
"...and that's it. A simple mission right? Repeat the main points to me." said Audrey, who was stroking my hair softly with a smile on her face.

"I'm to leave the palace by myself, and choosing a method of my choice, make my way to Kristi, the capital of the Eastern Territory while hiding my identity. When I arrive at Kristi, I can reveal my identity to the local Imperial Army garrison, who'll then escort me to the Governor's Residence,"

Audrey smiled and pulled my cheek lightly.

"So you were listening, you don't need to worry about being alone, Sir Cephiros will naturally be accompanying you, along with a section of Guardsmen, though they'll naturally be hidden from your sight," she spoke.

I don't respond verbally, simply nodding.

A few minutes go by in silence, as Audrey continues to stroke my head and squish my cheeks.

Honestly, it's a bit embarrassing, after all mentally I was already an adult at this point...but honestly, It's not half bad.

The feeling of being comforted and protected by an older woman...

Wait no what am I thinking about, I better be careful before something awakens in me.

Luckily I have Enoch's Blessing, or I would've been completely red by now.

Maybe she'd like that actually, it certainly fits the family theme of crimson.

As I lost myself in thought, My mother broke the silence.

"When do you plan on leaving?" she asked.

I'd already thought of that so I responded.

"Later in the morning? I'd like to make preparations in the city with Cephi's guidance."

Audrey tilted her head slightly and asked slightly confused.

"The city? Why would you need to? Everything you need can be found in one of the palace's armoury or storage areas."

"I'll obviously make preparations here as well, but I'd like to take this opportunity to further explore the city, even if it's just the market district," I respond.

Audrey is silent for a moment before she responds.

"I see,"

The room goes quiet again as Audrey seemingly loses herself in thought, and I do the same.

The silence continues for a while before a knock is heard on the door.

Without bothering to wait for a response, the door opens, revealing Elric, who quickly lowers his head and salutes before speaking.

"Pardon the intrusion, Your Majesty, Your Highness,"

"What is it?" Audrey asks.

"Your Majesty, a report has just come in indicating a potential problem on the southern border."

Audrey doesn't respond, seemingly waiting for him to continue, but Elric's eyes shift to me.

"Er...pardon my rudeness, but are you sure that allowing Prince Adam to hear this report is in his best interest?" Elric asks, with an awkward smile.

Audrey doesn't reply, simply smiling. However, that simple smile was filled with so much killing intent that it would've rendered a regular person unconscious.

Even though I'm not the target of it, It makes my hair stand on end and sweat pool on my forehead, honestly it's a bit scary.

Of course, my expression does not reveal my thoughts.

Stammering, Elric correctly continues.

"I-i just think that allowing P-prince Adam to hear the report would cause him u-unnecessary worry while he carries out his mission, Your Majesty,"

At this point, Elric was already bowing with his head to the ground.

"Hm. Are you saying that you have the qualifications to judge what information my son should be privy to, Elric?" Audrey asks, in her characteristically steady and impassive tone.

Elric, who was trembling at this point, quickly denies this.

"O-of course not. I wouldn't dare to think such a thing!"

Audrey continues to glare daggers at him for a moment before retracting her killing intent.

Taking this opportunity, I quickly make an excuse to take my leave.

"I don't need to know, do I? If it's important enough I'll eventually come to learn of it. With that being said, I must leave now to make my preparations."

Hopping off my mother's lap, I make my way to the door. Passing by Elric, I can see him looking at me with a pleading gaze.

'Sorry, my friend, but this one's on you.'

I understood where Elric was coming from, and I didn't think he said what he did with bad intentions, after all, we were somewhat close.

We had developed an uncanny friendship while he was my instructor, not to mention that he was closest to my actual age, making me feel naturally more at ease when chatting with him.

But honestly whenever my mother gets like this, stopping her is a hassle.

Exiting the door, I make my way to my room.

On the way, I notice a familiar voluptuous figure standing before a painting.

Her luscious, flowing, white hair was tied neatly into a high ponytail, however, it still cascaded down to the small of her back.

Each strand of her hair seemed to possess a radiant glow as if touched by moonlight itself. The hair contrasted beautifully against her flawless porcelain skin, adding to her ethereal allure.

Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of violet, sparkled with intelligence and warmth. They held a certain mysterious depth, as though they harboured countless untold stories and secrets. Long, delicate lashes framed her eyes, drawing attention to their captivating charm.

Her delicate facial features were perfectly balanced, with high cheekbones, a slender nose, and lips that bore a subtle hint of a seductive smile.

Her complexion was smooth and flawless, accentuating her youthful and alluring appearance.

Dressed in a pristine crimson-coloured maid uniform, every inch of her attire was immaculately tailored to accentuate her enchanting curves.

The uniform hugged her bosom, drawing attention to her ample cleavage that exuded an air of sensuality.

The combination of her alluring figure, stunning white hair, and captivating gaze made her an unforgettable sight, leaving a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to cross her path.

Truly, this was the best part of being reincarnated.

