
What came out of the cloud was an Abomination. 

The first thing that Liam noticed about it was the vicious maw, which was what it mostly consisted of. 

The teeth! So many! 

Even in the Dual Empire's grounds, Liam had never seen such an Abomination. 

It had black, jagged teeth, 19 on the upper and 21 on the lower jaw. It had a brownish, grey complexion, with disgusting, throbbing veins across its rotten body.

It had no legs.

In fact, below the chest, it consisted of loose strings of dangly flesh. Sort of like a squid.

On its sides, it had two skinny arms that didn't look particularly powerful. 

In fact, they were quite skinny and looked easy to slice off. 

On each arm were three thin fingers.

The three fingers made a claw of sorts, since they ended with sharp, wet nails dripping with some sort of brown liquid.