The Lifted Veil

"Hello there, Danny. May we come in?" A wide smile came across their scheming faces at seeing that I had any reaction to them.

I was surprised. More than that, I was clearly furious that Apolonia and Enzo Devellis had the gall to show up unannounced on my doorstep, on Christmas! But I was also startled and suspicious as to what had brought them here. Before I could gather myself to give a response, Apolonia pushed passed me nonchalantly and walked into my home. "Hey!"

"What the hell?!" I heard Ashton shout from the living room. I think Apolonia might've scared him or something. I sighed and moved out of the way for Enzo to enter as well. He'd need to be here to get his stubborn wife out of this went left.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked harshly, my voice low and fists clenched by my sides. How dare they try to crash my holiday with Ashton by popping up on me? Didn't they ever have anything better to do? 

The air was tense... and my lungs were forcefully pressing inward as my breathing was limited by something unnatural. Despite my uneasiness and limitation, my stare was fiercely locked onto the display of the TV. I wasn't paying attention to the program currently playing, yet I was unable to change the channel.

The living room was covered in remnants of this morning, and sitting by the couch was the prime culprit of this unusual circumstance. Part of me wished to put my eyes back onto the intruders, before the rational side of my brain reminded me that I risked a quick death if I wasn't careful around them.

"," Ashton said awkwardly trying to break the tension between me and Vincenzo's parents. "Why don't I get some coffee for everyone?"

"Hell no! I'm not serving them shit from my kitchen!" I snapped. If I had to do this awkward thing on Christmas, so did he. "You stay!"

"Ok," Ashton immediately sat back down.

"Why the hell are you two here?" I asked.

"Because I missed you. We made quite a team, didn't we?" Apolonia said with a shameless smile. As much as I wasn't returning the positive energy, she kept it up.

"I wouldn't exactly call us a team, Mrs. Devellis," I said, not bothering to look at her as i continued to watch the TV.

"How about partners then?"She did not just say that! Now I feel annoyed.

I turned to look at her, who had a wide happy smile on her face. "Definitely not, since partners are supposed to have each others backs," i responded icily, narrowing my eyes. The only person i would ever call a partner is Ashton. That was one thing I would not let these two degrade. "And how could we have even been partners when I didn't even know the agenda? I know your son moved out and I'm not interested in spying on him for you again."

"Well, we could become better acquainted," Apolonia suggested.

"No thanks." I declined the offer. She didn't even decline that her intentions were for me to keep an eye on Vincenzo again. She had some nerve. "I don't see anything good in facilitating something that none of us benefit from."

Enzo looked as though he had started to age badly. For the first time, I could tell that he hadn't groomed himself in a while by his thin beard poking through. He also looks as though he's been losing sleep and stressing the fuck out. 

Good, that should be his karma.

"Well," Apolonia attempted to gush, "It's just been so long." Before she could continue, I put up my hand.

"Listen, unless there is some emergency I have nothing at all to say to either of you. It has been literal weeks and I have moved on with my life finally. I figured when I ignored your phone calls the the house, that you would take the hint. I don't want to be in touch with you. I don't want to be friends and neither does my dad. Let's just agree to nod politely when we run into each other on the street or grocery store." I paused. These were the first real words of anger i'd spoken to them in a while. Last time being when Vincenzo had run away from home. She had clearly hadn't learned her lesson when it came to doing underhanded stuff like this and I guess Enzo wasn't trying to change her mind about it. "Unless you have some sort of problem that you need help with that's life threatening, and if you do I'll refer you to someone else I trust, we have nothing more to say to each other."

Cue the snake tears. For all I knew, they could been real, but Apolonia was the last person I trusted. Everything she had ever said to me had been a lie, and I don't think I would ever forgive her for sticking by Enzo as he did what he did to Vincenzo. "I am so sorry," she sniffled. "We just wanted to drop off this gift for you. I just wanted to let you know how sorry-"

I immediately cut her off. "No need to apologize, I don't trust it at all. But if there's nothing else, you should leave now."

