
Charles was frozen in place, as was Beth. He turned and saw the shock in her eyes. She hadn't known. His eyes travelled to rest on her stomach, before he pulled it back to Dr. Lockhart, his hold on hers tightening. "Are… are you certain?"

The Physician nodded widely. "If I wasn't, I never would have mentioned it."

His brows furrowed but his heart expanded and an unfamiliar feeling flooded him. Charles nodded as the information sank in. Beth pushed herself up to sit and he helped her, his gaze becoming fierce.

When she winced, Charles's concerns knew no bounds. "Is she wounded?"

Dr. Lockhart shook his head. "She is impeccable, Your Grace. Though I advise her to improve her regime and eat regularly. She would need strength, for her and the child."

He was overwhelmed. Pregnant? Beth was with child for him. His heartbeat thundered and the unfamiliar feeling threatened to explode out of him. His throat hurt and his vision was becoming impaired.