She Is With Child?

"Did you force your thoughts on her?" He heard from a distance.

Charles was disgusted and he couldn't hide it. "She asserted." He held back. "She was a mutual participant."

"Which is why you still live. If you had forced yourself on her," they held their glares. "we would not be having this conversation."

Through clenched teeth and controlled anger, he said. "I am not a monster."

"But one you most certainly will be, if you marry without the littlest of affections. Our parents were proof enough." Brand said.

"Father loved your mother." Alexander countered.

Brand returned. "And hated yours who was his wife and Queen."

"Father never shared any emotions whatsoever with my mother, but Carlisle is friends with the Lady in question here. Unlike Lady Cossington who he has not spoken to since the marriage contracts were drawn." The annoying smile returned.

Silence reigned.