Chapter 141 – End of the World

"Listen to me Marcus! I'm telling you that's not an earthquake! I'm a freaking gnom-, dwarf damn it! This is my bread and butter"

"I'm not disregarding what you're saying Garry, it's just seems a little farfetched so feel it from way over here. Are you really sure that's what it is?"

"Aye! I'm telling you, it's that!"

Having just arrived back at the town hall after experiencing the earthquake, we find Marcus and Garry arguing over something in the study. The settlement itself actually hasn't received any damage from the tremor strangely enough, was expecting at least something falling over but I guess it was a pretty small shake considering.

"What's this all about? Why are you two arguing?"

"Me and Ikarus felt the shaking as well so do we have an idea what the problem is?"

"Apologies two queens for witnessing our little spat. Garry seems to think those shakes weren't an earthquake"

"I'm telling you Marcus, it's not an earthquake! I mean, it technically is but it's not what you're thinking of. The tsunami evacuation is a bloody waste of time"

Ah, I nearly forgot about those tsunami protocols we set up just in case something bad happens. Most of the island have a cliff face aimed at the ocean but not the western sides so any sort of shaking, we'd evacuate the whole area regardless if we even know the risk or not. We have that unoccupied island in the way as well blocking it up but it still never hurts to be safe.

By the way it seems though, Garry the gnome is obviously trying to get Marcus to cancel the ongoing plan.

(Ikarus) "Context gnome, we need a little more than that. What's caused the shaking if not an earthquake?"

"It's most likely the volcano lass, it's erupted and I'm pretty sure the kid Denver has set it off"


(Ikarus) "What?"

"All of you don't look at me like I'm mad! I know that kid more than any of you, we should not be preparing for a massive flood heading this way. What we need to do is start to move everything underground now"

I'm not the only one looking at him like he's crazy, the kid Jarl Denver has set off the volcano? I get that volcano eruptions can sometimes cause earthquakes, or the other way around but to actually feel it from this far away?

"Hypothetically speaking gnome. If this is truly what you say, why would he set of the volcano in the first places?"

"The kid may be a dreamer Petra but he knows that volcano better than anyone else, he would've only set it off if someone else was tampering with it, damage limitations it. He said a while back that any God could fuck with it and I've felt those same exact shakes before during testing... We need to stop speculating and start working right now! I'd bet my entire life, and wife that a gigantic ash cloud is approaching as we speak"


Okay, now I think I believe him. The fact that the Gods have been mentioned and that kid is extremely suspicious, this seems like something that could be terrible. I swear that is like a super volcano though, wouldn't that mean we may all be screwed?

Why hasn't Dionysus sent us this message though? I know Charlotte lost contact with him before leaving but is this something even he had no idea on? Why the hell would a God even set off a volcano in the first place, or Denver?

"How do we even prepare for this volcano gnome? Last time it set off, apparently the world went into an ice age? Wouldn't we all be fucked regardless being this close?"

"Ikarus is right, I've lived through that previous eruption as well, this entire continent really didn't fare well"

Marcus is still sceptical and Petra seems a little more on the fence now, this situation is something I never thought we'd have to deal with as leaders. How do you even survive a potential ice age?

"Ah, you lot aren't dwarfs so it makes sense why you're confused. To start with, we need to start moving anything edible underground, the mines are a reasonable choice for setting up underground farms as well. Combine that lots and lots of filtration systems as well as gas masks, it's a good starting point and we can work from there. It's going to be"

Of course, the dwarf would know all that... hang on, is this why Garry even came over here? Did Denver know this could be a possibility and he's supposed to help us survive?

Ah, any speculation right now is stupid. Focus on saving as many people as possible and focus on that later, starvation could be a huge thing problem if we don't handle it now. There's still the chance he could be completely misguided but I'm not taking that chance,

"Then let's do as you say and prepare for the worst. You make it sound like surviving a literal ice age is easy though gnome"

I'm taking his advice and leading this situation if everyone else is unsure what to do. I swear a tsunami would've arrived by now and if it turns out to be nothing, then no harm done other than a little bit of setback.

