Ablaster Skin

Cephiros, upon verifying that Adam was a sufficient distance away, turned their gaze back to the two mysterious figures.

The figures did not seem too bothered by Adam's departure, In fact very little could be gleaned from the figures, as they stood eerily still, not making a sound.

Not even the sound of breathing could be heard.

Both sides remained unmoving, as the still atmosphere pervaded before the duo spoke first.

"We have no business with you, servant of Enoch." the same figure as before, Savara said.

"You have business with my ward, by proxy you have business with me", Cephiros said, their eerie voice causing the hairs on the back of one of the figure's necks to raise momentarily.

"That being said, I can't imagine that your business with the child is particularly beneficial to him" Cephiros continued.

"We mean him no harm," Savara said, raising her arms.

Cephiros did not verbally respond, instead choosing to drive their spear into the ground.

Seeing the Angel disarm themself Savara thought that Cephiros had decided to converse with the duo, however, in the next moment she threw away that notion as Cephiros' figure disappeared.

In an instant, Cephiros was already standing in front of Krishin, one of their arms plunged deeply into their chest.

Cephiros expected Savara to be shocked, likely even unable to move at the current situation, however, Savara seemed unperturbed by Krishin's death.

Shrugging off that abnormality, Cephiros lunged forward again, becoming invisible to Savara's eyes.

However right before their hand pierced Savara's abdomen, a red circle filled with concentric and intertwining shapes appeared before them.

Before Cephiros could recognize the spell, a blinding light filled their vision.


Thrown back from the explosion, Savara rolled for several meters before pushing off the ground to land on their feet.

Gazing at the smoking crater, Savara reached out her hand, summoning an unassuming metallic object.

The object resembled a metal pipe more than anything, being made out of a smooth metallic material, with no adorning features to differentiate itself from such an object.

Pointing the metal object towards the crater that was still obscured by smoke and dust, Savara immediately summoned similar magic circles, dozens of them, each of them summoning a fireball two heads in diameter and sending them flying towards the crater.

This time, however, the magic circles did not disappear after a single use, but each fired a few dozen fireballs before glowing dimly and fading away.

The following explosions kicked up tons of dust and dirt, sending it flying and covering the area in a thick layer of smoke and debris.

After a brief moment of waiting, Savara summoned another magic circle, this one noticeably different in design from the others, with the most noticeable difference being its colour, blue.

As she did, a sudden torrent of wind appeared, blowing heavily and scattering the dust, making the area visible to Savara.

The clearing was utterly devastated by Savara's spells, scorched craters littered the earth, creating a scene of utter devastation, yet in the middle of it all, stood an unaffected Cephiros.

Gazing at their surroundings, Cephiros chuckled.

Frowning, Savara summoned a new magic circle, brown in colour.

"You're rather resilient," she muttered.

Cephiros didn't bother responding, quickly scanning the immediate area, humming slightly when they noticed that Krishin's corpse had disappeared. 

'How strange' Cephiros thought.

Before Cephiros could make a decision the ground beneath shook violently before tentacles made of earth formed, shooting towards them at incredible speed before wrapping around them, holding Cephiros in place.

The tentacles were each about a metre long, and a bit wider than a forearm. The pressure they exuded was ridiculous, enough to crush a normal human into a fine paste. 

Cephiros, however, was neither a human nor normal. They found the pressure to be pleasurable even, comparable to a massage.

As Cephiros thought as such, a strange blur streaked towards them.

Wielding a single dagger, Krishin suddenly appeared before Cephiros, driving their dagger into the looming shadow that obscured their face. 

To Krishin's utter bewilderment however, no matter how deeply she drove her dagger, the distinctive feeling of tearing flesh never came, in fact, there was no feeling at all, as her entire arm sank into the shadow.

Alarmed, Krishin tried to pull away, however, she found herself unable to move. 

Glancing down, she saw Cephiros' hands reaching through the now broken tentacles, wrapped around her waist.

 Cephiros chuckled, their eery voice still giving Savara goosebumps.

"Leaving so soon?" they asked.

Tightening their hold, Cephiros crushed Krishin in their grasp, a cacophony of cracking sounds echoed throughout the forest.

But to Cephiros' dismay, Krishin's screams were not heard, despite the tremendous pain she should be going through.

Deciding to end things quickly, Cephiros stepped back slightly, still holding Krishin firmly in their grasp.

Savara noticed the shadows beneath Cephiros' cloak stirring, and not wanting to give her the chance to attack, she used the same magic as before, summoning dozens of earth tentacles, this time spiked with sharp metallic tips around Cephiros in an attempt to force them to cancel their attack.

Not only that, but a torrent of magic circles appeared far above, more magic circles summoned an incredible amount of fireballs, each one moving with frightening accuracy.

The tentacles shot forward rapidly, yet they failed to even pierce the cloak that Cephiros wore. The few that wrapped around her in an attempt to shake her focus found that she was strangely immobile, and no matter the effort exerted, any attempt to move them was useless.

Not surprised at the failure of her attack, Savara focused on thef fireballs, each one rushing towards Cephiros and Krishin with remarkable speed.

However before they could hit, a pair of naked arms extended out from the shadow beneath Cephiros.

The pale white arms wrapped in ablaster skin were slender, and inhumanly long. Thirteen spindly fingers adorned each hand, one of them brushing against Krishin's skin.

That simple act teared it, causing crimson blood to flow.

The arm's palms found the sides of Krishin's head, and in a motion similar to clapping, crushed it.

Krishin's head exploded into a red mist of skull fragments and brain matter, yet chillingly, the arms were still pristine, not a drop of blood soiled its skin.

It was as though the blood simply passed through the arms. 

But that wasn't the case. 

If one looked closely, one would see the blood being absorbed into the skin of the arms. 

"....shit," Savara muttered.

From the moment she had seen the arms she had suddenly felt as though her mind, no, her very soul was under attack. 

It wasn't as though simply gasing at them brought pain, or maybe they did, but the feeling that spread throughout her wasn't that, it wasn't fear either, it was something much more primal, much more fundamental.

Dropping Krishin's body, Cephiros turned towards Savara and spoke, their voice much more chaotic than before, sounding even more cluttered, and less coherent, as though two crowds were trying to whisper the same thing, but at different times.

"Your turn."