"But the gift-"

"Yes, the gift. You should probably throw it out. I don't know where you got it from but accepting things from you has brought me nothing but trouble in the past, so I don't want it. Again, unless you have something I can help you with in an emergency sense, we are done here." I barely gave her 10 seconds to respond before I stood up showing that I was done.

"But you must still be in touch with Vincenzo," she whimpered.

"I haven't spoken a word to Vincenzo in weeks," I said, intentionally not mentioning that I saw him in the hospital after his most recent accident.

The two let the magnitude of that declaration set in. "We were told that you were playing phone tag."

"That is not true and you were lied to, if you were even told that. Vincenzo had left me a few messages, which I chose to ignore to move on. I want NOTHING to do with him, but I was way too busy with my own life to bother to tell him. I was also afraid of him repeating the past so I just ignored him and hoped he would go away. It's not a healthy relationship to maintain." 

"Danny, this boy was someone you loved, yet you STOPPED talking to him. I though you two cleared everything up since he was getting the help he needed. I have no idea what Vincenzo was like at the time or anything about you two together. There must be some reason you won't talk about it with me!" Apolonia was softly crying once again.

"I am ashamed about that time in my life, so I don't talk about it. I was feeling so much grief and pain and stress at the time because you just kept pushing him on us, and I ended up clinging to him because he was person that seemed stronger than I could ever be. But if Ashton has taught me anything these past months, it's that strength is not hiding your emotions and using manipulation tactics, but instead being willing to lay your whole heart on the line regardless of what people think. Vincenzo was not a person who was interested in being my support system or my shoulder to cry on. Instead, he just challenged me to push down all the negative feelings or sadness I felt and live with isolation. After a while, I knew that it wasn't healthy for me, all it did was make me sick and paranoid but it sure was easier than actually dealing with it. I was completely destroyed. There was just a whole lot of messy or complicated emotions getting in the way. I pushed him away because it was easier to get him to leave me alone than to stand up to him and tell him he wasn't the person I thought he was...or I don't know maybe I wasn't the person he thought I was. Either way, I knew we weren't good together, even as friends, so I just allowed the emotional distance to just get wider and wider until he had enough."


"I constantly contemplated suicide because of the situations your son kept putting me in. He almost killed me on multiple occasions. He tortured me in school, at home and in my nightmares. You saw the news like everyone else, who do you think helped get my father arrested?" I didn't want to have to be blunt, but the softer I was on the two of them, the more they'd try to take full advantage of me. "Then you come to my house with crocodile tears, on Christmas, to beg me to look after him again? Why? So he can finish the job? I'm also not interested in helping you reconcile with him."

"Daniel, please," Apolonia begged.

"I hope you're not still trying to set me up so I will agree to something after I've just said no. As I told you before, all I want to do is move on and live my life and that life doesn't include your son. I am however fearful that my family will continue to be followed and harassed by you two who think they can manipulate whoever as long as they cry a little. I want to see a resolution to the situation that is fair and ensures my family is left alone. I will not be signing off on anything, so do what you think will ensure that and own the decision yourself."

"Why are you being so cold to me?" Apolonia looked up from the ground.

"Because all you do is lie," I told her while we connected our lines of sight. "Everything you ever said to me was a lie and every 'gift' you gave me brought me endless trouble that almost killed me. Who in their right mind would willingly go back to that?"

"Does our son scare you that much?" She asked as though she still couldn't understand what had transpired. I knew that both of them knew what happened since Giacomo told me that they were going to therapy together, so I feel like she was trying to ignore all of that. She knew very well what was going on and she was still ignoring it.

"Not anymore. I'm scared of the reason why you keep ignoring me when I'm clearly telling you that I refuse to spy on your son for you. I'm also concerned about why you didn't leave when I told you to leave my house a minute ago," I explained. "I guess I can see where Vincenzo got his hardheadedness from."

"We came to apologize, that's it," Enzo finally spoke up. 


"Letting him turn into what he did and all the damage he made you take, and the bad situations he kept putting you in."

I looked at Enzo in disgust. "Why are you even apologizing on his behalf? Vincenzo has already apologized to me himself and we both moved on from the past. I'm not the one you need to apologize to at this moment! Apologize to Vincenzo for making him like that! And you, Apolonia, you need to apologize for allowing it to happen and helping your husband torture your son. For fucks sake, why can't you two take responsibility for your own fucking kid for once?"

