A Warm Hill

He pulled out immediately and reared up over her, kissing her body, all the way to her wide-opened legs. "I want to make love to you, Beth." He kissed her centre. She exhaled and tried to move her legs, but he held her in place. "I desperately want to come inside you." He wanted to make her his. "But I fear I will hurt you."

Shaking her head, she urged. "No, you won't. I once read that it hurts, but only for a moment. I am not scared, Lord Carlisle."

He nodded to himself, promising to replace her book knowledge with true experience. He lifted his eyes. "Call me by my given name." He commanded; demanded. Then, he moved to lie by her, rubbing his throbbing head over her wet sex, knowing that she was his. He would make sure of that. "Call me as you did earlier."

Beth obliged. "Charles."

He covered her with his body and pushed in through the pressure. Looking deeply into the eyes, he drove in. He drove home.

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