Skeletal Dragons

Alucard could freely travel under the sun.

As it turned out, sunlight didn't actually reduce him to ash, like it did to lower ranked vampires.

If that wasn't the case, the alliance didn't mean anything.

After all, what use was an alliance with someone who's greatest enemy was a bit of Vitamin D?

That being said, Liam didn't know if that was the case with all the other vampires, but it had to be.

Although Usan had requested 18,000 in support, those numbers could easily be altered to compensate for power differences.

One Rank 4 vampire was probably worth 250 acolytes or even more.

It all depended on what they could provide for the cause. 

"So, how do you want to go about this, exactly?" Liam asked Usan.

He was referring to the attack on the Dual Empire, which was still ongoing.

"We can't just drop in the middle and hope everything works out," Liam said.