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There was a reason Liam chose the Empress over the Emperor. 

The Emperor's body was marred and tainted with Alucard's blood. 

Liam was not comfortable drinking Alucard's ichor. 

If he knew it would make him stronger, perhaps he'd ask for a few droplets… if the Pashah wouldn't kill him right away, that is.

But in reality, he was worried it might entail something different. A fatal side effect, or worse.

The Empress, on the other hand, had a much more 'delectable' appearance. 

Her Abomination Form had melted away, reverting her back to a relatively normal state. 

Even her wounds were healed up, and her black and white roman toga covered her body.

Despite the grand difference between the Emperor and Empress' sizes, Liam felt safer going for the latter.

Alucard threw over the Empress' body to Liam as though she was a bag of dirt.

Liam grabbed her by the arm before she fell below the ocean, giving her a quick inspection.