Hating The King

She slowly opened her eyes and whispered, placing her other hand over his that still held tightly to her wrist. "You are hurting me now."

Her eyes glistened with the tears but he saw fear in them. She was frightened of him. He quickly let go, putting a safe distance between them. With a voice barely audible, he asked. "What would you have me do? He is the King. I cannot question him."

Beth turned her face from his, sniffing. "Then do nothing. Absolutely nothing. I would find a way to rescue my sister from becoming a royal mistress." She gently pushed against his chest, sobbing and set herself free.

Charles remained by the wall, listening to her footsteps reside. He was aware of his trembling hands and his bruised knuckle. His rage made him breathless, but he was not angry at her. His anger was towards Alexander. How could they discuss with him in the room and make a fool of him? He had never hated Alexander as much as he did at the moment.