Enzo's head shot up at my statement as Apolonia's head dropped to the floor in what looked like shame. "You-"

"Why not give Vincenzo the gift? You know where he lives, so why the fuck are you at my house ruining my Christmas? Does he even know you're here trying to dictate his life again? Have you guys seriously not learned from what happened?!" I face palmed and leaned onto Ashton as I started to feel a bit sick. "You two are just trying to take advantage of me because my dad isn't here!"

"Danny, all we're asking for is a simple check in." Enzo insisted. "We're desperate!"

"Listen, I just got out of the hospital from a heart attack so I don't want to deal with you guys. Get the fuck out before I call Mickey to get you out," I grumbled.


"That's enough," Ashton said from beside me. As much as I preferred him to stay out of this dispute, I'm glad he jumped into the conversation when he did. "You two should leave right now because you got your answer already. What you're doing is already considered trespassing."

Enzo stood from his chair menacingly followed by Ashton a second later and Morgan burst into the room ready to attack. "Who's that?!"

"Doesn't matter. You guys can leave now and leave my baby alone as he's made himself very clear, or I can have my bodyguard throw you out of here by force," Ashton smiled. I could tell that he was enjoying being in full control of handling the situation for me. I promised him he could anyway, so I guess my input was no longer needed.

I watched Enzo and Ashton stare each other down like they were getting ready to go at it. Every few seconds Enzo's eyes quickly darted towards Morgan, as if contemplating who he should fight first. Apolonia shot up from her chair and grabbed onto Ashton's arms to everyone's shock. 

"Please! You're the one who sends our son to that therapist! Just tell us how he is!" She pleaded. I couldn't help but start to wonder if she wanted an update on Vincenzo because she was worried for his safety or if she was scared of him doing something to embarrass her as she usually was. "You have the power to do that!"

"I do have that power, but it's unethical. The day you turned your back on Vincenzo, was the day you lost the right to know your son, but I'm not the judge or jury here. The problem now is that you're trespassing on private property and trying to pressure my baby into doing something he said he doesn't want to do multiple times," Ashton said calmly. 

"There's no way Danny feels nothing!" She screeched.

"Apolonia, I don't know how many times I have to tell you this for you to get it through your head, but I'll say it again. I have never wanted to be Vincenzo's babysitter. I haven't even viewed him as a friend for a long time. And why would you want me to be around him so much? Vincenzo is a product of you two, and you stay blind to the person he is." I closed my eyes in frustration.

"Danny, don't be such a child, you sound like every other infactuated teenager since the beganing of time! Vincenzo will definitely become an outstanding young man! That's why I want you to be with him instead of what you're doing now! How can you just turn your back on him?! It's too cruel!"

"I don't care how you view me or what you want. I love Ashton, and his family happens to be some of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet. I'd like to move on-"

"It doesn't matter! If your so sure of getting settled then come to our home, I'm sure Vincenzo will want to marry you," Apolonia sighed like she was disappointed in me.

"What? You must have lost your mind, why would I ever marry him?" and just like that it all made sense. They want to try and manipulate me into going to their house to lure their son back. Enzo put his head in his hand in frustration but stayed silent. "Do you not see the ring on my finger? I'm already taken!"

"Danny please!" She tried one more time. 

"You pushed your way into my house, uninvited, just to pitch me a scheme to lure your son back to your house with more lies. You know exactly what your son did to me, but you seriously think I'd go back to that when I'm finally surrounded by people who love me?" I asked her. "Apolonia, you're a liar. You're the fakest person I've ever met and you only care about your reputation. You even turned a blind eye to Vincenzo getting abused by your husband, because there's no way you didn't see the welts on him. You lied about everything to isolate him from his own family to the point his own grandmother hates him and family he's never met sends him letters to stay away from them. Every time he was a little bit happy, you did everything you could to ruin it. You'll just have to live with the consequences of being a horrible mother to your son on your own. Leave me and my dad out of your shit."