As I neared, Silvia, the Head Maid, turned to me and gave a mischievous smile.

"Your Highness, how may I be of service to you?" she asks, her voice exuding a level of charm that would simply make most men wish to give up their entire lives to please her.

'Well...I can think of a few ways you can 'service' me...wait no, we have a mission to do, come on, focus!'

Pushing my unholy thoughts to the back of my mind, I focus on the task at hand.

"Silvia, I've received a mission from Mother, can you help me make the necessary preparations?" I ask.

"It would be my pleasure, Your Highness." As she spoke, Silvia reached out her slender hand.

Used to these things, I hold her hand while trying to keep my mind empty of 'cultured' thoughts.

Was it a bit degrading to have to hold her hands even though mentally I was an adult?

Not even slightly.

Do you have any Idea how beautiful Silvia was?

Ah, the number of nights that I've spent dreaming of her...If only I could've grown a little faster.

While I had lost myself in my delusions, at some point we had left the Crimson Palace.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To the Emerald Palace, the armoury there would be better suited for the mission Her Majesty has entrusted you with, everything in the Crimson Palace's inventory would stand out too much," she responded.

The Emerald Palace wasn't really a palace per se, but more of an administration building. It, the Crimson Palace, and the Steel Palace made up the 'Imperial Palace'.

It wasn't made of, or even coloured emerald, the reason behind the name is actually because of an incident that occurred after the palace was originally built.

Anyways, while the Emerald Palace was mostly dedicated to administration, it was also home to a large garrison of the Imperial Guard, which yes, is different from the Praetorian Guard, and the Imperial Army.

Of course, if you ask me why that is, and what they do, I'd be hard-pressed to give you an answer.

To my understanding, They acted as a sort of supplementary force for the Praetorian Guard.

That aside, I hadn't told Silvia about my mission, so how did she know that the Emerald Palace's garrison would have the things I need?

"Did Mother tell you about my mission beforehand?" I ask.

"Fu fu fu, not at all, I was the one to suggest the mission in the first place," she said, her face still holding that playful smile.

"You did?" I ask. Though I was genuinely surprised, I instead sounded as though I was simply confirming the matter.

"Indeed, Your Highness has already learnt all the techniques available in the Imperial Palace, and your training with Sir Cephiros has already come to an end, no? Would travelling not help you consolidate your current abilities and help you encounter more?" she said while motioning in the air.

Everything she said seemed to make sense, so I simply respond with an "I see".

Soon, we were nearing the fraudulently named Emerald Palace.

Standing tall against the backdrop of an azure sky, the enormous ivory palace that seemed to dwarf the already giant Crimson Palace, emerged like a beacon of opulence and grandeur. Its exterior a testament to the illustrious status of an empire.

The palace was bathed in an ethereal glow emanating from the smooth, pristine, ivory walls that encased the entire structure.

The ivory was of the purest quality, flawlessly polished to a gleaming shine, reflecting the sunlight and casting a brilliant luminescence that danced upon its surface.

Elaborate carvings adorned every inch of the palace's façade, showcasing intricate designs and motifs that told stories of legends and lore.

Delicate vines, blooming flowers, and mythical creatures intertwined harmoniously, their meticulous craftsmanship showcasing the skill and artistry of the master artisans who created them.

As one casts their gaze to the ascended towering walls, one would be captivated by the intricate balconies and arched windows that dotted the palace's surface.

Each window was framed by elaborate ivory filigree, exuding an air of elegance and refinement.

Behind the windows, billowing curtains of fine silk whispered in the gentle breeze, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the palace.

The palace's towering spires reached out towards the heavens, their elegant shapes piercing the sky.

Gilded with pure gold and adorned with intricate patterns, they shimmered in the sunlight, casting a golden glow that seemed to make the palace even more resplendent.

The grand entrance, adorned with majestic double doors, served as the centrepiece of the palace.

The doors, crafted from the finest mahogany, were intricately carved with scenes of myth and triumph, depicting heroes and gods in glorious detail.

Two colossal statues flanked the entrance, their marble forms exuding strength and power.

However, we didn't go through the main entrance, as one, everyone stopping their work to flatter and salute me was kind of annoying, and two the Imperial Gaurd's garrison was an annexe that was beside the Emerald Palace proper.

As we entered the building that housed the 4000 or so guardsmen, we quickly made our way to the armoury.

Luckily, the guardsmen were training at this hour, so the number of encounters I had to endure was minimal.

Soon, we came across an area that was separated from the rest of the building.

It was a lengthy hallway, and in the centre of this hallway were large iron bars, and a sturdy-looking gate that separated it from the rest of the building.

8 guardsmen armed with halberds stood at select intervals to prevent any unwanted individuals from entering, though I wonder just how insane you'd have to be to even think about breaking into such a place.

Behind the large gate, a guardsman who had been sitting behind a desk quickly stood and saluted.

"A-ah, Your Highness, we've already prepared everything that you'd need,"

I might've been surprised before, but I could easily tell that Silvia must have informed them beforehand.

