Sly Lord Carlisle

Covering her face in frustration, she groaned. She would refuse him now and whatever it was he was offering, that would be best, she finally concluded. Walking once more and back to him, she said. "I appreciate your hand of friendship, but I am afraid I would not be able to afford being your friend."

He was staring again. "Whatever do you mean by that?"

"I cannot be your friend. I am grateful for the breakfast and the invitation to visit the Castle with you, even more grateful for inviting my sister and my cousin, but I must decline on their behalf and mine."

"You are refusing me." He simply stated.

She bowed fully. "I apologize if I am being rude." She dared to look him in the eyes. He wasn't amused, nor was he enraged, his face held no expression. Beth didn't know what to do after. With a slight stutter, she said. "I should leave now."

No reply. The Duke stood before her, watching her. His gaze made it difficult for her to meet his eyes. They were intent upon her and her cheeks were starting to burn. Momentarily, she was reminded of the previous night and his palm upon said cheeks, roaming freely and causing unknown havoc.

His voice came in, low and slow, visiting her mind and bringing her back to the present. "I'll have the same carriage take you back." She exhaled and bowed again. He was obliging. "But you must forgive me as I would ride you." She lifted her head. "I have business to attend to in town."

She nodded and together they walked in silence to the waiting carriage. Beth didn't know what to do or say to him as they rode back. His face held still no expression; therefore she wondered what thoughts ran through his mind. She simply wished he wasn't all that angry at her. But why should he be? She had a right to refuse him as much as anyone could.

As they arrived at Rosethorn Hill, Beth's conscience pricked her at the thought that the Duke was angry at her. Her Aunt stood afar off, waving at them, probably holding a smile on her face. "Your Grace, I am sincerely sorry if my refusal has offended you."

He finally turned to her. "It is nothing to worry about." Her sister, her cousin and her Uncle quickly joined at the entrance. She hoped it really was nothing.

When they reached the entrance, Beth exhaled deeply as the Duke alighted and helped her out. The morning sun had gained a bit of harshness, burning her skin and threatening to blind her. Her family greeted her with beaming, bright smiles. Her Aunt's the brightest of them all.

"Mr. Gallagher." A quick handshake was exchanged. "Thank you for permitting your wife's niece to accompany me at breakfast today. Her presence was lovely."

Beth was surprised at the words of the Duke. She would admit that breakfast had been wonderful and every moment before, but her refusal should have dampened the morning, shouldn't it? She walked closer to her Aunt.

Her Uncle bowed and the Duke nodded. "Thank you for the invite. I'm pretty sure she had a nice time." She did, she wasn't so sure anymore that the Duke did.

Then his eyes met hers. "I enjoyed her presence so much that I invited her to the Castle with me."

"What?!" Beth blurted, her eyes bulging.

"The invite was extended to her sister and her cousin." He turned back to her Uncle. "You have the right to allow them to come, but I wish you wouldn't refuse me."

Uncle Fitzwilliam stroked his chin. "What are your intentions towards her, Your Grace? For I must protect her and the honour of my family."

"Nothing out of the ordinary." He looked to Beth again as though daring her to counter. "My intentions are neither dishonourable nor offensive. I simply wish her to be my friend."

Quickly, Beth reported. "Uncle, I have refused him already."

"Refused my hand of friendship?"

"Refuse the visit to the Castle." She almost yelled at the Duke. Everyone was staring at her. "I already declined on our behalf." She repeated. "Your Grace, I already refused your offer."

Aunt Marrily nudged her. "Quiet dear, His Grace was not talking to you."

"But Aunt Mar…"


In disbelief, Beth looked again to the Duke, questioning him with her eyes. Then she looked to her Uncle who seemed to be considering the offer. The Duke continued. "She said she is to return home in less than a fortnight. A day's journey to the Castle, another back, five days at the Castle is all I seek."

Beth was almost pleading. "But Your Grace, that is not necessary."

Again her Aunt came to the Duke's rescue. "Quiet I say dear, let your Uncle speak with His Grace."

This was unbelievable! How was her Aunt so calm when she felt as though she was being bargained over and over again? And would someone please stop the girls from their non-stop giggling? She caught the exchange of looks between her Aunt and Uncle and knew it was over.

Uncle Fitzgerald gave the Duke an once-over. "Walk with me, Your Grace." The men left.

"Five days at the Castle! This is amazing!" Lucy screamed even while the Duke and her Uncle were still in earshot.

Gwen's eyes brightened. "This is like a fairytale come true."

Beth couldn't anymore with them. "We won't be visiting. Have you not been listening? I refused him."

Aunt Marrily inclined her head. "My dear, he speaks now with your Uncle for the same reason. Best go prepare for the trip."

She was irked. "Why are you so calm about this Aunt Marrily? You have neither knowledge, nor the knowledge of knowing why he is seeking my company."

Aunt Marrily brushed her hair backwards. "If you fear him taking the route of other men in the gentry, I assure you, I will never allow him to have his way." She took Beth's hand and patted it down. "I simply want you to have the best of life and if it includes you visiting the Castle for the next few days, I will have it no other way." Then, she smiled. "Perhaps you might just about bring a suitor home."

She sighed exasperated. "Aunt Marrily."

"Look how happy the girls are." Gwen and Lucy pushed closer, beady-eyed and eager. "Do it for them."

She exhaled deeply, conceding defeat. Who could win against logic and emotional blackmail?

A few moments later, the men returned. "Beth, I have his solemn promise that you, Lucy and Gwen would be safe and that he would be your protector in the next seven days." Someone squealed quietly. "You should prepare to visit, but only if you want to, I will have it no other way." He paused."Now do you?"

Beth's eyes perused the faces of all present, except the Duke's. Aunt Marrily was eager for her answer, almost confident she would agree. Lucy and Gwen must have said silent prayers and deep down in her, Beth wanted to visit too. She wanted so much an adventure and not just the ones she ventured on in her head through her books, real adventure, in the real world. "Seven days?" She asked.

Confident, the Duke answered looking straight at her. "Yes."

"Okay." She finally agreed. The younger girls shouted out and nearly jumped in joy, while her Aunt chuckled. Uncle Fitzwilliam patted her shoulder and walked past her into the mansion, bringing his wife along.

"See you tomorrow, then. I will be here as early as possible." When she turned to bow to him, she caught a twitch of his lips. He must be elated, was he not, to have had his way? How was she ever going to be friends with a man who was so used to having his way?

His eyes caught hers again and her blood boiled. How infuriating!