Drink of Death

The sound of thick, viscous liquid pouring into two separate glasses rang out for several seconds, before coming to a stop.

A whiff of its smell passed through Liam's nose, causing his face to wrinkle in disgust. 

One had to remember that Liam was indifferent to even the most severe of pain. 

And this was just a smell!

And yet, it made him recoil with just how vile, noxious and nauseating it was. 

Spirit of Nature… yeah, right. Aren't the Amazonians supposed to be friendly or something? 

So much for that.

"We call this… the Uruaz," Spirit of Nature said with a sinister grin. Her teeth were blindingly white. 

"The 'Drink of Death'."

Spirit of Nature's accent was a little thick. 

She was speaking to Liam in the Ilalian tongue, meaning she had studied it probably moments prior to this party.

It was the equivalent of a Russian person speaking English.