"Danny, just a chance to-"

"I took enough chances, at least enough to know that you can all do fine without me. You don't need me anymore Apolonia. And I don't need you or Vincenzo. So, let's just pretend this meeting never even happened and each go our own way again," I sighed. It was shocking how similarly delusional she was to Vincenzo.

I spoke in a perfectly calm voice; no sign of relieve to finally see them again, or anger for what they had done in the past. Nothing. And in a way, that seemed to be even worse than an outburst. I was about to tell them to leave again when Apolonia seemed to lose it.

"What do you mean we don't need you! Of course we need you Danny. I need you.... We're all worried sick about you, even after all these years, and you have no idea how sorry we are for what we did to you! SURE SOMEWHERE, DEEP DOWN, YOU MUST CARE ABOUT US, OR ELSE WE WOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE!!" She snapped.

"I know you're hoping for me to forgive you and to accept your apology, but it's too late for that. Nor do you have to fear an angry rant from me, because the truth is....that I don't feel anything towards you guys anymore. No hate, but no love either."

In a fit of rage, she grabbed Ashton by the shoulder, just like Vincenzo tended to do with me when we were kids, forgetting that Ashton was a lot bigger and no doubt stronger than her. Ashton easily pulled himself free, and with such force that she lost balance and fell to the ground, dropping her phone. He picked it up before she could and glared down at her checking to see if anything was amiss.

"I guess, if you want to tell all your friends about this, I can't stop you. But I strongly suggest you don't do it, if you want to save them the disappointment. It's time to face the music, you can't take advantage of kids anymore!" he spoke as he raised his hand, as if he prepared to smash her phone. But he never did. Instead, he sighed and handed the phone back to her, all the while Enzo stood back just thinking.

"Ashton, was she recording?" I asked him.

"Yes, she's recorded our entire conversation," Ashton confirmed. I knew it wasn't at all genuine!

"You can relax, I don't want revenge on you, just leave me alone," I sighed. They tried to make it all about Vincenzo, but it was actually all about Ashton. How could I be fooled. They've never cared about Vincenzo after all. "You should've just said that from the beginning. Actually you could've come tomorrow to talk about it, but I guess you had to be smart with your timing. No way Dad would let you guys see me again, and when you saw Morgan and Ashton's mom leave last night, you must have thought Ashton left as well. So you tried to take the chance to bully me into accepting an apology you don't mean." Who the fuck are these people? "You saw me a couple months ago and how sick your son was making me! I NEVER WANTED TO BE A REPLACEMENT FOR YOU IN VINCENZOS LIFE!" everybody froze when I rose my voice. 

"Y-you're wrong about-"

"You never asked me if I wanted to step in for both of you!" I said, as both of their jaws dropped. "Why should I be the peacemaker in your fucked up family? Why should I be the one to take care of him? If you can't stand him, then why can't you ask the government to hire a Nanny or send him to Italy like you did with Giacomo? You knew very well I falling apart! LOOK AT THESE! These are BAGS under my eyes! I don't know if they'll even go away! I'm only 18 years old but I've had had these for YEARS! Every time we took a photo, did you not see it or were you purposely ignoring it? And do you know why I have Bag's under my eyes? It's because I was used to near death and barely got enough sleep because of your family! Do you think I wanted him to stay in my house for a couple of nights a week back in the day!? It's was bad enough, I had to deal with him in the day, but then I had to deal with him at night as well! I broke into pieces telling you no, but you still forced it to happen. Do you think I enjoyed your son constantly looking down on me!? Do you think, I enjoyed him threatening me all the time!? You have a serious problem! I know for a fact that you don't give a fuck about my life! In fact, I'm starting to see just why Vincenzo is so disgusted with you! Everything you do and say is artificial. You even got me to think it was my fault and I made excuses for you every day but I realize now, you're just awful miserable people."

"You two should leave." Ashton said calmly handing them back the present they had put on my coffee table. "Now, before you're carried out."

Enzo picked Apolonia up from her knees and forced her to stand. She kept on opening her mouth to say something but ultimately failed. I was almost shocked by her audacity to keep trying to argue with the choice that I've made. She was lucky she got to hear anything from me at all!

