So, I guess we're back! I'll be doing these epilogue chapters once a week so once we hit get to no.9 (Technically 12 epilogue chapters in total), that will be it. Could always return to this story at a later date and add more, that's all I'm doing for now though. Afterwards, it will be 100% focus on the other novel…
Blissful peace, no sight of even a traitor. Enough time loitering, time surpassed a mere five years later…
'Sighhh… what time do you call this? Midday they said, the sun is long past that point already'
All along the watchtow-, I mean alone on the coast, I scan the ocean channel in search of a dragon that is obnoxiously late. Sure, they told me not to bother teleporting over as it would be of help, as if this goddamn waiting is doing me a favour!
As I huff and puff about the waiting, I finally catch a glimpse of some darkened wings in the distance. It's about bloody time!
The purple dragon eventually reaches the shore, finds room to land and one of the passengers gets down while the other two, much smaller in size remain seated on that harness up on her back.
(Emperor Desmond) "Oh, erm… Ikarus? That you?"
"*Sighhh*… don't ask, Desmond. Always blame the wife… you should know that better than anyone else"
(Desmond) "Why are you looking at me like that, Es? Ikarus is the one who said it!"
In order to explain my Brooklyn like appearance, it first comes down to the fact Petra is a she-devil. She's been withholding you know what unless I live in my original body! The amount of kinky stuff in the bedroom she's made me do is terrifying!
In all seriousness and sarcasm aside, it started as my idea in order to try and appear slightly more masculine to someone. Now, it's just something I do… maybe once or twice a month? There's no funny story to it really… kinda wish crossdressing didn't suit me so much still.
"Okay… well the playdate is over at least. Any reason for the… clothing? Guess Petra is the sort to be into that"
"Didn't you just hear me? I said don't ask!"
(Desmond) "Well anyways, the problem has been returned… it's a damn joke, Es!"
A poor bullied emperor receives a deathly stare from the dragon empress. I really should be taking Esmerelda's side here… but I can't help but take his side. Just because I love the kid doesn't mean he isn't a gigantic pain in the arse.
"We've got to head to the Underworld so let's hurry up… alright kids? You two going to say hello yet?"
Still on Esmerelda's back, one of the little kids is clearly trying his best at hiding but fails to a greet degree. It wouldn't surprise me if he flips the bird or something. The other, she is a sweetheart.
(Girl) "Umm… h-hi Ikarus. Are you… e-erm, okay?"
"I'm alright, Jaq. I'm honestly worried he might drive you insane"
One of the kids is purple haired in colour, has a slight stutter but is kind, polite and is delightful to be around. Jaquelin is her name and she's a charm. The other however… might be the reincarnation of Satan and Lucifer combined…
(Boy) "Jaq likes me, mummy number two! You're just stinky so no one like you!"
"Oi! You wanting a beating, Brooks?"
It shouldn't be hard to figure out who he's named after just from that alone. Naming him Brooks really isn't something I could argue with considering Petra pooped him out. Basically the same thing, ain't no one gonna tell me otherwise.
"Nooo! Why isn't mummy number one here to save me?"
Seeing the little brat try to hide his grin and pretend to hide even more up on Esmerelda's scaly back, this kid has always been smarter than he lets on and knows I'd never lay a hand on him. Cheeky little shit…
To be fair, he has made good friends with Jaquelin, the heir to the Sierran empire. By the rumours that made their way here, Esmerelda is trying to get Desmond to make another heir since she loves this one so much. Heh, that means the concubine is going to get some more action.
No one knows who she is but all know she lives in the palace, carries the same protection and status as the empress herself and doesn't see the light of day. It's nothing sinister, apparently sunlight makes her ill so the arrangement works for all parties.
Maybe not Desmond though, I've heard more rumours he's had to cry himself to sleep on the nights he sleeps with her. Kinda got told off by the wife for making that joke, he obviously still dislikes the arrangement. Just look at his resting face! Or did Desmond always look a little grumpy? Could be both.
(Ikarus) "I'd love to stay and chat, but we're late enough already. Come on boy, your mother awaits us in the Underworld…"
"Heh, how are the two men of our little family today? Did he behave, Ikarus?"
'I'm not even justifying that with a response'
"Of course I did, mummy number one! Don't listen to mummy number two, she lies and sucks!"
In the bowels of the Underworld, deep in the heart of the fiery pits of Tartarus, our family finally meets up once again and I can't help but already show my pouting face. The little brat takes after his birth mother way too much.
It's not even the number thing that winds me up, he's basically calling me a turd by saying number two. It's the mother thing that's annoying. As soon as he could talk, he called me dada twice and then decided he ain't doing it no longer. Even Petra tried to help, he wasn't having it though.
