Banquet (2)

Being carried through the magnificent halls, I can't help but wonder.

Just who is my mother?

I mean she's obviously someone super important, after all, she has her own maids and knights.

But Enoch's vassal?

Yeah right, I don't buy it. I mean, she's beautiful, charming, and athletic, but how could she be a vassal of that crazy bastard?

Plus, wouldn't a God of war's vassal be I don't know, some giant guy with an anger issue in a suit of heavy armour and a big a** sword that definitely isn't overcompensating for anything?

So far, my mother has been quite a gentle and caring person, singing me lullabies every night and always smiling stupidly whenever I did something dumb like waving my arms around.

I mean I guess her body is a bit well-trained, and she's definitely on the tall side.

How do I know her body is well-trained you ask? Well for one you can tell just by looking at her that rather than some dainty and fragile mistress, she has the aura and stature of a professional athlete.

That and she changes in the room to keep an eye on me whenever she has a bath.

Now, now, calm down, I can hear your outbursts from all the way out here...wherever I am.

Before you get your undies in a twist, I don't actually feel anything when that happens.

For one, she's my mother, you deplorable perverts.

Secondly, I haven't really felt much of anything since I got here.

I mean don't get it wrong, I definitely feel all my emotions, like the shock I felt after I first witnessed that assassin get slaughtered was genuine.

But it was also short-lived, probably only lasting a split second.

It's not only that, but ever since I got here, I've been relatively calm, that is considering I've been reincarnated in a world I know nothing about to fulfil some sort of objective for some God that I know nothing about.

On my second day here, I noticed this abnormality and asked Cephi, yes that's what I call it..him? Now. Yes, I just thought of it.

Cephi told me that it was a characteristic of Enoch's blessing and that among other things, I'd be able to always keep a calm and clear mind no matter what.

What those other things are? I have no idea, Cephi isn't really a big talker, or beamer I guess.

Anyways, While the thought of my very subconscious being manipulated by some God is a terrifying concept, all in all, it's been pretty alright I guess.

As we continued down the hall, passing by numerous paintings and art pieces, my mother, and consequently everyone else stopped before a large door.

The was surprisingly an ivory colour and had golden carvings swirling and looping all over in a visually pleasing pattern.

Turning around, my mother took me in her arms and kissed me on the forehead, whispering something that I couldn't understand, before looking at the giant crimson existence standing behind the maid that held me.

I hadn't even known Cephi had followed me. Seriously, you'd think that a 3-metre-tall giant in heavy-looking plate mail would make even a little noise, but nope.

He's like a ghost, I swear.

Looking at his hands, I noticed that the giant spear he had been holding had been left somewhere, his hand now supported the other in holding the strange book.

Wondering where he left his spear, I suddenly heard something unbelievable!

Cephi can speak!

I looked at him and my mother converse in shock.

This bastard can talk!?

Then why does he constantly beam the concept of messages directly into my consciousness!?

I mean I guess even for an angel, talking to a newborn would be a bit...cringe.

Anyway, this guy's voice was just as strange as Enoch's, rather than one person speaking, it sounded as though many people were whispering at the same time.

I could barely make out anything, but since my mother nodded and then bowed towards him, I assumed she understood what he said just fine.

Cephi suddenly held one of his upper arms out towards me, taking me from my mother's embrace.

When he held me against his armour, I was surprised to notice that instead of the cool metallic feeling I expected, his armour was unexpectedly warm.

How strange.

Suddenly, the door opened slightly, and a figure poked his head out.

I recognised this figure, as it was the knight that my mother spoke most with.

I assumed that he was the head of the red knights, as his armour, while of similar design, held many differing aspects.

His helmet, for instance, lacked the typical slits or openings for vision.

Instead, it was made of two angular plates that had been expertly fused vertically, with the top of the helmet featuring a unique piece of ivory cloth that blended seamlessly into the metal.

The cloth draped down from the top of his helmet, covering the sides and back, and fluttered slightly with his every move.

But that was not the only difference. Unlike the other knights, whose armour was a solid shade of red, his armour was mainly brilliant white.

Only scarlet patterns and intricate carvings adorned it, lending it an air of elegance and sophistication that was unmatched by his peers.

He and my mother conversed for some time before he returned, closing the door behind him.

Soon after, a loud and commanding voice could be heard. My mother straightened her extravagant dress a bit and lifted her head up, producing an air of elegance, beauty, and utter superiority.

The slight smile on her face was replaced with an aloof and cold expression

Soon, the door opened swiftly and revealed two knights holding halberds.

Beyond them was a massive space that would use up most of my vocabulary if I were to attempt to describe its beauty.

Straight ahead was a descending staircase, on its sides were expertly carved bannisters.

The two knights crossed their halberds together before lifting them and slamming them down by their side, in a form of salute I assume.

The knight commander stood directly in front of the staircase and bowed to my mother once the doors were completely opened.

My mother and the maids subsequently walked slowly and elegantly before the staircase. Cephiros did not follow, however.

I could hear various murmurs originating from beyond the staircase, telling of the large crowd sure to be present.

The murmuring stopped when the knight commander yelled something.

Following him, all those present yelled out the same words, over and over again before my mother raised her hand. All noise stopped, and everyone waited.

She spoke a few words, not that I could understand any, and then gestured to the door.

As soon as she did, Cephiros actually started floating!

His wings weren't even spread out, yet somehow he was floating!

Sighing, I pushed my shock to the back of my mind. Magic exists in this world, after all, something as simple as floating should be commonplace.

Hovering out of the hallway and into what I could now tell was a foyer, I couldn't help but marvel at how many people were present.

It had to be at least a few hundred people!

Looking at all those people, I couldn't help but giggle a little, a habit of mine whenever I get nervous, but soon, Enoch's blessing calmed me down.

Cephi did not stop before the staircase, instead rising a few metres in the air and spreading all twelve of his wings.

His crimson halo suddenly reappeared, giving off a gentle and warm glow.

Murmurs, exclamations of surprise, gasping, all sorts of sounds could be heard from the crowd below.

The book in his left hand suddenly disappeared, and he held it out towards the crowd.

He briefly spoke in their strange language before gesturing towards the sky, and then the ground.

Suddenly, the entire crowd started kneeling, some even seemingly praying.

What the heck did he tell those people?

The only people who did not kneel were the various crimson knights stationed at various points in the room, the maids and my mother.

Soon, Cephi spoke again, seemingly allowing all those who knelt to stand again.

This time, no one spoke, instead, the crowd looked above their heads with eyes filled with intense worship and fervour.

But instead of Cephiros, they all looked at me.

Just what the heck did this bastard tell them!?