"We'll go now," Enzo turned from Apolonia and left the living room just leaving her standing there. He looked as though the world had collapsed on him, and part of me feared for what he might do next, but I quickly shook it off. It's not my business.

"You need to leave," Ashton took a step forward alerting her out of her stupor. She tried to look at me but Ashton quickly blocked her view. "Morgan."

Morgan grabbed Apolonia by the knees and threw her over his shoulder. I watched as she tried to futilely punch Morgan's back and scream in objection. But the screaming finally got cut off by the wonderful sound of the front door slamming.

"That's lady is off her rocker," Ashton came close to cuddle me on the couch and ruffled my hair in a comforting way. "I'm proud of you for calling them out on their bullshit baby! The way you show no mercy is irresistible!"

"You don't have to flatter me, we'll still bang later," i laughed at him. 

"You...that isn't what that was about! I thought my words might help you calm down from the adrenaline rush."

"What adrenaline rush?" After they had left the room, I felt like I could relax. There was no lingering anger or shock. It just felt as though I had taken the trash out. Tired, but glad it's done.

"You don't feel anything after all that?" 

"Why should I? You handled it just fine. Why worry about these things when my big strong man is around to take care of me?" I buttered him up so he'd forget what just transpired. "Let's get back to our first Christmas. Luckily they didn't take up too much time."

His hands came to rest on my hips and he pulled me closer to him, finally claiming my lips in a kiss. I kissed him back enthusiastically, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. The kiss deepened and we stumbled as Ashton tried to get the upper hand. Finally the need for breathe became too dire and we broke apart, panting.

Ashton grinned and said. "Finally...This was so worth it...." He slipped his arms under me and began to lift me from the couch. I let him, not putting up that much of a fight. I allowed Ashton to carry me into the bathroom and sat me on the toilet before starting to undress himself.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting ready for a shower," Ashton says nonchalantly.

"Then why am I here?"

"For a shower as well," Ashton says as if that were obvious.


"We have time to wash off the bad energy those people brought in here," Ashton teased giving my hair a ruffle.

"You could have said that earlier," I grumbled, trying to flatten my hair even though I knew there is no point as it's about to get wet.

"I tried," Ashton chuckles. "You're very hard to get moving when you're watching 'Die Hard', and I'll admit, I wasn't trying that hard since you were enjoying the movie so much. You look so cute when you're focused."

I turned away blushing and groaned under my breath. Luckily my attitude made Ashton laugh all the same. He turned from me and turned on the shower. He stepped under the spray, looking like a giant in the small bathtub, turning it a little hotter than perhaps necessary, and turned to look seductively at me over his shoulder.

"Coming?" he asked.


"Come on," Ashton pouted, "it's no fun showering alone."

"Okay, sure," i mumbled while looking at the water running down his muscular back where his muscles dimpled just above his cute muscular butt. I stripped out of my pyjama pants before joining Ashton under the shower spray.

"Thanks for the Christmas present," Ashton purred, pulling me close under the water. An arm slipped around my waist, holding me against his own body and a fire begins to spark itself to life in my stomach.

Now that we were face to face, I couldn't help but marvel at the way the water has already plastered Ashton blond hair to his forehead. His mullet stopped right above his eyes and his face started to look more angelic that usual. Ashton pushed my overgrown hair out of my face, the water making it stick back and Ashton teased my bottom lip between his teeth. I can't tell if I was suddenly very awake and more than a little hot and bothered because of Ashton or because of the heat of the shower. It's the heat of the shower, I futilely tried to tell myself, but even I can't believe it and Ashton sure as hell won't so there's no point even trying to deny it.

"Beautiful," Ashton purred and I felt a shiver race down my spine that has nothing to do with the water's temperature. It should be criminal for Ashton to be able to do this to me in the middle of the day.

"Ashton," I heard myself panting, loving the feel of his name on my lips as Ashton pushed me back so that I was up against the wall of the shower. My mouth suddenly felt very dry and I just wanted that tiny bit of distance between us to disappear completely and feel Ashton kiss me all over. Instead Ashton leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Turn around."

