The Other Side Of The Adjoining Door

Beth stood before the adjoining door wearing just her night garment and her dressing robe. Anna had helped her out of the dress she had worn at the ball, and she had been most grateful, almost as grateful as when she bade the last guest goodbye, and hugged her aunt and the Dowager Duchess goodnight.

Both women had been ecstatic and almost reluctant to leave. Aunt Marrily did remember to assure her that the ball would be the talk of town for many days. Beth should hope so, after all, the balls at Carlisle Crest were always profoundly beautiful.

Lord Carlisle had left the ballroom as soon as their dance was over though.

After he had kissed her.

She had sat on her bed for a while, wondering why he had left in such a hurry. He had endured the greater part of the evening, why not dwell more for a few more minutes? Some of the guests had been unbearable, but they had survived.