
AN: Read the first two chapters of the Twisted Dominion Zatanna Side Story on my Patreon!


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|One Month Later...|

"I don't get it, Pretty Bird." Oliver Queen complained. With one hand he held the cellphone to his ear. His other hand was busy rubbing circles into his temple. Such was the taxing effort of mending fences. Especially with a firecracker like Dinah Lance. "I've already apologized dozens of times. Do you want me to beg? Don't make me beg."

"I'm not making you do anything, Ollie." Dinah's voice came cold and stern. Not a single hint of the warmth she used to show him. "I've already told you that it's over between us. It's been over for some time."

Ollie winced. He knew he had screwed things up with the hot-headed blonde. But getting this frigid of a response even after so long was not a good sign.

The billionaire playboy slumped in his office chair, releasing a deep exhale through his nose. His eyes scanned his personal study, the very same study that had been his father's. His own father had engaged in a couple extramarital affairs, scandals that strained the Queen household whenever they were brought to light by the tabloids. But Ollie's parents still made it work. Why couldn't it be the same with him and Dinah?

"It can't be over just like that." Ollie frowned at his own voice. It sounded terribly close to whining. Not a great look for himself.

"I moved on. You should too." Dinah's clipped response was only another strike against what little hope Ollie had.

"But Dinah, baby, didn't our time together mean anything?" Ollie pleaded. He hoped he would come across more as a man desperate to love than a pathetic crybaby. Spend enough time with a woman and you learn what makes her tick. And Ollie knew that weak men turned the Black Canary off like no other. The ice he was treading on was dangerously thin. "Think about all the good times we had. What about our night together in Vegas?"

There was an unbearable silence that followed. For a moment, Ollie feared that Dinah was going to just hang up on him. But then he heard a soft sigh from her end of the call. It wasn't a terrible sign. Ollie allowed himself a sliver of hope. Maybe he was wearing her down?

"It did mean something to me." Dinah admitted. Ollie felt his heart skip a beat… only for Dinah to stab him there with her very next word. "Once."

"Dinah, baby-"

"Ollie… We had some good times together. I'll admit that. But I can't trust a man who can't remember them." Dinah's voice had become a bit heated. Barely contained anger, Ollie knew from experience.

"I don't understand." Ollie shrank in his chair, moving the phone away from his ear in case Dinah went off.

"Ollie, I've never been to Vegas." Dinah snapped at him. Even through the phone, Ollie could imagine the seething expression on her pretty face.

"Oh." Ollie answered dumbly. She was right, he realized to his own dread. The Vegas getaway had been with another woman, a blonde like Dinah. Or had she been a redhead? A brunette? Ollie never had the best memory to begin with. Dinah couldn't hold that against him. Could she? "Baby, I didn't mean-"

But Dinah had already hung up.

Well. That was that.

Oliver Queen let out a defeated sigh, slumping even lower in his chair. He tossed his phone onto the desk, watching it slide across the wooden surface and go sailing over the edge. It clattered to the floor. It was almost as if the universe was mocking him.

The blond billionaire didn't have the spirit to get up. Not after a woman like Dinah Lance just slipped through his fingers. He'd pick up his phone later. He just hoped it landed on the carpet.

The single superhero thought about what might have been had he made smarter choices or said smarter things. But there was one thought swimming through his mind that bothered him more than any other.

'Just who the hell did I take to Vegas?'

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Mark sank into the hot tub, letting loose a low, pleased hum. The bubbling water was perfectly warm and perfectly relaxing. And the woman to his immediate right was perfection made flesh.

Diana Prince had chosen to forgo a bikini. Mark had no complaints. If the Amazonian wanted to show off her incredible, bronzed body, he was not going to stop her. And in the spirit of Amazon traditions, Mark himself had neglected to wear swim trunks. Every inch of their bodies would enjoy the churning waters of the hot tub.

Mark took the time to admire Diana, his fiance. He couldn't help but grin as he saw the engagement ring glittering brilliantly on Diana's hand as she took a sip from her glass of red wine. With her long, silky black hair done up in a loose bun, she had an air of unkempt beauty. Casual-like, so different from the immaculate grace and poise she normally exuded.

The Amazon gave a delighted giggle as he slid his arm around her waist, drawing her closer. The laugh was warm and soft, a joy to his ears. She kissed him then, squirming closer until she was practically sitting in his lap. Mark groaned into the kiss as he tasted the sweetness of Diana's lips.

Life wasn't just good. It was perfect.

Well, almost perfect…

The only thing missing from their festivities was the third member of their own unique triumvirate.

Dinah Lance, the Black Canary, was equally nude as they were. But rather than enjoying the hot tub, she was standing on Mark's back porch, engaged in a bitter talk with a not-so-distinguished ex. It was Diana who insisted that she take the call.

It was better to make things clear with Oliver Queen than let him go on believing he still had a chance, in the Amazon's own words.

"Do you think she's going to let him down easy?" Mark murmured as Diana broke the kiss.

"If she does, it would be more than he deserves." Diana answered coldly.

