
"I won't beat around the bush. They're drugs. Power enhancers is the more political term, but let's face it. They're drugs. I call it Sugar."

Bill cut to the chase.

"Let me guess. It gets snorted up the nose?" Liam said, and Bill was a little estranged at the comment.

"How'd you know?" he asked with a bit of shock. "Yeah. It goes through the brain and also enters the bloodstream, so it was the most efficient way to concoct it." 


"What does it do?" Liam asked.

"Literally everything. Makes you faster, stronger, and even think quicker. Turns everything up by one hundred. Just be very careful not to get addicted to that feeling, since your normal strength will appear very mundane when you're back to regular."

Bill leaned forward, his face extreme with seriousness.

"But please, use it in considerable amounts. After its effects wear off, you'll feel groggy and, if you use too much, even fall asleep."