
Outside, the putrid, blood-tainted air was so tense, one could cut straight through it with a knife.

Liam could see it. 

The desperation on the Couragists' faces as they left their huts in unison. 

They didn't even smash their gauntlets against the ground as they did the first time. 

Liam also saw the confidence on the Fearists' faces. 

That wasn't good.

Overconfidence was idiotic and dangerous.

It made people think they were greater, smarter, better than they actually were. 

Was Liam overconfident?

Of course not!

But he knew exactly what his capabilities were. And all his actions were based on that. 

He was confident.

Not overconfident.

There was a big difference!

Nevertheless, that wasn't the point.

Ryu, Jane, Verium, Kitsu and the rest of the Elders gathered around Liam and hid him from view. 

To everyone else, he was just another person in the crowd.