Ashton Belle

I stared down at my mothers mangled body feeling a sense of relief. As far as I was concerned, I had to do this to her. There was no other choice but to let out my frustration and do this. To my shock, she actually bled the same color blood as I did. Dazed as she was by me, she barely managed to put up a defense. I was surprised to see she swung fast and hard, like she's on the rowing team with arms like that. One of her heavy punches had hit my nose; another clipped a tooth; the last made my ears ring before I finally got her to stay down.

As i looked at my bloody hands, i shivered remembering what I had just done to her. It wasn't even me that instigated the fight even though I wanted to mangle her anyway I could, but it was her that kept insisting on fighting me hand to hand instead of talking. She would receive worse in federal prison for sure, but I had to get revenge for my lovebug since he couldn't right now. I did everything to talk her out of fighting me but once she talked shit about Danny, I couldn't handle it and gave in.

In all honesty, I thought I could imitate the hostility and danger that filled a room like Mickey did. But it proved useless against my birth mom as she had faced off against these types in the past over the years. And I also found that Mickey's intimidation couldn't be replicated because it was his reputation that made people scared, not him himself. I didn't have the guts for violence as it just made me feel awful.

"I'm done!" I called out to whoever was listening outside of the room.

Sam's father walked into the interrogation room and sucked his teeth. "I thought you wanted to kill her. You had your chance when we removed her handcuffs and she insisted on fighting you. What a waste."

"She didn't even want to talk to me," I complained. "She just immediately wanted to fight me when she figured I wasn't going to get her out!"

"It looked like a desperate last attempt of trying to control you on her end. Why didn't you kill her, Ashton? I didn't provide this service just for you to leave more loose ends. You were supposed to get rid of the cancer."

"I can't do it with my own hands, Mr. Kim. Don't worry, I'll still cooperate with you and Sam frequently for business and make sure you're invited to all those parties with my parents. My parents are already fond of you, just make sure to never let them find out about your mistresses. A good Christmas present for them would be something they can use for the farm," I sighed. "I appreciate your help today, Mr. Kim. Please thank your wife for spreading the news as well."

"You look a bit green, like you aren't cut out for this kind of thing. Yet here I was thinking that you look like a killer."

"Doesn't matter. A man has to do what a man has to do," I recited Danny's mantra. "And I did what I could."

"Next time just send someone else to do it for you. You obviously can't stomach real field work."

"Whatever, it was worth it just to do some damage and see if I could handle it. Your people in that office have been cleared of everything. They have no connection to my mother at all according to the records. If any more legal help is needed, I'll get our lawyers on it, just let me know."

"My police connections are welcome to you at any time, Ashton," he patted my shoulder and led me from the room. "I'm going to drop by the chiefs office. You two! Clean this up and throw her in a separate holding cell on her own."

The policemen nodded and went into the room after us. "How much does the chief want?"

"Just support from your family as he tries to become the next Attorney General," Sam's dad said. "He's not as corrupt as your mother, but he's the perfect guy for the job."

"Text me his information and tell my dad about it. If I choose him, my dad will make sure he wins."

"Why's that?"

"I have to dip my foot into politics eventually. He'll just be glad that I'm starting now if I fake like it's important. We'll accept all invitations to big functions he wants to have too. It'll be enough to sway the vote." I promised. "And don't worry, when it comes to connecting to us, he can only go thru you."

"My wife will leak that she was beaten while in custody and the surveillance will be destroyed. We also reached a settlement with her businesses insurance company for the fire. They were quick to accept after learning that we'd cover up any involvement that could possibly go back to them cooperating with us," he briefed me. That means he paid them well to falsify a report. "I confirmed her biggest coconspirator, the former police captain, has fled but we know where he is. He'll never be able to reenter the country again if he leaves. As for the dirt on all your mothers colleagues, excluding my people of course, we can release it as soon as you'd like."

The dirt on the people she worked with were just as bad as my birth mom, even though they were mostly people with a lot of legal power. Surprisingly, by the look of things, all of Mr. Kim's people were only casual observers, so they would just be relocated to different office jobs. "What about the Cunningham records?"

"They've all been recovered and they're under protected status. I can't do anything about Mickey though, I'm not very well connected with the FBI yet. It's a lot harder than you'd think to get them on your side," Mr. Kim smirked. He wanted even more influence than he already had, huh? Well, with the connections we were about to exchange, he should be satisfied in just a few months.

