
The joke was so sudden, the two Emperors instantly stopped their bickering and gave Alucard a hard glare.

"And what does a leech know about love?" the Empress said, tilting her head curiously. 

The Emperor of Courage threw his head back and laughed unpleasantly. 

His voice was too deep. 

Alucard smiled. There was no visible shift in his mood, but his deep-red eyes weren't smiling. "Enough to know when to end things. Clearly you two don't."

"Enough talk," Usan said loudly, at the end of his patience. 

Shadows shrieked around his form, producing 8 different clones of himself, each wielding a different weapon.

A sword, mace, spear, glaive, lance, and several variations of the blade.

Each of them had their own consciousness, it seemed, spreading around Usan's sides. 

The Empress clicked her tongue. An ethereal black substance swirled over her hand, producing a shriek-like noise.