The words and the demanding tone of his voice made me instantly weak at the knees. Before Ashton I never would have entertained the notion that I liked being dominated, but there was just something about him that just made me putty in his skilled hands. As I turned around for him, one of his hands took a gentle hold of my chin, tilting my head back so that he can press a heated kiss to his cheek.

"Put your hands on the wall," Ashton purred and once again I do as he's told, pressing my palms flat against the slippery wall of the shower. The spray hit me square in the chest and that seemed to do nothing to dampen the fire raging inside of me. I could feel Ashton, hard and pressing against me, sending shocks of pleasure through me.

Is Ashton really going to fuck me in the shower? 

I just go with the nice feeling instead of thinking as the hand that had been on my cheek began to slip down my chest at a teasingly slow pace, almost as if Ashton was mapping out my entire body.

"Ash..." A breathy moan left my lips that was almost drowned out by the shower but I knew that he heard it, judging by the soft growl I felt rumble through him.

"So beautiful," Ashton murmured in my ear. "So perfect... How did I get so lucky?"

The praise made me feel hotter and Ashton's hands were only adding fuel to the fire as one makes its way back up to lazily rest on my chin, fingers splayed over my open mouth, like he was trying to stop the breathy moans and pants falling from my lips but doing no such thing. Ashton's other hand began to travel lower until those wonderful fingers are ghosting over my hard member.

"A-Ashton..." I begged, all pride lost and hardly caring that barely three minutes ago I was complaining about being dragged into the bathroom. 

"Yes my love?"

"I..." i could barely find the words I wanted to say since I was being overridden with pleasure. I didn't want it to end but I was so hyper aware of everything he was doing to me at the moment.

"If you don't tell me then I can't give you what you want," Ashton said. I immediately heard the smug, self-satisfied tone of his voice, knowing that he has me exactly where he wants me. I could barely think straight to give a coherent answer, I was too dizzy with arousal and I, I need Ashton to do something more than tease my dick with light touches. I clenched my hands into fists against the wall, a blush flaring to life across my cheeks, down my neck, finally reaching my feet.

"Please... I... ah!" My words were cut off in a strangled gasp as Ashton grabbed me in his hand and gave it a long, languid stroke. "Oh fuck..."

Ashton chuckled in my ear and it sent another jolt of arousal through me, making the hairs on the back of my neck prickle. "You've always had quite the filthy mouth on you," he observed. "Where did my innocent little Lovebug go?"

"I..." i couldn't bring myself to answer from being overwhelmed. Ashton was the one who made me like this and if i was in any fit state of mind i would have cursed at him, but before I could Ashton's hand wrapped around my dick and he finally decides to stop teasing me. My moans began to spill out of my lips as Ashton pressed up against me and began to jerk me off. I barely felt the spray of the shower, barely noticed the stream of unintelligible vulgarities spilling from Ashton's perfect lips – something about me being the best. Things like how perfect and amazing I am – I just allowed myself to come undone under Ashton's magical touch.

The heat pooling in the pit of my stomach fanned out and, before I realised what I was doing, I was thrusting my hips into Ashton's hand, chasing the pleasure coursing through me. I don't even bother trying to stay quiet as the shower pipes were loud enough for me to not feel embarrassed and if Ashton had wanted me to stay quiet then he would have gagged me properly. Lips on the back of my neck kiss the overly sensitive red skin and as he gently scraped his teeth over the skin, I completely lost it.

"Ashton.....gonna....I'm," was all the warning i could give him before an embarrassingly loud moan ripped itself from my throat and I finished, coating the wall of the shower for it to be washed away a few seconds later by the water.

I let my head fall back onto Ashton's chest, panting heavily. My legs feel like jelly and I was pretty sure the only thing keeping me on my feet is Ashton holding me up. He used the weak state I was in to tilt my head and press a fiery kiss to my lips, slipping his tongue into my mouth and stealing his breath for the millionth time today. The kiss made me even more weak kneed, but i just about manages to lift one hand off the wall to tangle it in Ashton's hair, desperate to try and stay standing.