Heck, it's not like I want to be referred to as a dude… or a gal. Look, time doesn't make this whole gender bending thing easier! I just do what I want nowadays and try not to care as much, I just don't like being called mummy!
"Was I supposed to ask if he's been okay? They'd let him get away with murder if it means we'd marry him off"
It's already been heavily rumoured that when the two kids come of age, they will get married to officially solidate the ties between our islands and the empire. It's ridiculous really, it's up to him if he wants to do something like that. He may be pretty smart, but at his age, what kid even understands the concept of love? This little bratty genius probably does with the sly grin that's now growing on his face.
Oh right, I've left it long enough so while Petra picks him to have a hug, let's go into the fine details of why he even exists.
Well kids, when a mummy and daddy love each other very much, they hump and then a magical stalk brings over a bill, charging them for bringing another soul into this capitalistic world. Being serious though, did you ever expect me to birth out a baby myself!? This was all on Petra.
Let's just say after a drunkenly stupid night, I called her bluff. All the teasing with the Brooklyn thing led up to this one point so I thought screw it, let's just give her what she wants.
Boy, that night was really disappointing. I was completely right that my endurance as a dude would suck beyond belief. Was the kid worth the broken hand Petra gave me during childbirth? Maybe… ignore the fact I'm lying, considering he hatched. She did have problems pooping out the egg though, it is odd he came out as a child rather than a phoenix though.
You may also be thinking, oh Ikarus, how the hell were you two lovebirds even able to create another soul? Unbeknown to us, we're both fertile now! Apparently becoming Gods in the journey to enter the heavens fixed that problem. You'd think we would've been told about this earlier…
'Don't you be doing that! As my system, shouldn't you have the information that maybe my seed is now packing a punch?'
This is the most creative way I can imagine saying I'm fertile. Please, just leave me be!
'Huff… guess some things never change. You really can be useless at times…'
"We getting a move on now?"
The reason for our visit shall be known soon enough, just we need find what we're looking for first. Thankfully, I married a stalker so she's always been great at sniffing out people who need to be found. The Underworld is a stupidly huge place though.
"Fineee… I want mummy number two to carry me though. She's really fluffy"
"Yeah yeah kid… I know my role in this family already. Both of you, climb on up"
Quickly changing form to carry the fam around Tartarus, Petra nuzzles her face into my beak before helping Brooks on up. Closest thing to kissing we can do when we're like this.
"Heh, love you, Ikarus"
"You too Petra, you too. Just climb on up already… someone is feeling sick"
"Eww, gross! You two shouldn't do that!"
Ignoring the little shit, Petra helps him and herself onto my back all the while Brooks can't help but start making gagging noises. I'm sure most kids are like that, who really wants to see their parents kissing anyway?
High above Tartarus so high, like a little phoenix way up in the sky, I have to watch where I'm going otherwise I might fly into the ceiling. Of course, the place depicted as literal hell would have a brimstone top, just slightly hard to spot with all the foggy smoke and steam floating up from all the pits of lava.
After gliding around for a bit following where Petra says to go, mostly over the ocean, we finally come across quite the sight on a little island just ahead of us.
(Mute) <…!>
Located on a smaller brimstone island is quite the packed and crowded sight. Three dragons stand cramped around with the navy-coloured Mute being the smallest now. It wouldn't surprise me if brown Minos is close to what father's original size is by now.
Now and then, we lend a hand in the search to find father down here. It's basically like searching for a needle in a haystack or combing the desert, our efforts feel pointless but at least it's a nice getaway. Brooks doesn't seem to mind it but then again, I think he just likes being up on my back and the heat. It is really nice and warm down here.
For some reason, mother seems fixated on sticking her nose into the endless lava like ocean that adores this place. What's the bet father once took a dump here or something?
"Aight everyone? How are thin-"
Cutting me off, mother does something that shocks all of us. She literally dives face first into the lava and out of sight!
"Fuck that bruv, I'm not going down there!"
Remember the whole hydra incident where I nearly drowned in a pit of lava like this? There isn't a chance in hell I'm doing that again, just think about how annoying that fury sister was!
Thankfully, mother is only down for a moment, only to grab a mouthful of air and then darts straight back down! Is father really going to be hiding under a pit of lava!?
"Erm… mummies? What's that shiny thing over there? I can see two of them!"
"Heh, can see that as well, Brooks. Full steam ahead, Ikarus"
'Huh? Swear my eyesight is terrible at times. People with ocean-coloured eyes can see more I guess'
Where our boy is pointing… I'm not really sure but it's definitely on the brimstone ceiling.
Going over to where the family says, I finally start to see what those two are seeing and it's comparable to diamonds shining against the light. As we get even closer, the two shining orbs shine brighter and reveals something mostly transparent. It almost looks like an invisible lizard, upside down on a rock from here…