The King Who Teases

Startled, Gwen looked to Beth, who gave her a subtle nod. She stepped forward. "Gwen. Guinevere Fitzgerald, Your Majesty."

"Guinevere." He repeated quietly. "It is a beautiful name."

Gwen smiled and bowed. "That is most kind of you Your Majesty."

This time, the King exploded with laughter. When he sobered up, he said. "I am many things, but kind?" A chuckle. "Don't trouble your thoughts, I am not. I have never being." To the Duke, he said. "They are quite an amazing bunch, are they not? It seems I will enjoy their stay as much as they will."

A look Beth could not decipher flashed through the Duke's face. "It has been a long day for the ladies."

"Of course." The King quickly agreed. Still laughing, he waved at someone behind. The kingsman stepped forward. "Have them escorted to their rooms."

Before fear could cloud sound judgment, Beth stepped forward. "If I may, Your Majesty." They all turned to her. She clasped her hands. "Forgive my insolence, but can I ask that we be allowed to share a room?"

His smile dropped and his look became stern. "Why?" He asked. "Do you suppose the rooms here are not as grand as the ones at Carlisle Crest?"

Alarmed, she rushed. "No Your Majesty, I didn't mean-"

"Oh, the rooms at Carlisle Crest are not grand?" Again to the Duke, he said. "I thought they were."

Her heart picked up the pace, pounding rapidly in her chest. "They are, Your Majesty." She blinked. How would she know? She had never been in any. "I suppose they are. I only meant that I would prefer to have them in my line of sight. It would be safer."

"Perchance…" He rose from his throne, and made his way to her. "…are you suggesting that the Castle will not keep them safe?"

Beth's lost her breath. "I would never think of such, Your Majesty." Alarmed, she replied. "I didn't mean to accuse... I-I…" She looked to the Duke; he was looking at the King, his expression unreadable.

"Why are you looking at Carlisle?" She immediately turned to him. He got closer, impulsively, she stepped back. "I must say you are quite brave, accusing your king in such an honourable manner."

Her teeth began to chatter. "No, Your Majesty, they…they tend t-to be mischievous sometimes. I only-I only meant…"

"Alexander." The Duke drawled.

The King uttered no word more, standing before her. The tears burnt in her eyes, blurring her vision. Still she made no motion. In the silence, Beth clasped her hands even more, quivering with her head slightly bowed. All she wanted was to have Gwen and Lucy in her line of sight to prevent any mishap whatsoever, she never meant to anger the King. What misfortune was this? "Lady Beth." She heard him call and goosebumps settled on her skin. She dared to look up at him and he was… smiling? "What an easy creature you are." Bending to her height, he asked. "How would you survive around me? For I deeply enjoy to tease."

Her breath rushed out of her. She had no knowledge she had held it. "No Your Majesty, I-I failed to se-see your intent." She tried to smile but failed.

"Quite interesting." He was smiling still.

"Keep her from your list, Alexander." The Duke said as he walked past the King to stand between him and Beth, hiding her halfway from the sight of the King.

The King tittered gaily. "Very well." He tilted his head to look behind her. "I'll tease someone else then." He walked back to the throne. "I'll have you put in one room as per your wish. You should retire; it has been a long and emotional day, no?"

Beth bit on her lower lip to stop them from quivering. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Is your brother to be in attendance?" The Duke was looking at her as he spoke to the King.

"I sent out a note. Edmund," To the waiting kingsman, he ordered. "Have them stay in the best room in the west wing."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"And place a maid at their disposal." The King looked at her. "I suppose I won't be refused again?" He was smiling still, at her no less, but she dreaded giving him an unfavourable reply.

She shook her head quickly. "No, Your Majesty. Thank you for the kind gesture." She bowed. "If you would excuse us."

The kingsman – Edmund – bowed too. First to the King, "Your Majesty," then to the Duke. "Your Grace." When he turned to them, he said. "My Ladies, this way, if you please."

