
For a split second, the battle came to a halt.

The Imperialists just saw their leader get split apart.

Nooran was the strongest of them!

Granted, its strength was in its ability to control and manipulate Abominations… but still.

Seeing it divided equally in four parts was… incredibly disturbing.

A moment of hesitation was all the Elders needed.

Ten minutes later, the Zeniths of the Trapped Reality colony were all defeated, but not killed.

Liam walked up to Nooran and lifted it up.

At least, what remained of it.

It looked pretty pathetic.

A steady stream of black blood poured from where it was cleaved apart.

It moaned weakly in pain. 

Liam didn't want to kill it straight away.


He needed to study this thing.

After all, didn't Liam have illusion powers himself?

What if he was able to learn it on a deeper level?

That would make his King's Eye much, much more powerful!