Chapter 2: Good and Evil

After the first meeting between Adam and Borri, Adam went to work again without really thinking or caring about the words of Borri. He was rather a rational person, so he didn't care all too much about what just happened. He just thought that Borri is a person that probably needs psychological help based on what he said, he might be schizophrenic thought Adam.

"I hate this job, it's always the same. Humans work jobs they don't like, buy things they don't need, to impress people they don't like. I'm neither buying stuff I don't need nor do I like humans in general. It's just how society works these days, either you become a machine or you fall into an abyss where you become lowly human scum without any influence. But, wouldn't both at the end be lowly scum?"

An hour passed, and an hour is still left over for Adam till he gets released out of his office.

"The more I think about humanity, the more I feel disgusted. A famous physicist once said that either the universe is infinite or human stupidity, and I myself am not sure about the universe, but humans are…"

Someone interrupted Adam's soliloquy, it's his secretary. A 21 year old woman by the name Eve bonaespei, Bonaespei is latin and means full of hope. She has blond hair, and a well built figure. Most call her a natural beauty.

"I'm sorry Mr. Falsumlux, it wasn't my intention to interrupt you, but the chief is calling for you."

"Sure, tell him I'll be there in a minute."


Adam moved out of his office, on his way to the chief's office he looked outside the window. There was a fire in town, but Adam didn't care at all, on the contrary, he felt an unconscious satisfaction by seeing the house burning. The thought of humans burning to death in that house made him feel good in a way, but he didn't know why.

"Chief, I'm here, you called me. Eve told me you want to speak with me."

"Yes, that's correct. I know we had a little confrontation this morning, but I'd like to offer you a special promotion. You've got the chance to work in New York city in one of our ally companies. So, what do you think about this offer? I thought it might be a good one, since you're doing a good job."

"I don't really care about either, at the end I don't care about working here or there. It's everywhere the same."

"Eh, whatever that means. Just let me know till the end of the week if you accept this offer or not. Otherwise, I might give that offer to William, he does a good job too!"

Disgusting, isn't it? That's what Adam thought at that moment.

"The irony of society, they're always postulating for human rights, and security for all individuals, but at the end they're not even viewed as individuals, they're more of pieces that can be replaced if they don't fit the expectations. Humans are replaceable machines, living in an illusion where they see no true light, not the actual reality. A society that denies the idea of death, within the consumption cycle they lose sense of reality, only seeing the shadows and illusions they want to see… disgusting animals…"

What does it mean to be a human? The sense of mortality? The self-consciousness? The sense of having feelings? Unfolding your own form, rather than being formed by others into a puzzle-like system, where you lose your individuality. That's the point where you lose one of the most essential intrinical predicates that defines what a human is. That's what Adam thought on his way home.

"I'm wondering about my own position in this society, am I even a part of this master-slave morality? I don't consider myself to be a part of that herd, alone the thought of it makes me nauseous, but I'm neither a part of a master morality. All of this master-slave duality within society is the average scum you'd expect from humans. Morality in itself is an illusion humans believe in, there's no universal truth within morality, moral is interpretation not truth, and humans - as stupid as they are - accept it as something objective instead of questioning it."

It's evening, the sun has set, and Adam is on his way home to his apartment. Suddenly, he hears a cry, it was that of a woman. The woman runs toward him, she is full of blood. A guy with knives chases her. It's midnight, the whole town is empty.

"Help me, someone please."

"Haha, haha, HAHAHAH."

Adam stares at them with empty eyes, eyes that are blank and a face without expression while the woman runs towards him in search of help.

"You there, please help me."

"Don't run you stupid whore, let me slice you up and eat you. It's my right to do so."

The woman reaches Adam, she falls to the ground in front of Adam while that mysterious guy stops in front of him too. He stares into Adam's eyes.

"Y-You, what are those eyes? They are blank, but yet filled with something, something dark like… hatred, death… I'm not sure, but it feels like I stare into death, my own death, those eyes… It feels like a reflection of me, WHAT ARE THOSE EYES??? "

The mysterious guy seems to be a cannibal, and insane. Adam still stands there without showing a single expression. He remains in silence.

"I don't feel the desire to help her, I'm rather feeling like crushing both of them. I don't know the reason for why I'm feeling this desire, but it feels like they're me, like they are me, but not me at the same time, rather a part of me."

Adam still remains without expression, just staring at them. His eyes, blank but filled with hatred and death.

"Not a bad guess, Adam. That might indeed be the reason for why you feel that phantastic desire, haha."

"You, are you Borri?"

"Yes, that's indeed me, Francesco Giuseppe Borri. What a wonderful moment to meet you, don't you think so, Adam? Haha."

Midnight has passed, the whole town is empty except the four of them.

Adam replies to Borri:

"What do you mean by a wonderful moment to meet?"

Borri smirks

"What do I mean by 'wonderful moment'? Isn't it obvious to begin with? This act of violence, Adam, doesn't it perfectly represent the future of humanity? The hopeless future which humanity can't escape, yet they keep running from it in search of hope for someone to save them… Let me ask you one thing, Adam. If the devil doesn't exist, who do you think created him?"

"If the devil doesn't exist, but the concept is still being established in the history of humanity, then the humans created him in their own image and likeness. Humans are evil, in a sense they're the devil themself."

Adam, while still remaining without expression, forms his thoughts into a another sentence and replies:

"At the end, all I know is that humans are disgusting, and the thing they're based on and made from should have never existed in the first place."

Borris smirk grows bigger than ever before:

"Wonderful answer, Adam. Now what do we do with them? Should I save her, kill both of them, or only kill the one that intended to commit an act of violence? Haha."

"Do whatever you want, I don't care."

Replies Adam, while ignoring his desire to crush both of them. The feeling of seeing humans losing hope and getting crushed is a form of satisfaction for him. Not just a desire, it's more like his nature.

Borri smirks so hard he is about to break out in a laugh.

Borri speaks to himself:

"I can't hold my laugh, hahahahaha."

While remaining on the outside with his usual smirk.

Adam decided to walk away, and Borri killed both of them while laughing within his consciousness. He took the knives from that guy without a big effort, and killed both of them in a matter of seconds. But, before he killed the women, she screamed towards Borri:

"You are the devil."

Borris smirk went down, his expression grew into hatred. He killed her, and the other guy. Then he turned around to Adam, and said:

"Adam, this isn't our last meeting either. Don't forget my offer, my friend. I'm ready to help you anytime to fulfill your desire, haha"

Adam ignores him, and walks away without giving the whole situation a deeper thought. He goes straight home, and into the bathroom. While staring into the mirror after he washed his face, something strange happens:

His face in the mirror changed a bit, the face in the mirror is his, but with a smile and actual emotions. The face in the mirror - his face - shows a positive expression.

"What is happening? I'm not even smiling, there's no reason to smile for me."

Suddenly, the guy in the mirror with his face starts talking to him:

"Do you truly believe that God and the humans are evil, Adam?"

"Who are you? Why are you talking through a mirror with my face?"

"I am you, Adam. Why do you ask such strange questions?"

"Strange questions? You are not me, neither do I show such a positive expression nor would I smile like I've achieved everything in life. How could we be the same person while being complete opposites? You are more like a fool."

"Believe it or not, I am you, and you are me. Why are you so mean, haha."

"What do you want from me? Is this only happening in my head right now, or are you actually in the mirror? Are you some kind of charlatan that took my face to fool me now?"

"No, there's no reason for why I would do so. Now, let's get back to my question. Do you truly believe God and his creation, the humans, are evil?"

"Did you listen to my conversation with Borri?"

"Yes, haha. I told you we are the same person, didn't I? So, tell me, why do you believe God and his creation are evil?"

"If we're the same person, wouldn't you be able to feel what I do?"

"That's not a bad thought, but we don't share the same consciousness. It's like a dissociative identity disorder, but not the same. We are the same, yet our essence is different, and we are able to interact with each other. I'm not sure about this whole situation myself."

"Why does God allow evil? Why did he create humanity while being aware of all the suffering, and the evil that comes from humans? Couldn't he create a good world with free will?"

"That's a common misconception, Adam. It's not God's job to interact with humans. Have you ever heard about the idea of Voluntarism?"

"Yes, it's a doctrine of a philosophy that postulates the will as the fundamental principle of being."

"That's correct, Adam. God does not interact with the world, because of the will within human existence. God does not cure illness, stops natural disasters or murders because he is evil, it's because of the free will behind all living things. His position is natural, he just doesn't interact with the world so that the world follows its own will, and not that of God."

"Then why didn't he create a world with free will and only good?"

"Let's say you are god, and you intend to create a universe in which each thing follows its own will. A universe in which nothing is predetermined, then how do you create a world in which you only can do good, and still act like it's not a form of predetermination? If you're only able to do good, then you are predetermined to only be able to do good, that's not what a free will is… It's a common paralogistic misconception by atheists. Evil exists not because God creates it or is evil himself, it exists for the sake of free will."

Adams' head suddenly starts to hurt. The pain increases to a point where he is about to lose his mind.

"You need to have hope, Adam. Fight for the will of humanity, become what you are supposed to be, Ada…"

Adam hears uncountable screams in his head, the screams of humans in agony. It's like his mind is getting indoctrinated by an infinite amount of humans crying in agony.


Adam punched into the mirror, and shattered it into pieces.

"Leave me alone, stop this. I don't want to hear them, neither do I want to hear you!"

Adam stares into the broken mirror, he sees something in the pieces.

"I-Is that me?"

He sees himself in the broken pieces of the mirror, but it's not a simple reflection, each piece contains a different version of him, but they all have something in common: they suffer.

"What is this?"

Adams' head doesn't stop hurting. He remains in agony while gazing into the countless pieces of the broken mirror.

"That fool, how can he be so optimistic? How can he be so happy about all of this?"

While the pain decreases, he keeps talking to himself:

"The humans I could least endure are The Fools. Believing in the future, having faith about humanity and the universe… All of that is nonsense!"