"It is though lass! If you'll all just listen to me, I promise we can get through this like it's nothing! Being adaptable is the only thing us dwarfs can master... and metal... and buildings. There's actually a lot but our species can be complete idiots at times as well"

At least the dwarf is extremely confident in surviving, that's a positive if I'm desperately looking for one.

"Marcus and Petra, you two still seem a little sceptical so is it okay if we switch up the plan? You can blame me if a tsunami does show up but that should've happened by now if it was"

At the end of the day, we're still technically running a democracy, even if it's hard to debate against that we're also a dictatorship as well. Eh, tis a pointless problem for people who care.

"Heh, you really think I'd disagree Ikarus?"

"No but... ah forget it. Marcus?

"If the two queens believe Garry, then I'll fully put my trust in his judgement as well. You're going to be helping as much as possible though"

(Garry) "Wouldn't have it any other way Marcus"

At least we're all in agreement then, I'm actually a little surprised Penelope didn't barge in with something stupid to mention like these usual things. Don't tempt fate Ikarus, we're being professional and Miss gender bender will only cause annoyance.

"Let's go prepare for the end of the world then..."

Could be what the prophecy foretold and this volcano is a consequence of my existence? It matters little anyways, were going to survive this...


"Hey Petra, I know serious stuff is happening right now but the marriage thing. You're not expecting us to do a shotgun wedding and get it down with tomorrow, right?"

While we're helping out transporting duty getting as much food and dirt to the mines, there's nothing else to discuss while flying so talking with my actual future waifu is always good. To think we are engaged as wife and wife though, hoping we can drag this out as long as possible since wearing a wedding dress is like the last straw in any hopes of there being any guy left within me.

"Heh, was thinking this evening Ikarus. Seriously though, we can always wait years or decades till we've got a good break. This sort of crisis can last dozens of years but if you really don't want to wait, a winter wedding could work just as well. Probably best to avoid thinking too much about it right now though..."

Ah shit, I just realized an ice age could even last millions of years if the ones on Earth are anything to go off. Let's hope Denver has done us a favour setting it off before someone could fuck with it, the thought of living in a cold wasteland really isn't that fun. I reckon us birds and dragons would survive but living all alone in this world seems a little depressing.

"...Heh, feel like I should start calling you honey or darling now"

"Please don't. Being fiancés already causes this bird to be flustered enough and if anything, father used both of those for mother so just nah"

The old dinosaur has kinda ruined those names for me. I'm not even referring to the cheating or anything like that, just being called that makes me think I'm mother or something...

"Heh, I'll just stick to chubby, cute or adorable then... Oh right, we both forgot something else. I was supposed to give you a ring"

And that's when I see Petra hand reach down close to my eye and see the engagement rings she's gotten. Kinda like that bracelet I got given on my birthday but a lot smaller, it's made from white gold and looks pretty basic, but I'm a basic bitch so it's perfect!

"You know... you could've gone for something more over the top if you wanted. You don't have to accommodate for my tastes all the time, I'd have still been happy with a fist sized diamond, ya know?"

"Heh, never realized you had such expensive tastes Ikarus. Is my future wife going to become possession orientated then? I'll have to literally go gold digging to accommodate your tastes"

Her teasing is just... it probably sounds like she's calling me a gold digger or something but it's Petra for Christ's sake! Our sense of humour has always been pretty weird.

"No no, it's perfect... why do I even bother with you at times? We're here now so get ready to jump off"

"Heh, I'd rather cling on to your back if I'm being honest"

"Suit yourself... I'll put the ring on later then"

'I'm guessing it's enchanted and will attach to one of my talons? Petra thinks about everything so that's probably the case'

Landing just outside the mine, you really should take a look at how busy the place is. All around us is boxes, crates and barrels all being transported underground in preparation for what may be incoming. The place is choc-a-block.