"Let's deal with the people in her immediate circle and speed up her trial. Also deal with her associates quickly. We'll have to get rid of them for good while we're have the chance. Tell the police to take all the credit for the bust after they get her partner."

"Her partners death certificate has already been revoked, and we're closing in on him quickly. Should we contact the directors of the other companies before he gets with them?"

"That's what I'm waiting for."

"Ashton, why would you do that?"

"Apprehend him quickly, I want to see who will take his side. That way, i can make an example of what happens if others do the same as my mother."

"You have good insight. I'd weed them out as well."

"If that's all, let's call it a day. It's time I went to pick up Danny from the mall," I wondered if I should tell him what I did here. I'd have to explain that I'm not as good a guy as he thinks I am and I'm doing things I really shouldn't be doing just because I can. Regardless he'd be disappointed in me for beating up a woman like I did. But now that I have him back, even if he's disappointed in me, even if I end up disappointing him more, I can't let him stay in the dark about it.....right?

I already longed for the way he would give into my touch, and buried his head against my shoulder so he could smell me, without even knowing my intentions. The way he immediately drops his guard when we were close to each other...and how he acted so horny when I kissed him. Maybe a continuation of last night was in order to help me feel more satiated than I already was.

I took out my phone and opened the messages I had received from the bodyguard I placed on Danny without him knowing. Earlier, I had heard about Vincenzo getting into a car accident, but I didn't expect Danny to actually want to go visit him after I allowed Sam to let him know about it. Apparently, he went in the room for fifteen minutes and they had a civil conversation before he left. After that, they went straight to the mall to shop for Soyoung like they had originally intended to do all along. 

I immediately deleted the recording of their conversation, as I had faith that Danny would tell me all about it later. In fact, I knew for a fact that Danny would tell me about it himself and he'd be happy doing so. Somehow, I feel like them having a conversation would be the final piece they both need to let each other go for good and I didn't exactly want to agitate things. There was also most likely some reconciliation, but it wasn't like they would meet again for a long time. 

"I'll pass along the details shortly. Congratulations, on your first business deal. I look forward to working with you in the future," I shook Mr. Kim's hand feeling as though I've made a deal with the devil as it was reminiscent of every time I saw my dad shake hands with another business man. Eventually I knew I had to partake in it, it was the only way to stay successful after all.

"Likewise," I didn't bother to fake a smile. None of this felt good to me anyway.

"Let me give you some advice for future dealings. Don't wear your heart on your sleeve. In your vulnerable state, I may be able to sway the direction of negotiation in my favor and make you suffer unnecessary losses," he patted my shoulder before turning down another hallway.

Never let them see you sweat? That's good advice from such an arrogant guy.

Another text turned my attention back to my phone. A message from Danny was telling me to take it easy with whatever work it was I had to take care of and to eat well. Seeing a note from my favorite person in the world my headache quickly dissipate, but if I'm being completely logical I know that's impossible, and that in reaction to the positive energy I was giving off I was unconsciously repressing it. Honestly, I don't care, I feel blissfully happy and I'm sure there's a huge smile plastered on my face right about now. I couldn't help but feed giddy over his concern for me, giggling like a love-sick school girl over a simple text. 

I don't notice Morgan, the family driver, slowly approaching me with a look of unmasked confusion until he says, "Mr. Belle?"

I look up so quickly that I wonder if the angle and force I was using on my head could have caused me to decapitate myself. I quickly dismissed that thought, wondering why the driver had come inside. I look at Morgan with confusion lacing my features.

He raises his eyebrows and says, "You have to meet Mr. Kim and Mr. Cunningham at Lunch, remember?"

I quickly speak up my walking, a deep blush painting my cheeks, as I put my coat on, "Oh.....lunch. I forgot."

"Let's go," I say slightly nervous while swinging my bag onto my shoulders. I see Morgan checking to see if I was ok as we headed towards to doors of the building. I quickly follow a few steps behind him having no idea where he parked.

When we finally reach the car I swung my door open and climbed in gently. Rushing to get my seatbelt on when the car starts moving, I lightly punch Morgan's arm from the back seat and give him a glare that I hope felt more intimidating than that of a bunny.