"How was that for a Christmas gift?" Ashton asked when he pulled away, grinning. I couldn't even bring myself to try and formulate an answer, my brain was still too fogged with nothing but Ashton's hands. He chuckled more at the state I was left in and pressed a hot kiss to my forehead. "I'll leave you to get cleaned up," he said as he de-tangled himself from me. "We can't stay in the shower the rest of Christmas, as much as I would like to."

"W...what about you?" I stammered through the haze, aware that I can still feel Ashton's hard dick pressing into the small of my back.

Ashton chuckled again. "You can worry about me later when I use the coupon. Then I can really have fun playing with you." The suggestive tone and poorly veiled innuendo set my heart on fire.

"Okay..." I said, my voice, more breath than word, and I was surprised that Ashton even heard me over the running water. Ashton kissed me again, this one much shorter and a lot more chaste than the last few, before getting out of the shower. Suddenly I felt disappointed as he wrapped a towel around his waist.

Ashton left the bathroom and i turned my attention to actually showering, my mind finally able to focus a lot more now that I don't have a wet, naked Southern gentleman pressed against my back. With Ashton gone, I could think properly again and concentrate on actually showering. That being said I did take less time than I normally would, hoping to get a glimpse of Ashton before he gets dressed. Of course I've seen him naked more times than I can count but just because you've had one chocolate bar doesn't mean that you're done with chocolate for life.

And Ashton was better than chocolate.

Once I was done I turned the water off and grabbed a towel so I could run to my room. I headed back into the bedroom, placing my hand against the wall so that I didn't fall over when I saw Ashton in full undress. 

Unfortunately, I was left a little disappointed to see the silhouette of Ashton in clothes.

Hey," Ashton purred, running his hand through my wet hair, "you look so good when you're fresh out of the shower."

"Speak for yourself," i said blushing and looking away. "I was kind of hoping you'd still be naked."

"All in good time, my love," Ashton chuckled and kisses my cheek. "I've got some plans for you this evening, you'll just have to be patient."

I felt that fire sparking to life again causing me to blush furiously and look away from him. As I did I noticed a pair of my boxers hanging on the radiator. I turned back to Ashton, no longer embarrassed but very confused.

"Why is my underwear on the radiator?" I asked.

"I put it there," Ashton said as if that should be obvious.

"Right... why?" I asked as his answer did nothing to alleviate my confusion.

"You've never put your underwear on a warm radiator for a bit before you put them on?" Ashton asked. Why the fuck does he sound so confused?


"It feels amazing!"

I slipped on the warm underwear and felt what he meant. It was pretty comfortable. A few minutes later I was fully clothed in an oversized jumper and tracksuit trousers, my hair was still a little damp, but it'll just air dry.

"So I can get started on cooking right now or we can wait till a bit later," I told him, running a hand through my hair. I looked up and noticed the way Ashton was looking at me. "Are you okay?"

"Close your eyes and come here," he ordered. Ever since we opened presents earlier, he's been trying everything he could to keep me smiling and teasing me all day, so I just wondered what surprise it was now.

"Why?" I asked.

"Indulge me."


I closed my eyes and, put my arms out to feel my way over to Ashton. When I reached him Ashton took my hand, linking our fingers together and pulling me to him before backing me up against what felt like the door frame.

"Okay you can open them," Ashton says, his voice low and sultry.

I opened my eyes and blushed as I see just how close Ashton was to me. I looked down at the tiny bit of space between us, a little embarrassed for the overload, but Ashton caught my chin and made me look up, past his face to see what he had hung from the ceiling.

"What the..."

"It's mistletoe,"Ashton smiled. It was too sweet that I wanted to throw up. This kiss was a lot less innocent than the last. It was hot and hard and laced with passion. My hands come up to clutch the front of Ashton's t-shirt as if he were a lifeline. My head spun as he took my bottom lip in his teeth and dragged them over it, making me whimper, the hand not in my hair was slipping down my back to grab a handful of my backside. I was panting and moaning softly as his lips completely incapacitated me, allowing me to be completely swept away by his actions.

As soon as Ashton got the opportunity he slipped his tongue into my mouth. That earns him another little whimper from me as I started to clutch harder at his shirt. This was my idea of heaven: I could spend all day with my lips attached to Ashton's, making me moan and pant like this. I can feel Ashton's dick begin to stir to life again. I didn't want to put a stop to this. I wish he'd sling me over his shoulder like an animal, take me further into my room, throw me down on the mattress and fuck me like there's no tomorrow.