This isn't the only place being prepped like this though, the entire settlement has gone into full preparation mode. All windows are being sealed, people are lined up in the streets being instructed what to do and the blacksmiths are all working overtime to create as much gear to help as possible. Trying to create that mysterious dwarven filtration crap is something I have no idea on except it uses gold, that's literally it. Let's just hope all this extreme preparation is all overdramatic and in vain though.

"Listen up everybody! If we don't get everything down here by tonight, you'll all be working overtime for a week!"

"Yes boss!"

"Damn scrawny bastard..."

It seems Jaxon is handling the main operation getting things underground using the miners to their full capabilities. The people remaining on the surface however seem to be mainly focused around Zeki, Ariza and Ria.

The strange thing is, this is the first time I've seen Zeki and Ariza in bird from for quite the while. We did send out the order everyone has to help the preparation regardless and they look to have bags and straps attached to them so they've obviously been helping a load too.

(Zeki) "Move your fucking asses, ya lazy bastards! If this ends up being a waste of time, me and orangey are going to have words"

(Ria) "It's better to be safe rather than sorry girly boy... can you please change back in a minute?"

"Stop perving over me woman, goddamn it! I'm not your portable jug machine!"

(Ariza) "You really should stay as female Zeki, it's cool having us all like this and you kinda deserve it if I'm being honest"

"Don't you start talking about karma again brother, your potion caused this so now you also need to take some blame. To think I actually cried when you died"


Oh, for the love of God, why did Zeki have to say something that nasty? I'd step in and give him a kick right now if Ariza wasn't pissed off as well.

"Don't start acting like a dick again Zeki or I promise you, you'll be stuck like this longer than a month. Mr Loki himself keeps offering to send more potions if it's to cause you discomfort"

"Ah... sorry brother, you know I didn't mean it"

"Then why even say it Zeki? That was uncalled for and you know it"

Zeki really has struck a nerve on Ariza there and I can see why, hopefully he just learns to shut up sometimes but we really should avoid getting involved with those kids right now. We still have our duty to do, it's mad that the two queens are on transport duty but don't start getting snobby Ikarus. This is really one of the two tasks we do over here now, the other being council meetings.

"We should probably get a move on now. Heh, giddyap Ikarus!"

Giddyap!? Now I'm Petra's horse apparently, at least she's a breath of fresh air to the stressful aura around here. I'll drop this load off, then I'll play along with her since why the hell not? It's not like this is going to turn into some weird fetish thing, it bloody better not be...

"Yes ma'am! I'll move now-, don't you dare kick me Petra, I will throw you into a tree..."


The next several days were filled with nonstop flying around everywhere in preparation and now, we're currently resting in a tree looking towards the skies while we've got a moment. It's more like I'm in the tree with Petra's camped in my back feathers but it still kinda counts as both of us.

It's a weird position but this is something we can't help doing when got a second, can't be having sexy time every break we get. Ah, the end of the world may be incoming but that's not going to stop our fun when we've got a moment. We'd normally do it most days if other things aren't going on.

"Look Ikarus... think the gnome's worries were correct"

Far off in the distance to the west, is what clearly looks to be clouds consuming the sky as dark as the void slowly heading towards us. Normally, looking at clouds wouldn't be a world ending thing but with all the scare going around at the moment, we'd be foolish to assume everything will be alright. The do seem to look a little unnatural though.

"Let's just hope it's just a simple storm approaching. That does look really ominous though..."


---And volume 3 is complete! Thanks to everyone making it this far and boy, this volume has been pretty long, this was the only time I could think of that would suit an ending to it. Reckon we're halfway through the story now but don't take that as fact. There's still loads to tell and hopefully you can see the ending with me!

---There's not much to add this time around other than the usual, an interval will be out tomorrow (There's a HUGE AI update as well) and shouldn't be gone too long as well, doubtful it'll even be a week. 

---What to expect from the next volume? Surviving the ice age, a lot of story/adventure driven content with party members again and the lovebirds basically becoming untouchable...

---Should finally be doing a patron advanced chapter thing as well when returning if anyone wants to know, still going to remain entirely free regardless. Thanks once again and see you soon! (Or in the comments cause they still all get read)