"Do you need anything, sir?" he asks, briefly taking his eyes off the road to glance at me. Nothing at all.

"Am I scary, Morgan?"

"I don't think so sir. You've never been scary in my eyes."

"Ugh, I guess it really isn't for me. Thank you," I reply nervously biting my lip and bouncing my foot. As if sensing my need for silence, Morgan didn't continue the conversation but kept throwing hesitant looks at me through the rear view mirror every few minutes, leaving the car to fall into a comfortable awkward silence.

We quickly arrived and I hopped out followed by Morgan. Somehow, Morgan gets ahead of me and holds open the door for me, which I hate, so I muttered a quick thank you and I find myself inconspicuously running my hand across my empty stomach as I make my way towards the table that Sam and Danny had already picked out.

When Danny spotted me he brightened up and gave me a huge smile. I slid into the booth right next to him and give a quick hello to Sam at the other side of the table with Soyoung. I wrapped my arm around Danny's shoulders, "Lovebug....Did you know that booths became popular in the early 1900's, they were used for privacy and close groups to communicate without being seen," I rant. Some of my nervousness fading at the familiarity of this setting.

"That's a boring way of saying hello," Sam laughed, dipping a chip in the complimentary salsa. 

"I was just trying to break the ice," I sighed.

"You're becoming worse at simple conversations with other people," Sam told me. "I thought you were learning how to converse properly."

"He's introverted, Sam. Cut your friend some slack," Soyoung slapped Sam's arm.

"Hey!" Danny took my hand. "You can talk about whatever you want. I think it's really cute when you're awkward like this."

I must've saved the world in a previous life because I was blessed with such a sweetie in this one. "Ah, it's really nice to see you."

"Mind your dignity, Dan," Sam teased.

"Is having dignity better than being richer than you? I don't think so!" Danny teased back.

"I'll choose us a wine?" I suggested after we placed our mandatory orders for an 18. A large double. Neat.

"Yes, please." Soyoung's answer is just a little too quick, her tone, just a tad desperate. I guess she was stressing out about something again. I catch the miniscule smirk on Sam's lips and I immediately know the source of her irritation. 

"Shiraz? Or maybe a Cabernet Sauvignon?" I asked as I perused the wine menu.

"She prefers Merlot," Sam murmurs, his expression impassive.

Her irritation flared. "I think I'd like a Spanish Rioja?" Soyoung answers, flashing me a wide smile. "Maybe a crianza?"

"If you want Rioja, I think only a Gran Reserva will do." Sam lifted her hand and kissed the back of her palm to turn her attention back to him. "Un vino exquisito de una belleza excepcional," he whispers on to her skin.

I could swear I heard a mumbled, "I'm from Hongdae, speak Korean if you want me to forgive you," when she quickly glanced at Sam, he was staring at his menu, tongue firmly lodged in him cheek.

Danny cleared his throat. "It all looks delicious, don't you think, Soyoung? How on earth do we choose from this menu?" She reaches across and squeezes his hand.

"Sam won't have a problem. He always has the steak wherever we go," she said through her teeth. Danny put his hands up in surrender and turned to me. 

"They had an argument earlier, Sam's been trying to fix it since we came from the hospital." Danny whispered to me.

"Oh?" I was honestly surprised that he was telling me about it right away. 

"Yeah, Sam told me Vincenzo got hit by a car, so we went to asses the damage," he said nonchalantly. "After Vincenzo and I spoke, we met Soyoung at the mall and they started arguing. It was in Korean so I have no idea what they're fighting about honestly, but Sam definitely pissed her off."

"What was that?" Sam snapped.

"Just talking about the order," I lied.

Before Sam could call me out Soyoung spoke up. "He's a creature of habit. Chicken Parmigiana from Ristorante Valeria, A Brooklyn Stack Burger from O'Shane's, Hot Dogs from Beifong's Stand on the corner of 5th, and always, without fail, Bistecca rib eye steak, rare, with black pepper sauce and triple cooked fries at Prima Napoli."There's a momentary silence around the table until Sam slapped his menu shut and dropped it on the table, accompanied by a glare in Soyoung's direction.

"You've both eaten here before then?" Danny asks, failing to hide a sense of uneasiness in his tone. I kept my mouth shut as to stay completely out of it "You know the menu so well."

