A Different Lord Carlisle

The trees were now naked and the hill dry and devoid of grass, but from where they stood, it did seem familiar. It couldn't be. It was… She spun to him at once, excited. "This was the hill I ended up on the morning we first met!" His lips twitched. "How can this be? I do not remember this path."

"That was the path you took." He pointed through the evergreens.

Beth searched through. She couldn't make it out but he said it was, it had to be. She did remember seeing a bolder as she climbed after ridding herself of his presence. Unsatisfied, she ambled closer to the path he had pointed and saw the bolder. "You are right! It is the path!" She yelled out to him. Then, "The estate can be accessed through here too?!" She returned to the ledge.

"It is pretty far, don't you think?"

"Not if I were a bandit or a poacher." She shook her head. "What silly words I have uttered. I am sure Carlisle Crest is well secured." Beth adjusted her hat. It did not need adjusting.