A Final Goodbye

Beth searched for his emotion, searching to see if he truly was not angry. He wasn't. She turned her away, letting her eyes wander around. The sky was dark and save for the fire, it was all darkness. The wind blew, whispering to the fire, troubling it, and against her skin, causing goosebumps to rise. She sighed. It was warmer at the foot of the hill.

How were they on the hill?!

"We were standing by the foot of the hill." She mumbled to herself.

Eric heard her. "Now, we are here, atop it. Isn't life wonderful?"

It was. Wonderful and unpredictable. The grim feeling rose again, and Beth felt uncertain about the future, but she was almost sure of the disaster waiting to happen.

"Eric, we should not be here." She held his wrist. "This hill_"