"A few times, yes." Soyoung looked up and gave a big smile. I looked in the direction which she was smiling in to see a red faced girl around our age watching us. Soyoung was giving her a sweet mocking smile, as if she can't help but enjoy the strangers reaction to it, as the other woman straightened in her seat and pursed her lips.

The waiter then came to our table to take our orders. I ordered a bottle of Faustino along with the sea bass, both Danny and Soyoung order a pasta dish, and Sam, with a scowl on his face, orders a rare Bistecca rib eye steak, with black pepper sauce and triple cooked fries.

We tried to continue with a little small talk, the conversation light, probably in an effort to alleviate the palpable tension around the table. But It was to no avail. By the time the drinks arrived, I thought we might suffocate under the strained atmosphere. So much so that the second I had opened the wine bottle, and filled Soyoung's glass, she snatched it up and took such a large swig of it, that she drained almost half of the contents. As she placed her glass back on the table, she took a few heavy breaths before digging back into her food.

Sam must've really pissed her off.

"For fucks sake," Danny put his glass of water down roughly shocking the three of us. "Just apologize, Sam-"

"So, Ashton. Maintaining all those farms, was it your big dream from a young age?" Soyoung asks with a glint in her eye as she lifted the glass of wine to her lips.

"I've been working in the fields since I was a kid and just recently took up the business side of it. What can I say, I've always been good with my hands," I bragged.

Sam clenched his jaw and he lifts his hand to beckon to the waiter for another whiskey. Was it something I said? I really don't want to be a part of their fight.

"Let me guess, you're more of a cerebral kind of guy aren't you?" Soyoung eyed me from across the table, almost combatively. 

"Well, I'm actually not too bad with my hands," i continued with my answer. "But yes, my brain is my forté .....and my mouth-" Danny almost spit his water out as he started to cough and splutter. I tried to help him, but he waved me off, mumbling that he's okay and that it just went down the wrong way. Soyoung has her glass to her lips once more, but I didn't miss the unmistakable smug grin behind her eyes. Bastard!

Shit! Thinking back I might have said something dirty without thinking. 

Danny was looking less comfortable as the evening progressed, and Sam had dropped his polite smile, and replaced it with a polite scowl. Sam's eyes were almost bulging out of his head, and Soyoung all but slammed her glass down on the table. She opened her mouth to respond but thankfully got interrupted when the waiter arrived with more food. I audibly breathed a sigh of relief at the break in tension.

Sam was glaring at Soyoung, and in that moment, i could tell that Battle lines had been drawn. This is only going to end one way, and it's not going to be pretty.

We began to eat our food, but the animosity that was flowing between the couple is more than discernible. It's almost unbelievable, as Soyoung viciously stabbed her ravioli with her fork, and Sam violently sawed into his steak, while they just scowled at each other.

Eventually, no doubt to alleviate the tension, Danny placed his fork down, took a sip from his water and bravely broke the silence. "So how's it going being drunk? Tell me what it's like."

Soyoung's fork clatters to her plate. "You are fucking kidding me!" she practically shouts. Danny hit my shoulder in anticipation of the upcoming fight. To some degree, I think he was enjoying watching them. "Just what the hell is your problem, Sam?"

"What the fuck did I say?"

"You heard me, asshole!"

"Soyoung—" I tried trying to cool whatever flame Danny had accidentally fanned between them, but we may as well have been invisible.

"I'm the asshole? Have you heard yourself this evening?" Sam retaliates, totally ignoring me in the process.

"Cut the crap, Sam. You've been a complete dick from the moment we arrived. Making this about food when you've brought your whores here. Insulting them, insulting me!"

"Oh, I was just trying to make conversation, Soyoung. You're the one who's been itching for a fight all night."

"You are so full of it. You've done nothing but try and assert this whole alpha male bullshit since we got here. I'm surprised you didn't just cock your leg and piss all over the table."

"Soyoung—" I tried again, more urgently this time, as i had clocked the turning heads from nearby tables. Thanks to them, we now have an audience that's watching the fight unfold, enraptured.

"I'm not the one trying to prove something here," Sam sneers.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Rioja? Really?"

"I happen to love Rioja!"

"Since when? You told me you couldn't drink it because it always gave you a headache. And what was all that business of you reeling off where and what I eat. Sounds to me like you're the one trying to mark your territory!"

