
As the monstrous sword came into view, Liam ran a hand along its edge. It didn't cut him. In fact, it was duller than rock.

However, Liam realized why the weapon was allowed in the first place.

It was the size.

And its function.

Lowering the sword's tip to the floor, Liam let go of the handle, causing the Breaker to merge into the ground like liquid.

Controlling it via his shadows, Liam made it swim like a shark around the boundaries of his Position.

This was why he could take it out.

It could be used as a defense!

Of course, Liam could just use Transfiguration to become a creature consisting of nothing but hands.

But that would involve showing off too much than he was comfortable with. 

Using a bit here and there was fine. 

It was impossible for the powerhouses to win this if they withheld their strength, let alone him.

But being conservative was wise.

Liam looked around.