Important People Convention

When Jargon made the sudden declaration, Liam arched both his eyebrows in confusion.

"The... who of what?" 

Liam knew none by that name. 

Mayor of Mount Mayhem. 

And yet, Jargon spoke his moniker as though an esteemed gentleman had invited him for a feast.

Jargon attempted to speak, but stuttered as he tried to find the correct words. 

Studying his thoughts, Liam realized his appearance was too terrifying. 

'What is that form?!' Jargon thought, hiding the fear and panic from appearing on his face. 'I'm gonna hurl if I look at it any longer.'

'I put so much time into polishing this place…'

Jargon let out an inward sigh. 

'Rude,' Liam thought. 'He's lucky I'm in a good mood.'

With his body twisting, turning and cracking all at the same time, Liam's form slowly returned back to a humanoid shape. 

As humanoid as could be. 

He still had four arms, claws and tentacles on his back.