"Sam—" This time it's Danny who tried to interject.

"Mark my territory? Are you shitting me?" Soyoung snapped.

"Go ahead and deny it, Soyoung. Or better yet, blame me for getting it all out. That's what people normally do isn't it. Anything to deflect from the fact that me being like that in the past, bothers you." Sam challenges with a slight smirk.

"How dare you. How dare you say that to me when you're the one who's whores hasn't stopped popping up to try and speak to me. If anyone is bothered, it's you. You seriously feel threatened by Ashton?"

"Oh please. The innocent Farmhand? If I didn't already know he was our client, I'd assume he was some clueless idiot."

"Hey, just a minute— " I huffed. Why were they both dragging us into it.

"You really are a piece of work, Sam," Soyoung spits out, her fists clenched white. "You have the nerve to criticise my relationship choices, when yours were with all the filthiest of people?"

"And there it is...All that talk of you being happy for being honest about my past. I knew you were full of shit. You're jealous!"

Soyoung was raging now. "Jealous? You arrogant son of a bitch!"

"What? Are you actually gonna sit there and try to deny it. Like you tried to deny that you were jealous when I told you about how many there were too. Because we both know that you were." Sam has both hands placed on the table now, his arms straight, his body language communicating nothing but arrogance as he stared Soyoung down.

She gaped at him open mouthed, struck dumb momentarily.

Sam tilted his head and narrows his eyes. "You can't stand me being having been with anyone," he continues, on a roll now. All his anger, and frustration seemingly spewing out of him unchecked and unrestrained. "Well do you know what Soyoung?! It's all in the past! Things like this aren't going to happen ever again now that we're together! I don't miss it at all and just because my dad is that way doesn't mean I will be!"

Neither of them moved. Like a Mexican standoff, they stayed fixed in their seats, staring each other down, daring the other to be the first to break the silence, the impasse. One of them needed to address what the fuck just happened.

Eventually the deadlock was broken when our waiter cautiously approached the table seeing that was finally a turn for him to interject. He clears his throat. "Erm... would you like to see the dessert menu?" Sam slowly turned his head and eyed the waiter with an incredulous look that screams are you fucking kidding me?

"Yes please," I answered watching the unlucky waiter scurrying off to safety as he handed me a stack of menus.

"Why dessert? So he can completely humiliate me?"

"You did a perfect job of that all by yourself," Sam said back. "You just can't get over that I used to be a slut. Then you only see how my my parents are. Making insinuations about my integrity."

"Well as far as I'm concerned, that was well deserved!"

He slams his glass down onto the counter, his eyes full of rage. "No, it wasn't. It was completely uncalled for. You said it because you were jealous!"

"I was jealous?" She steps forward and jabs a finger in his chest. "What about you? Every time I told you about seeing someone, I get the same bullshit from you," She lifts her fingers and sarcastically draws invisible quotation marks. " 'It bothers me, but it doesn't mean...' Doesn't mean what Sam? Are you ever able to finish a goddamn sentence?"

"It doesn't mean that I don't think we're better matched!" he bellows, his eyes boring into her.

Soyoung faltered for a second, his words hitting hard. "Well for someone who doesn't want more, you sure as shit seem keen on showing just how much you've fucked around."

"You're such a fucking hypocrite," Sam rolled his eyes.

They are practically nose to nose by this point, both flushed with rage, both breathing heavily. Both shaking with anger. I wondered why the air suddenly started to feel uncomfortable. Soyoung clenched her fists and glared at Sam. "Bite me, Sam!"

"That's enough you two! Save it for the bedroom," Danny interrupted their moment, effectively making the two turn away from each other shyly. Obviously Danny was picking up on something that I wasn't. More importantly, how did Sam make their fights go back to the bedroom like that? Was this the kind of shit that gets them off?

"It's so weird to watch a fight," I said.

"Just don't get involved, I think this is just their foreplay or something," Danny whispered to me as he enjoyed the show in front of him. "I don't want them involving us in their gross play."

"I suppose we should talk about it," Sam suddenly says as he purses his lips. "After all, this is our last get together until after Christmas. And we can't go to Korea with bad energy."

"Probably should yeah," Soyoung nods slowly. A quietness descends once again as they both stay rooted to the spot. "I don't think we should argue anymore."

