Sea Slang

Liam looked at the corpses again.

"These two?" he asked. 

The frog and eel nodded reluctantly, still ashamed.

"Why are you throwing them under the bus? Aren't they your kin?" Liam asked the eel and crowned frog.

They grew confused.

"What is… under the bus?" the eel questioned, confused. 


These were still fish.

Liam had to use sea slang.

"Why would you throw them to the Unholy Lamprey?" he corrected, and the two understood what he meant. 

"I have like two hundred children," the six-toothed eel said. "This one was the eldest and the one that caused me the most trouble. I'm happier with him dead, to be honest."

"Same here," the Rock Frog leader admitted. "Plenty of fish in the sea!" 

He laughed, and the eel shared a short laugh with him. 

Their laughs sounded incredibly weird. 

It was more of a 'kekeke'.