That's probably the best idea right now...

Right as I was about to suffers we just go to bed, he pulled back completely. My eyes stay closed for a second before they flutter open and I felt that self restraint tugging again.

"Should I go get dinner started?" I asked, as Ashton grinned down at my flushed face. My god I was horny and I wasn't sure why Ashton kept teasing me.

"Okay..." Ashton chuckled.

I dragged my eyes away from him and headed for the kitchen. Yep, if he had saint like levels of self-control...then I would too dammit! I didn't appreciate being teased so much in one day.

Now to focus on dinner! I could do this. I had cooked Christmas dinner for Dad and his gang without burning the food for years. I could cook for the man I had fallen in love with. This had nothing to do with trying to impress him or being nervous. No, it was about making our first Christmas together extremely memorable for us both.

It took me the better part of an hour but I finally had the turkey in the oven and the sauce, mash potatoes, rice and vegetables were almost done cooking on the stove. I finally felt some resemblance of control return. I turned to the chocolate pudding i was trying to make. This was either way going to be hell or it was going to be great and I hoped for the latter.

I wanted this night to be perfect. This was the first Christmas that I was truly free from prior obligations.

Dinner itself was frustrating and not because of the food I had made but when I had tried to pour the wine I had spilled it over the table by accident. Quickly trying to clean the mess had made me almost crash into the table and break something. Only Morgan's quick assistance had saved all the plates from falling to the floor.

Flustered and feeling my face flush from the embarrassment Harry had decided to let Morgan carry all the plates through instead of myself. I had to take a moment to take a deep breath in the kitchen. This was not the impression I had wanted to make. I am a competent cook and I could host a dinner without messing anything up because of my anxiety.

"Um, sir, I don't think there's a need to be so nervous," Morgan said when he saw me freaking out. "I've served Mr. Belle for years, and this is the first time he's ever been interested in anything other than books. Yet he came to life as soon as you gave him a chance with you. Anything you do, he'll definitely cherish it. Recently he's even been taking the succession of company extra seriously so he can prove that he can be responsible for you in the future. I've never seen him work so hard to please someone before, and I know he'll love anything you give him, so please try and calm your nerves."

"Am I putting to much pressure on myself?" I asked.

"Yes, even though I don't think Mr. Belle minds it as much as he should, you still shouldn't push yourself so hard. Your health is the most important after all," Morgan continued.

Damn my nerves. There isn't even any reason to be nervous. Of course, Ashton said he's loved my cooking a million times and specifically came over to eat my cooking today. "Ugh! Why does it feel different cooking now?"

"I heard it's different to cook for someone you love."

"Have you ever been in love Morgan?"

"I've never been interested in that kind of thing. I don't really like people. My only love is the work I do for the Belle family." Morgan said as if it was the most normal thing ever. I guess people could like different things. "You have an extra set of plates and utensils here."

"Isn't three good?" I asked. "Are you not eating with us? I did ask you."

"Oh, forgive me. I forgot." Morgan looked a bit flustered. 

"Let me handle the rest, go sit with Ashton In the living room please," I told him. After pausing for a few seconds, Morgan took the plate out to the living room.

By the time I had carried the plates of food into the dining room I had managed to calm down enough. Enough to notice how both Morgan and Ashton fell silent when I entered.

"I hope you guys are hungry..." I set the turkey down on the coffee table.

"Oh don't worry about that, Lovebug, I know I am." The look that Ashton gave me was pure heat and so predatory that it made me blush again. He must've had some wind already. But this time for a whole other reason.

I sat down, gesturing for them to eat, but then Ashton lifted his glass. "A toast, to our host and this lovely meal. And to new beginnings."

"New beginnings?" I asked holding up my glass of water. 

"I've come to appreciate the value of a coupon," Ashton smiled. Fuck! He's good! 

"Anything you'd like to add, Morgan."

"L'Chaim tovim ul'shalom," Morgan said. I didn't know that he was Jewish! We toasted and dug into our meal.