Two days went by
I couldn't believe I have made such a bad impression on someone's mind. i can't even digest the fact that the person who said so is my own well known friend (i dont even know if i should call her my friend anymore
It was during the French hour
Everyone were seated in their respective seats , I saw that nivi was especially happy for some reason.
I didn't want to say anything are fight with her. So I kept calm and acted normal and that's when she came to me , sat next to me.
Yes I was seated in between two girls, Rathika on one side and nivi on the other side. she started talking to me about random stuffs.
I tried to be as calm and composed as possible, that's when she kept pestering me and started tapping me (on shoulder and lap)
French master – "what do you what jae ? always talking to girls ? first stand up !"
Without any further questioning I stood up !!
French master – " if you don't wanna attend my class , you can leave
Do not try to grab attention and distract the class "
Without arguing with him I stepped out of the class room , without giving any look to anyone.
I was made to stand outside the class, Right in front of the door.
And me without giving eye contact with anyone I stood outside because I was not the one who spoke.
Nivi was the one who was speaking and the others were commenting about it
Once the class got over the French master again scolded me saying , not to disturb his class.
As I entered the class I saw my group of friends talking to one another about their farewell
I went to the desk were my books were placed without abiding farewell, I started walking towards the front door of the class room to leave the class room.
And that's when I heard someone calling my name "jae"
I pretended not to hear and I started walking towards my classroom to attend the other class (next hour).
That's when I saw a figure coming and standing in front of me panting
Pant pant ... following her I saw few of my other friends blocking my way to the classroom
Nivi – "come on jae cool man !!! "
Pavi – " why are you so worked up ?"
After a moment of silents I lifted my head and said
Jae – "way !"
Rathika – "why angry ? all of sudden"
I repeated myself
Jae – " leave way, I have class to attend "
Rathika – " even we have class to attend what do you think ?"
Without any further words I moved myself from the crowd and walked to my class room
Rathika – " don't worry yeah ! I will take care of him" "he is just angry at the moment ! he will be alright after some time "
After saying this Rathika followed me
As the seats were shuffled, we didn't get to talk to one another
So, I was listening to the biology lecture which was taken by the staffs which was the next period
Once the class got over, I saw harini coming towards my seat.
Harini – " hey hi ! you seem busy all the time "
Jae – " not really "
Harini – " okay now that its lunch time shall we have lunch together ? "
Since I don't like having food with people I am not really close to, so I planned to refuse
Rathika – " jae ! whats wrong with you?"
Just to avoid Rathika , I told
Jae –" why not ? what did you bring for lunch ?"
Rathika – " hey I am talking to you, why are you ignoring me ?"
jae – " sorry Rathika I am planning to have food with harini"
" lets go harini" "is hari gonna join us ?"
I tried to initiate conversation just to avoid conversation with them that's when I saw nivi and pavi coming inside my class and since they saw me with harini , they didn't interrupt me and went to speak with Rathika
Rathika POV – as usual I was sitting with jae during our French class, but from no where this nivi came and sat on the other side of the seat squeezing me and jae.
For some reason since this morning itself , jae seems to be upset and I didn't want to be nosy , so I didn't ask him for explanation. Anyways if I ask him for the reason also , his answer would be " I am fine " which Is not the truth
So without disturbing him, I planned to listen to the class that was going on
That's when nivi interrupted and started talking about the k series that's going on viral and we started having conversation about it .
Though nivi was talking a lot and kept asking questions to jae, he seemed to be inattentive.
That's when nivi started tapping jae in his shoulder with her arm.
Right when I was about to look at nivi
French master called jae's name out.
French master – "what do you what jae ? always talking to girls ? first stand up !"
Without any further questioning he stood up !!
French master – " if you don't wanna attend my class , you can leave
Do not try to grab attention and distract the class "
Jae who usually argues with the French master usually. Did not speak a word and went outside the class and stood silently.
I was shocked and also speechless. (this is not how he normally is )
All the while he was standing outside I tried to talk to him (i gestured him) but he didn't give eye contact to me
Not just me, but to anyone.
Once the class got over I planned to go talk to jae,since nivi was talking and laughing about her previous class with pavi, i couldnt break the conversation and leave inbetween and choose to join them in it. that's when I noticed French master scolding him.
Since we have submitted out assignment note , I went to collect it as the class got over.
But that's when he escaped from the class.
I ran to my table and collected all my books and without forgetting I took jae's and my assignment notes and started to run behind him.
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