As the soldier spoke, he unlocked the gate, which wasn't secured by chains, but by magic.

Of course, I had no idea how it worked, as magic wasn't a topic that was included in my curriculum, and even if it was, I wouldn't be able to practice it, as one can only wield magic after going through some sort of 'metamorphosis'.

I didn't know much else besides that.

"If you'll follow me." the guardsman said, before leading Silvia and I behind the gate.

There wasn't really much to see, as the hallway beyond the gate was just lined with closed doors.

The doors all shared the same design, looking more like a slab of steel than a door.

Soon, we came across an open door. Beyond the thick metal door, was a surprisingly small room, with nothing but a desk in it.

The desk itself seemed normal, except for the large blue gemstone embedded in the centre of it.

The guardsman walked in and placed his hand above the gemstone.

Then, a magic circle that was noticeably different from the one before appeared from his palm.

Then, somewhat to my surprise, the guardsman reached his other hand out and pulled something out of thin air.

To my surprise, it was a simple wooden crate.

Opening the crate, the guardsman revealed the contents, which were a dark cloak, a pair of leather armour with an iron breastplate, a simple-looking two-handed sword which was placed in its sheath, 6 throwing knives fastened on a belt, and a ring that looked so generic that I'd have trouble describing it beyond "Yeah, it's definitely a ring.".

Noticing a hint of confusion on my face, Silvia explained.

"What the guardsman did just now was access a separate storage facility underground. Using the manacrystal, he was linked with the Greater Palace Network, which allowed him to access the sealed spatial magic circles present underground, and in this room."

Greater Palace Network? That sounded interesting, but for now, I pushed it to the back of my mind.

"And these items?" I ask.

"They look simple and ordinary, right? That's the point. They're enchanted items that are meant to look identical to their ordinary counterparts."

"The robe and armour have various healing and protection enchantments and a few miscellaneous ones, and as for the robe, when you raise the hood, a facial deconstruction enchantment activates, making your face appear as nothing but a blurry mess," Silvia explains.

I nod and continue listening to her explanation.

"The sword has an enchantment that increases its sharpness the more you swing it, the enchantment never deactivates, so it's paired with a sheath that nullifies the enchantment."

"The throwing knives simply have the enchantment of reappearing after you throw them. They have a 30-second interval between being thrown and reappearing, keep that in mind."

I continue to nod in response.

"As for the ring, it's relatively simple, it allows us to know your position at all times. Why don't you try on the equipment? We'll wait outside,"

With that, Silvia and the guardsman left, leaving me alone to change.

Not in the habit of wasting time, I immediately change, but soon, I notice a glaring issue...that is, the armour and robe are too damn big!

Seriously, how could Silvia not think of this issue?

As I struggled with the oversized armour and robe, Silvia's voice came from outside the room.

"Is everything alright, Your Highness?" she asked.

I sighed in frustration. "The armour and robe are too big. They don't fit me properly."

Silvia opened the door and looked down at me, her mischievous smile growing in size for each second that she did.

"'s the smallest size available matter. Luckily, the robe and armour come with an enchantment that fits it to the wearer's body, but it's an active enchantment, so I'll have to activate it for you." She says.

I simply nod.

"Excuse me then."

Silvia placed her palm on the chest plate, but unlike with the guardsman, there was no magic circle, simply a glow of ethereal white light.

With that, the armour soon wrapped itself tightly around my body, though it didn't feel uncomfortable, or even particularly heavy, in fact, it was like I was wearing nothing at all.

The robe shrunk to an adequate size as well

Noticing something, I ask Silvia about it.

"How come there wasn't a magic circle?"

Silvia removed her hand and replied.

"It's because I'm an Archmage, at my level one can simply infuse something with mana without the need for a magic circle,"

"I see, you're a rather overqualified maid, aren't you?" I ask.

"Fu fu, it's not just me, every servant in the Imperial Palace is either a capable mage or knight, though I do happen to be a bit better than my predecessors," she says.

I simply nod at her explanation. It made sense, this was an empire that believed entirely in the God of War after all.

Silvia took a step back and eyed me up and down, before giving a proud nod.

With Silvia completing the adjustment, I took a moment to familiarize myself with the equipment.

The armour provided excellent protection without hindering mobility, and the enchanted robe seemed lightweight and versatile.

I unsheathed then sheathed the sword and adjusted the belt with the throwing knives, ensuring they were easily accessible.

I slipped the ring onto my finger, feeling a subtle energy emanating from it. I trusted Silvia's words and knew that this would serve as an important tool should any problematic incidents occur.

"With that, I'd say that your preparations are complete, no? Ah, try putting the hood on,"

I comply with Silvia's request and flip the hood over my head, but don't notice anything change.

Looking at Silvia, I notice that her smile seems a little rigid.

"What is it?" I ask.

She sighed lightly before responding.

"Your eye.."

"My eye? What about it?"

"Hmm, it should be fine, no? In any case, let's meet with Her Majesty to tell her that you've completed your preparations."

I simply nod and take Silvia's hand, following her out of the room.