Mark's brow shot up. It wasn't often he saw his love act so… severe.

"Damn. You really don't like that guy, do you?"

"No. I don't." But then Diana smiled, the warmth returning to her face. She nuzzled her nose against his, her hand dropping beneath the water to seek out his groin. She cupped his balls, humming as she bit her lower lip. "Dinah's better off with you. With us."

Months ago, Mark might have been afraid that this was just the spell working its magic. But Diana was clear on what Aphrodite's Rod was capable of. Diana was incapable of lying to him. And the spell only made her do what he ordered her to do. And since he didn't order her to butter him up, that meant she was doing it all on her own.

It was a hell of a thing for a man, Mark knew, to have Wonder Woman's love and devotion. He would have to take some steps to make sure his ego didn't inflate to crazy proportions.

Mark had a witty remark bubbling up in his throat. He almost had a chance to use it, but it was cut short when he heard Dinah mutter a curse and toss her phone onto one of his backyard lawn chairs. It didn't look like the conversation went well for her ex. Not that Mark had any complaints.

The blonde approached the hot tub, looking quite steamed as she did so. Mark didn't pass up the opportunity to oggle the nude superheroine, noting with glee that every step she took sent a delightful bounce through the softer parts of her lithe, toned body.

She stopped at the edge of the hot tub, looking down at Mark and Diana.

"Boring conversation anyway." Dinah told them, planting her hands on her hips. A smirk crept across her soft, pink lips. "Got any room for me?"

"Always." Diana answered. The Princess reached up, offering her free hand to the blonde brawler. Her other hand stroked Mark slowly beneath the bubbling waters.

Dinah took Diana's hand with a beaming smile, easing herself into the hot tub slowly. First her feet, then her long, shapely legs, then her slim belly, until finally her perky breasts sank into the blissful, soaking heat.

The blonde sighed dreamily, letting the water work its magic on her body. Mark watched her, smiling. Diana was right. If any woman deserved a break from superheroism, it was Dinah Lance. He couldn't imagine how hard she worked her body when she was out on patrol. A hot tub could very well have been her paradise.

Her eyes fluttered open then and she turned her gaze onto Mark. And the look she leveled at him only spelled trouble. The good kind.

"You've been keeping him warm for me, I see." Dinah said to Diana, the water sloshing as she eased over to join them. She took her place at his free side, opposite of the Amazon, pressing her body into his flank. Mark felt her breasts push into his shoulder, her hard nipples grazing his skin. A dream for most men. Reality for him.

"Just getting him ready. I've been waiting for you to join the fun." Diana spoke sultrily, her voice low and smoky. Her strokes had already drawn him into full hardness, his cock swelling with hot blood. Then her lips were at his ear, sweet words slithering forth. "Looks like we have you outnumbered love. Can a mortal man handle a two-front attack?"

Just then, Dinah's hand dropped beneath the water as well, joining Diana in stroking his shaft. There was enough of him for both of his lovers' hands to take hold.

Mark breathed in, groaning as Wonder Woman and the Black Canary began to work him over. But still he managed to grin. How could he not smile on a night like this?

"Don't threaten me with a good time." He chuckled, his head falling back as their strokes became more demanding.

Diana's lips went to his neck, kissing and nipping playfully at his skin. But Dinah? She took her chance to whisper into his other ear.

"We both know Wonder Woman doesn't make threats, Mark." Dinah purred. "She makes promises."

Then she leaned forward and joined in on the attack on Mark's defenseless neck. Both superheroines peppering him with kisses and licks and teasing bites. Both of them milking his cock, massaging his churning balls.

Mark closed his eyes and sank into the bliss, letting it swallow him up.

Above him, Mark could hear the lovely sounds of sweet, womanly moans. Lips smacking and tongues thrashing. Diana and Dinah were no longer attacking his neck, Mark could tell. They were now focusing their lusts on each other. Mark watched the two women kiss, their embrace deepening into something fiery, passionate, and hot.

The women stood then, lifting their bodies out of the water. Their breasts, their toned bellies now sporting an alluring sheen. Water dribbled down over their tits as they began to paw at each other, the two heroines battling for dominance over each other's mouths.

Mark reached up, drawing his hand freely down the curve of their backs, down to their rears. Two sets of perfect, plump buttocks. Two asses that belonged to him. Two asses that he'd fucked.

He set his hands upon their derrieres, grabbing handfuls. So soft and pliant, his fingers sank into the lush flesh. Above him, his women moaned happily into their deep kiss.

It was an odd sensation, for a man to know that he won so completely. He was so beyond joy and triumph that he had reached a level of serenity that he didn't even think was possible.

A small-time thief with basic metahuman powers and a small fortune. That's what he had been less than a year ago. But he'd taken a gamble on Wonder Woman. And damn did it pay off.

Two superheroines. Two impossibly gorgeous women. Both made into his women, devoted and adoring.

He didn't just have their love. As wonderful as their love was, he had something even better. The key that made this all possible. The truth behind his new paradise.

Mark Messner had dominion.