The Duke stepped closer to her and whispered. "Do not take his words to heart; he enjoys the misery of others." She nodded impulsively. He tapped her hand and squeezed her thumb for a brief second. Beth raised her eyes to look at him, holding his intense gaze. "You are safe here."

Still too shaken, Beth bowed once more and trailed after the kingsman, Gwen and Lucy. The Duke's words declared her suspicion to have been right. The King was mischievous and it would be best to stay away from him for the rest of the visit. His temperament was too much to handle and it was difficult to determine if he was angry or otherwise. He really was close to the Duke as per rumor and their relationship was extraordinary, but no matter how it was, Beth wasn't keen to be in his presence in the near future. He was somewhat scary even behind the mischievous smile, and unknowingly, she wondered what sorts of woman would end up being married to him and all his theatrics.

* * *

Charles's eyes followed the ladies as they left. Lady Beth, no less, still shaken by the tease, seemed recoiled and solemn. At the moment she stepped out, she turned to him. Alexander waved the doormen out of the courtroom and the doors were shut, taking her gaze along. From beside him, he heard. "Lady Beth, I see."

He looked to Alexander and said simply. "That was uncalled for."

Alexander continued to rest his chin in his hand – a position Charles was becoming all too familiar with – and put up an ignorant face. "What, pray tell, was uncalled for, dear friend?"

Charles walked closer to the throne, towering over the sitting King. "And it is a puzzle that Brand keeps away from you?"

His smile remained. "Brand is a coward." Then, "I suppose Lady Beth is yours."

A glare. "My acquaintance, yes."

Alexander laughed out gaily, quite to the irritation of Charles. "And here is the birth of yet another coward." He announced, leaning back on his throne. "An acquaintance? It never ends as such. We are no novices in this world."

Charles shook his head. "I intend for it to." He hesitated for a moment. "She is a dear friend. And I am to marry Lady Cossington before the year ends." He declared, though not sure for whose benefit. Who was he reminding?

"Congratulations are in order then." Alexander mocked him. None knew how much he hated the alliance with the Cossingtons as much as the King. Four years, he had held up the alliance; and four years, he had forestalled it for reasons best known to no one. It would be no surprise if Alexander expected him to forestall it yet again. "You would forgive me if I am not in attendance, commanding a Kingdom can be quite… bothersome."

Charles chose to ignore the snide comment for he knew he was only egging him on, seeking yet another amusement, another tease. Alexander was no stranger to the act, he had, for years, enjoyed the misery of others, playing on their ego one second, stepping on it the next. Maybe that was all that made him so great a King.

"She is beautiful." In his distraction, he heard. "Lady Beth, I mean."

"Yes, she is." He agreed, walking to the window, away from the prying eyes of the King and his perpetual smile of mischief. The courtyard lay below and he watched all manner of people walk by, going about an errand or their daily businesses. When he saw someone clad in a blue dress, he thought them to be Lady Beth, but soon realized otherwise.

"As is her sister." He continued, declaring. Charles almost turned to comment, but then chose to ignore the words.

He heard him step down from the throne and walk to him. "You called me by my given name." A snicker. "Unbelievable! After nineteen years of your meaningless existence, you finally show some emotion."

"I do possess emotions."

"That was never a doubt." His shoulder moved up and down as he heaved. "They are hidden somewhere; somewhere deep down in that shell-like contraption you call a heart." He ignored him. Alexander stepped closer. "I should be kind to her." Stroking his chin, he turned. "What do you suppose I could do for her?"

Eyes still watching the people, Charles replied. "Stay away from her." He searched for and found Alexander's eyes through their reflections. "Her personality is very fragile and I don't think she can accommodate you and your escapades." He shoved his hands into his pocket and was disappointed to find it empty. Where was his cigar? "Your concerns are nothing but facsimiles." He turned his eyes away from the King's. "And while you are at it, keep your sights away from the young Lady Fitzgerald. She is still a child."