"I don't either." Sam leans into her slightly and he presses his forehead against hers. "I'm sorry, Soyoung. For earlier."

"Me too. I said some terrible things."

"We both did." Sam nudged his nose against hers, and I covered mine and Danny's eyes so he couldn't watch them kiss.

"Are you getting all this?" I asked Danny as the two busied themselves with apologies.

"Not really. But, um it turned out to be a very nice surprise." Damn it. I chastised myself so I couldn't react to the slight hint of lust in his voice.

"Then you're having a good time?" I needed to hear that at least I could be even remotely entertaining to him. Even if I wasn't really doing much.

"I am." It sounded truthful and honest. Despite the meltdown Sam and Soyoung were having, i was having an amazing time as well. "Are you?"

"You know it!" I smiled.

Danny snickered. "Good. Then what do you want now?"

"Excuse me?" My eyes widened. At the restaurant? Thats a bit too bold for me.

"Did you wanna just stay here and talk or order dessert? Was there something else you wanted to do?" Danny asked, confused by my reaction.

"Right." Nodding, I chuckled nervously. Soyoung making fun of me earlier had effectively made me sensitive to innuendo. 

Linking his arm with mine, Danny stared at me. "What did you think I meant?"

"Nothing." I shook my head trying to hide the blush I knew was spreading across my face and I imagined bending him over the table on top of our leftovers and ramming my dick into his sexy body so hard that he loses his mind.

"It wasn't nothing." Danny slid closer. "What do you really want?"

"I don't think I've had enough to drink yet to tell you what I really want." I felt my mouth and lips go dry as I actually spoke the words. Ah, I'm imagining him bent over the table offering himself up on a plate to me, begging and lusting for more. I wanted to tie him to to the table and fuck him.

Raising his eyebrows, Danny grinned in a sneaky way. "Really? So how many more drinks do you need?"

Surprised by Danny's sudden playfulness, i suddenly grew bold. "Depends?"

"On what?"

My fingers danced up Danny's thigh. "On if you want the R or X rated version of what I'm gonna do to you later."

Clearing his throat, Danny's face went completely red and he chuckled nervously. "I'm not sure how I should answer that."

"Why?" I asked, sliding even closer to him.

"Because um, part of me thinks I should try to be a bit more fancy when we're out," I glanced down at his hand that was now clutching my thigh, then back up into his dark eyes. "And the other part of me-"

"Wants the version where I don't go home tonight." I licked my lips.

"Something like that." This had to be a dream. I thought to myself. A hot sexy guy wanting nothing than to let me do whatever it is I wanted to his body and will beg for more until he passes out from pleasure.

"Whatever version you want." I squeezed my nails into my palm. "I'll give you."

"Without any explanation or discussion?" That surprised Danny.

Shifting a bit, I nodded and slid back needing to put some distance between myself and the temptation. "One night with you is better than none."

Invading my personal space, Danny leaned in until his lips brushed against my ear. "And if I want more than one night?"

I grabbed his arm gently as his body felt like it trembled with desire. Shit! My dick was instantly hardened and i was afraid I would soil my pants right here and now. "You can definitely get it."

"Oh Ashton." Danny sighed. I could practically feel the intense heat radiating off his body. "You're going make me really conceited if you get like this just by me just talking in your ear."

"Then stop talking." I stammered secretly pleased with the way he wanted me. I want to see more of him, I wanted to see him trembling pathetically and begging for more.

Sitting back, Danny had a grin plastered on his face. "Finish your drink."

"So Danny, is there anything else you might want to try doing someday now that you have your health?" Soyoung asked.

"I'd like to try duking it out with Sam," Danny said.

"What the hell? Why would you want to....wait! Do you hate me?" Sam look more taken aback than everyone else as he tried desperately to look for a reason for Danny's sudden revelation. "Why me?"

"I wonder if friendship can really be strengthened through violence like Uncle Mickey says," Danny told us nonchalantly. "Oh right, wanna meet him one day, Sam?"

"I'm alright," Sam chuckled nervously. "I'm not courting death."

"He didn't kill Ashton when they fought," Danny pointed out.

"You fought who?!" Sam looked absolutely horrified at what he had just heard. "Why would you fight someone like that? Do you want to die?"

