind.