Chapter 4: The Truth

The police detective seems pretty neutral, his face with a positive expression smiles towards Adam who is sitting on his chair and working. The detective decided to shake hands with Adam as a kind of greeting.

"Hello Mr. Falsumlux, my name is Dave Moriarty. I am here to talk to you about the incidents from last night."

"Yeah, I have heard of it. The incident where two people got murdered?"

"Yes, you seem not to be completely ignorant about it, right?"

"That's true, I heard by coincidence the news on the train."

"Oh, well, that's good, since we can skip the introduction part. The police are right now investigating the case."

"Sure, but why exactly me?"

"Oh, not just you. Currently, the police are questioning all possible people at the moment. You live near the incident."

"So that's the reason, sure."

"Perfect, if you possess any information related to this incident please share them with me or the police office."

"I'm sorry detective, but I do not have any efficient information. But, whenever I find any possible traces related to the incident I share them with you."

"I appreciate your cooperation. I don't want to waste more of your precious time. If you excuse me, I need to go now."

Adam didn't reply, he stood there without moving a finger till the detective moved out of his office. While the detective left the door, the chief came in, and started a conversation with Adam.

„Adam, you need to work overtime for today. We don't have enough workers for the evening."

„Sure, chief."

After a few hours of work, Adam decided to go on the rooftop for his break. Borri followed him, he made his break simultaneously to Adams break. They're now on the same rooftop.

„Heyyy, Adam. Wassup?"

„What do you want? Don't get on my nerves."

„Oh, I'm sorry your majesty. But, you don't need to be so mean, I just wanna talk with you."

Adam stares uninterested at him, while Borri smiles as usual. It's night by now, Adam smokes a cigarette while walking towards the end of the rooftop.

„It's pretty high, isn't it Adam?"

"Yeah, it is."

"What do you think of when you stare down?"

"The desire to end myself that's what you want to hear, right?"

Borri stays calm while wearing his usual smile, and forms his thoughts into a reply.

"You've got sharp senses right there, haha."

"Your real name is not Borri, or am I wrong?"

"Oh, you've finally realized it, haha. Indeed, I have way too many names to count, but my true and only real name is Phosphorus."

"Phosphorus"? Isn't that Greek?"

"Yeah, it is. You've realized it by now, but I'm not just a mere human."

"I'm well aware of that, but what exactly are you? Doesn't Phosphorus mean light-bringer?"

"Life is accompanied always by death, Happiness always by deep depression, light always by shade and so doubt by hope. I am the spirit of negation, I am the personification of all oppositions. I am the one bringing the light to the future, I am the one who is going to save the humans from their own tragedy."

"After all, I knew something was not correct about your whole being. Still, what do you exactly mean by saving the humans from their own tragedy?"

Adam is not all too surprised, his expression and mind remains calm, while the being whose true name seems to be Phosphorus seems kind of strange. He doesn't smirk anymore, he rather has an evil, angry expression and presence. Adam doesn't really feel it, the only evil and hatred he is able to feel is within him, but why?

"Human existence is a failure, and nothing more than suffering. Humans are inherently flawed, their very existence is characterized by a sense of hopelessness, agony and anxiety. Why would the humans confront, and accept the despair? Why should they embrace the futility of human existence and perpetual uncertainty and doubt?"

Adam replies "There's no reason to accept it, accepting meaningless suffering, staying alive for no purpose, all of that is senseless. Most humans don't have the courage to move the step of ending their life, the reason for it is also the uncertainty of what might happen after death, isn't it, at the end, a cycle of pure suffering? Neither wanting to die nor staying alive, afraid of dying, desperate to stay alive."

"Yeah, that's correct. You've been following this ideology since the beginning, it's your very essence."

Adam, for the first time, has a confused expression, and says "What do you mean my very essence?"

"The time has come to reveal the truth about this whole thing, hahaha."

Adam has become calm again, and decided to ask Phosphorus a question.

"What do you mean by the truth "about this whole thing""?

"This world, Adam, is nothing more than a flawed shade. Its true origin is something beyond the physical world. This world is nothing more than a shadow casted upon a wall in which the humans believe to be true. The true light of the world is something metaphysical, it's a realm in which only the perfect concepts exist, the infinite concepts in the so-called "place beyond heaven" are the origin of this whole world, they're the foundation, while this world is nothing more than a shade."

"So, this whole reality is merely a copy of the perfect model?"

"Yeah, since you've mentioned it, the "perfect model" you are referring to is called hyperuranios. Like I said before, this whole reality, this whole story is nothing more than a shadow of the true, and perfect world. You and me Adam are within that metaphysical realm, we are nothing more than shadows of our own existence right now."

Adam stays calm, while Phosphorus is in a more emotional state of mind. Adam forms his thoughts into a sentence and replies "What do you expect me to do now after revealing this?"

"Haha, I desire to help you, I desire to fulfill your wish."

"My wish?" replies Adam.

"Yeah, the end of humanity, don't you feel it within yourself?"

"Feel what exactly?"

"The very will of humanity itself to die."

Adam, in that moment, has come to a realization. Something comes up from his deep unconsciousness, the agony of infinite humans crying. The realization that his mind is being locked within this reality.

There's one thing you need to know Adam, we've had infinite conversations before. That's not our first meeting, haha."

Adam, in suffering holding his hand to his head, replies: "W-What do you mean by that? When did we meet infinite times, since when did we speak so many times?"

"This whole "thing" has more than a platonic realm. Within this world, there exist an infinite number of universes, and you, Adam, keep existing within all of them. They're in a cycle reaping infinitely, you exist and experience within the infinite number of universes every single possibility of human history, and they've all ended the same - in tragedy."

The voices within Adam's head are getting louder, his mind on the edge to shatter. Adam is barely able to formulate a sentence, he lets out a scream.


"Do you remember what I've said before about your essence? We exist in a different plane of existence right now, we are outside the infinite universes, you are the very embodiment of humanity's will to die, humanity's will to kill itself, humanity's will to be freed from agony by achieving a state of non-existence through death."

"H-H-How d-do I s-stop this???" replies Adam.

"There's a way, your self is splitted into infinite parts across the infinite universes. There an infinite amount of "you" across the universes, you as the very embodiment of humanity's will to die, you need to kill yourself in any possible universe to stop the tragedy of humanity to ever happen."

Phosphorus tells Adam that the only way to end the agony is to kill any possible version of himself, since Adam is considered to be the modality of humanity. If the fundament is shattered, then everything collapses. By this, Phosphorus is able to eradicate the possibility of humanity ever happening to exist, they're a failure without a hope following his ideology. But, one thing Adam does not know is, that these infinite universes, these infinitely stacked narratives upon each other are narratives written and manipulated by Phosphorus himself. He has written infinite narratives, in which within all realities humanity is going to suffer and be destroyed by a tragedy. Adam's mind was duplicated and locked infinitely, now since this version of Adam who embodies the collective will of all Adam's that exist comes to a realization that every possible reality in which humans exist only ends in a tragedy, he decides to follow Phosphorus' words. He is going to destroy every possible version of him to be freed from the suffering, to save himself and humanity.

Phosphorus while watching Adam screaming agony smirks and falls into a monologue.

"If he is able to kill himself, he will wake up in the true world. When the time comes, I'll leave this world too. It's going to be the final part of my plan. He needs to kill the very concept of himself, and that's only possible in the world that gives birth to everything, the world of the perfect model, some might consider it the garden of eve, some might consider it as the archive of all concepts that are used to create the worlds and realities, dimensions as well as space and time. If the idea of Adam, the father of humanity, is being deleted, then humanity will never ever happen. This whole thing, these infinite narratives, the infinitely repeating cycle of all realities are nothing more than a play I created to shatter his mind, so he will attempt to kill himself."

Phosphorus revealed most of his plan, the reason for why he can't kill Adam by himself in this so-called perfect world is because he is being protected by a thing, a being Phosphorus hates the most, someone who created everything including Phosphorus himself. Phosphorus was able to tempt Adam into sin in the real world, so he lost partially of his divine protection which allowed Phosphorus to indoctrinate him. In the end, he can't kill him by himself, so he needs to manipulate Adam into thinking the future has no hope which was the reason for why he created everything. Some might think it's too much what he did, but for Phosphorus it was nothing more than a play.

Phosphorus continued his monologue.

"That thing, I hate him. I negate his values, I want to destroy his values and re-create them with mine. I don't want to follow authorities or systems above me, and by destroying the idea of humanity I will prove the failure in his creation, I will prove that the beings he created are below me."

The "thing" Phosphorus is referring to is not a person or something like that, it's like a divine consciousness, the absolute highest reality, the highest cosmic principle that has given form to everything while being formless, and nothingness itself. The only possible way to describe it is an empty circle. It is the emptiness from which the fullness emerges from. The circle symbolizes absoluteness, while being completely empty inside. The thing is ( ) and from ( ) everything comes from. Phosphorus intends to reach it, to archive the ultimate form of existence, to become the ultimate authority of everything, to destroy and re-react everything with his own values instead of following values from values above him.

"He always interacts with us through a representative version of himself, a kind of an avatar to interact with us "lower beings" which is what I hate the most. At some point, he created the perfect-model world, created many angels aside from me, and created Adam, the first human." said Phosphorus.

"But, I am going to overthrow him, I just started this whole thing. First I'll destroy Adam, then I'll start destroying the perfect-model world, then I'll find a way to reach ( ) so that I can manifest my values in everything that exists."

Adam, ignoring Phosphorus, runs down the whole building without using the elevator, he reaches the ground floor on which the reception is located. He stares into the blank square painting, it seems to be a way to the ultimate reality, the way to become and reach ( ).

"Stop these voices, I can't stand this anymore. My head hurts, my head hurts, my head hurts, my head hurts, my head hurts, my head hurts, my head hurts." says Adam while he goes into the painting.

Suddenly, Phosphorus comes into Adam's mind, he remembers the words he told him.

"I need to climb up these infinite universes, kill each possible version of myself to be freed from this, right?"

"Yeah, indeed. That's your fate."

Adam starts to smirk, his mind completely shattered, he takes a knife that suddenly appeared before him which was created by Phosphorus.

"Haha..haha..HAHAHAHA." Adam burst out into a laugh while starting to slaughter, and massacre himself. Each version he kills, each version is him, so he feels the same pain they feel while being slaughtered by him.

"Hey you, you look like me?" Says Adam. While Adam replies:

"Yeah, I do, haha." After replying he killed him.

Phosphorus spectating the whole thing burst out in a laugh.

"HAHAHAAHAHAH. The more you kill of yourself, the more you lose yourself. How is identity being defined? A guy named Carl Gustav Jung believed that individualization is a determined process, everyone has a born process of individuality that realizes itself over time as same as how a seed falls into the earth and with information already innate growing into a tree he believed individuality following the same principle into growing into who you actually are."

Adam continues to lose more meaning of himself. He continues to climb up the universes, going beyond every universe, viewing it from the higher one as a mere piece of nothingness. The higher he climbs, the more he loses himself, but, maybe, that's the individualization process he follows.

"Hey, you, why do you look like me?"

Adam, without replying, kills him.

"We look the same, maybe we can work togethe.."

Adam kills him before he could finish the sentence.

"Y-You who are you, and why do you look like me?"

Adam replies with a smirk "Just shut up." and kills him before he could reply on it.

The more Adam climbs up, the more his name loses its meaning. Adam before climbing into the next universe, he suddenly starts to realize something.

"Eh, who am I? Wasn't my name something like Adau? Maybe Adar or maybe Borri? Who am I?" said Adam. It seems the more he killed himself, the more letters from his name fell off. It was at first Adam, then Ada and now Ad. If he reaches the point where his name loses all the letters he will achieve a new meaning, something new. His new name will be ( ), that's his true nature. The desire for nothingness, which was also the reason why Phosphorus was being commanded to bow below Adam, since Adam is connected to the ultimate nature of all things, he is and will become again one with ( ). ( ) is a point where no infinity is being able to reach it, not even the absolute infinity. By destroying himself infinitely, transcending the idea of self and identity going beyond the conception of infinity, he will reach his true nature through his connection to the ( ). The divine consciousness will realize his true being. The idea of closing the circle, Adam was once talking about the Enso, the circle with an opening symbolizing imperfectness being inherently a part of existence as same as suffering being inherently a part of every human existence. By now, Adam full of blood stands at the gate of hyperuranios, the world that contains any possible concept in a perfect form, the point from which all realities and narratives are only considered mere shadows of the true perfect-model world.

"Hahaha. HAHAHA. T-This pain. Am I evil? Am I good? No, who even am I? HAHAHA."

A moral dilemma, isn't it? Destroying humanity before they started to exist. Is it an act of goodness or just evil? Should we end the suffering, or should we let humans continue to exist but with the consequences of suffering? Isn't it at the end both understandable, but both in a sense wrong at the same time? You kill to stop suffering, or you save to let suffering continue.