"He didn't exactly give me a choice. He made me fight him for the right to date Dan," I told them all about his Uncle Mickey barging into Danny's house and challenging me directly. Detailing the fight for them, I could see them both go from scared to worried to absolutely shocked. "It was all to test me and see if I could handle Dan."

"Why couldn't you handle Dan? What's he going to do to behemoth like you, no offense bro," Sam said incredulously.

I didn't exactly want to say anything about Danny's past without his permission. "Don't think to much about it. If anything, it was just an initiation into the family or a test to see if he could trust me with him."

"It was about your respect as a man," Danny said.

"How's your uncle trying to beat up Ashton about respect?" Soyoung leaned in as if she had just heard the greatest new gossip.

"If a man comes up to you and threatens you, can Sam protect you?" Danny further explained. "If it happens and Sam gets beat up, won't you lose respect for him?"

"I'd just hire bodyguards." She said simply to Danny's annoyance.

"Well, when you're poor, you rely on your man to protect you and my uncle decided to test out if Ashton was up to the task."

"How did it end?"

"Technically, it was a tie, but Mickey gave the win to Ashton."


"It wasn't a fair fight. Mickey is a street fighter and Ashton is a disciplined fighter. They're both disadvantaged but Mickey is up there in age and smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, so he has another few handicaps. Even if Ashton had lost though, he would've respected his balls to fight him," Danny broke out into bragging mode suddenly. "You should've seen the damage Ashton put on his face. It looked so fucking cool."

That explains why I got that "Victory Blowjob" from him and got to ravage him shortly after the fight happened not caring if his uncle was still there or not. Danny liked tough guys. I won't lie, having sex after fighting like I did was satisfying, like I had won a valuable trophy for all my efforts, but being tough was not my forte and he knew that. It wasn't something I could realistically keep up with without being disingenuous.

The rewards of being one seem fun though.

"That's insane," Soyoung looked intrigued. 

"It's bullshit, stop stroking Ashton's ego," Sam rolled his eyes. "Thank god he's not dead. The real question is how does it feel to go toe to toe with a killer?"

"Mickey isn't a killer," I mimicked Danny's sayings only to receive a prideful look from him. No way I was going to repeat the grotesque confession that came from Mickeys mouth. "He just wanted to test me."

"So he didn't kill that girl?" Sam said low enough for only us to hear. I shook my head profusely only for Sam to roll his eyes at me, but this was my story and I was sticking to it so I wouldn't be next. "He's really part of the family huh?"

"We're not a mafia, Sam. My dad is a regular businessman and my mother owns a coffee shop. We're just regular people," Danny said. "My uncle is the one to talk to if you have questions about him."

"Ok, no questions. So are we hitting the hotel after this?" Sam asked me.

"Hotel?" Danny perked up and shot me an innocent look. Ugh. "You're really dirty aren't you?"

"It was supposed to be a surprise," I groaned. "We were going to end the night at the hotel because we were drinking."

"That's not sexy," Danny complained.

"Lovebug, I'm being polite," I said putting my hand up beckoning the waiter.

The waiter flushed at my gesture, as if I had offended him, but still came to serve us. "Shall I get the check for you?"

"Probably a good idea," I answered through gritted teeth still a bit irritated at Sam's big mouth. The waiter scurried away quickly, and once again we're left glaring at each other.

"You didn't say that. My bad, I already told Soyoung."

"Idiot," Soyoung scolded him for me. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied the waiter surreptitiously slide the check on to the table and before I could react, Sam has his wallet out and threw a wad of bills on to the silver tray, and made a move to stand.

"Sorry dude. Let me get the bill to make up for it," Sam offered. I waved him off and stood up to let Danny out of the booth. The adrenaline from all the fighting was wearing off quickly, and in its place is only a light feeling. I was well aware that there were still many eyes watching our every move, and it makes me suddenly start wishing nothing more than leaving Del Posto as quickly as we can. Danny rose from his seat on shaky legs, and let me put on the winter coat that I had gotten for him. Soyoung and Sam made their way to where the maitre d' was waiting with Soyoung's coat, and she takes it, mumbling an awkward apology to him before stepping out into the cool night air.

When Danny and I stepped into the cold air, I spied the familiar car and leaning against the passenger door, smoking a cigarette, was Morgan. He put out his cigarette and beckons to us with a friendly if somewhat nervous wave.

