
Liam put his hand on the Cloud Leech. 


It was incredibly soft.

Like a literal cloud.

One could even call it cute, with how soft and harmless it looked.

"This is an Abomination? Looks like something out of a child's fantasy," Jax said, squishing the giant creature. 

It occupied a large section of the chambers, and made a soft squealing noise from its mouth.

"Pull it back," Liam told the Imperialist. 

Slowly, the Cloud Leech was sucked back into her tooth, hardening back to normal. 

It was then that Liam noticed how the tip of her canines, and every other tooth, had two little dots on them, and brighter tones than normal.

All of her teeth were Cloud Leeches!

No wonder Usan picked her out of everyone else.

Liam half expected for the woman to attack them with an Abomination. 

He welcomed it, actually.

But she didn't, despite being unrestricted with her mental energy and other abilities.