"Mr. Belle. Mr. Cunningham, the cars already warmed up for you two," Morgan opened the back door for us. "Is Mr and Ms Kim joining you two?"

"We've got our own ride, Morgan. We'll meet you guys there!" Sam called out.

"Ok then," Morgan says with a smile as he sees us safely into the back seat, before making his way around the car to the driver's side.

"You're older than me, you don't have to call me Mr," Danny told Morgan.

"It's inappropriate to address you as anything that doesn't imply you're my boss," Morgan insisted flatly.

"Don't argue with him, Lovebug. His mind can't be changed," I said. Luckily the wine I drank wasn't enough to intoxicate me at all. I could enjoy the aftermath of a feisty dinner. I leaned forward to close the window separating the front and back seat so we could have some privacy. "Sit back let me tell you something. It's about my birth mom."

"I thought she went away," Danny fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Yeah, she is going away. With the help of Sam's dad I was able to get some time to talk with her face to face. When they uncuffed her, she attacked me and I ended up fighting her. In the end I knocked her out, but my intentions were to kill her with my own hands, that was the business I needed to handle," I confessed to him without fear. "Sorry if I've disappointed you-"

"No! You didn't disappoint me. Knowing how you are, you probably did it to get revenge for me and to prove who really had the power. Though she's a horrid person, you should've killed her," Danny flashed me a nonchalant smile, as if we were having a normal conversation right now. I guess I was worried for absolutely nothing. How could I forget that he was used to hearing about these kind of things?

"How fucked is that?" I chuckled.

"I'm serious you know! Your moms a nutcase, it's not your fault. How could someone with so much be so petty?" Danny rolled his eye. "Like a child throwing a tantrum. Hey, chuckles, why do you keep laughing?"

"It's just, that lady has always been a touchy subject for me, but it's like it just flows naturally with you. It's a bit of a relief, you know," I honestly felt incredibly light in this moment. It might be the wine, but it might just be because of the angel in front of me.

"You've always wanted to curse her out, huh?" Danny joked.

"You're right, I do. I didn't even get to really!"

"Well luckily we don't have to worry about her anymore," Danny moved himself closer to me and linked his arm with mine. 

How did I even manage to keep him for so long with as much as I've felt as I've fucked up? It's been a while since we first met. It's been a while I started to fall for Danny hard. Danny may have been socially awkward as well, but he was one of the kindest, gentlest, bravest, smartest people I had ever met. And as I had realised over the months, he was also the most beautiful person I will probably ever meet. It was the reason i called him 'Lovebug'. I, on the other hand, while i could count himself as somewhat good looking, was not very kind and gentle like Danny. I was a bit of a coward. I wasn't a confident, whole man. I had never been. But he gave me the face to fix that. Danny deserved the best. He deserved to not only be with someone who loved him fully, but with someone who would never hurt or desert him like Vincenzo did.

Every time I look at him, I can't help but think- I just think about how I feel about him. How much I want him. How much I love him.

"Is something wrong?" Danny asked, the worry in his voice making my heart ache. The concern he had for everyone close to him was one of the reasons why I loved him so much.

"Yes- no... I don't know," I admitted. "I guess that remains to be seen."

Danny's expression was a mixture of concern and confusion. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"You," i answered. "It's you. I'm in really love with you, Lovebug. I've been falling for you since the day we first met. You are everything to me now- my best friend, my life. Every time I look at you, I....well, I can't stop thinking about you, Danny. I love you. And I have been so, so scared because I never, ever want to lose you."

Danny reached out rather tentatively and took my hand in his own, "I would never leave you, Ash. I love you too."

I barely had time to register the unfamiliar look in Danny's eyes before he leaned forward and slowly, softly, pressed his lips to mine. After I had gotten past the initial shock, I began to return the kiss. Our lips moved together like they were made for each other. The kiss became deeper as we conveyed all the passion and all the feelings they had bottled up, our tongues remaining entwined as I reached up and twirled the fingers of one hand into Danny's hair, pulling the him even closer to me.

Danny was the first one to break away after a long, long moment, gasping for air. "I- I guess I did show you what I was trying to say. It goes both ways is my point, don't forget that."

And with that, i wrapped both my arms around the skinny body in front of me and pulled him even closer, our lips meeting in a moment of tenderness and love, one that delighted me even more.

My Love. My Boyfriend. My life.