Ashton Belle

"I can't believe you feel sorry for that guy!" Danny seethed at me after Morgan brought him to my home. "You know, ever since I was a kid, people have mistaken me for a girl! But nobody's ever said something that vulgar about me! I'm tired of people asking if I'm really a dude or a girl!"

"Sexiness has no gender," I stupidly spoke up. Danny glared at me as intensely as he could. I think I just blew my chance at having any sex today. "I'm sorry. You know how I am, I can't help it. Do you not like being called cute?"

"What guy can enjoy being compared to a girl! Ah, don't tell me that just because you're always on top, you've started to think of me as a girl too! You asshole!" Danny snapped at me.

His complex about his looks was definitely messing with him today more than usual. "No, I've never seen you as a girl. You're probably the manliest person I've ever met." Danny blushed and crossed his arms cutely. God, he was twice as beautiful when he was being stubborn. "I only feel bad because I don't want to show you my violent side."

"Bullshit, you feel bad if you step on an ant, you softie. What're those muscles even for if you never use them?"

"It's so I can protect you."

"Stop treating me like a girl!"

"I'm not, lovebug! I want you to be attracted to me too, so I have to keep in shape! And why would you be attracted to me if I couldn't protect you?" I rationalized. "I didn't mean to actually go that far on the team captain-"

Danny smacked the back of my head to shut me up. "You reacted like a man should react. I came here, right after school, ready to throw myself at you, and I find you here sulking. Unbelievable!"

"But I should reflect on my actions. I'm the one that got suspended after all."

"Fuck that! When I walked through that door, you should've pounced on me!" Danny poked my chest.

"I can still do that!" I reached for him but he slapped my hand away.

"It'll have to wait now. The mood is all gone," he grunted before taking out his textbooks and preparing to start studying.

Seriously? "Babe, is this what I get for being a true pacifist?"

"No! It's what you get for irritating me with feelings of remorse for that idiot."

Honestly, I was trying to fight those feelings myself. It made me feel extremely powerful, not to mention a bit satisfied, to beat Ronnie's ass. I too believed that he had it coming after he made those vulgar comments about Danny. Especially after knowing just how frustrated I was chasing people away from Danny like a full time job. I also think I was justified in the way I defended Danny.

But for some reason I feel guilty. Probably because I feel guilty for using defending Danny as a cover up. "Actually, in all honesty, I've been wanting to hit him for a while. It had nothing to do with defending you, even though I was pissed about what he said." I confessed. "That's why I feel bad."

"You think I don't know you've been wanting to hit him? You think I'm not aware of your pettiness?"

"How'd you figure it out?"

"You've never reacted to anyone like that no matter what they said, and worse things have been said. The only other reason is a long standing grudge. Sam said he made fun of you a lot and never got a response. What was different this time?"

"I've been made fun of for my looks since I was a kid. It wasn't all that different down south. it should be water off a ducks back. But he wanted to touch you and I'm getting tired of people trying to hit on you, but I can't just go around beating people up!" I said almost letting loose that I hated when people tried to touch who's mine.

Danny looked up from his homework. "I know that. You shouldn't be used to it! It should make you mad."

"Then why are you mad at me?"

"Because if you're going to be mad, be a man, stand by it and stop regretting it!"

"I can't help it. I'm just someone who can't see someone else in pain."

"Fucking hippie," Danny muttered turning back to his homework.

"You'll get crows feet if you keep squinting and sulking like that," I poked his furrowed brow.

"Don't be like that, who cares about wrinkles? You're so full of shit."

"I'm not lying, you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen so I hate seeing you upset. And I understand that you hate being called cute or beautiful, but if I don't tell you, how will you know?" I tried. "Do you hate me now?"

"No, it's not hate, it's just that your personality definitely don't match your face, but you're still pretty cool."

"I am?" That made me feel a bit better about all this.

"And oblivious," he added. "And petty, and egocentric, and too nice for your own good and I kind of hate the fact that you try way too hard to be a good person. The true meaning of an acquired taste. That being said, we need to talk about the marriage."

"Do you not want to marry me now?" Instantly my mind starting racing with ideas of what I could've done wrong and how I could fix it. What to buy, what to arrange, how to apologize for it, who to hire to help me, the entire nine yards. If none of that worked, I might just-

"We can still go through with it, Ash. I was just going to say that we should graduate college first and give our relationship time to play out before we officially tie the knot. I want to be established and do what I can before committing fully to nepotism and I don't want to rush anything. I like taking my time with you," Danny quickly explained. "And just so you know there's nothing to worry about, even though you keep getting made fun of for your looks and despite you being a soft hippie, you're incredibly masculine. And even though I hate being called beautiful, it's not so bad when you do it because I only love you."

Shit, where was my mind going?

I was born powerful and I'll only become part of the Uber powerful as I got older, but only Danny can really bring out any weakness in me. When it came to him, I couldn't win, because to me, he's my one and only. If Danny were to lose interest in me, because of this....if I had no choice but to watch that happen, I'd resort to killing someone. Facing that part of me that I never knew existed before, is not pleasant at all.

Meeting Danny was the cataclysmic change that made it into my life. I never knew before that I even had any of this burning passion inside of me. A desire to possess that I had never felt before in my life exploded suddenly upon first contact, so I couldn't really control myself. It was like I had come to life and I lost my mind. Reason, dignity and shame disappeared and all that remains are primal instincts. 

Work and books used to be all I needed to prove I could exist normally, but I don't want to think about work or succession anymore. Everything is a bother to me and I just want to roll around in bed with Danny all day. It's like I'm obsessed. Shit, he even called me an animal sometimes. Me, a cultured, high profile, silver spooned, animal! It made me so happy.

On top of that, Danny looks great in whatever I dressed him up with. That space that goes from his tiny waist to his butt, I could wrap my hands around it easily. He's so sexy, especially when he's naked. There were no words to describe in words just how sexy Danny was. The first time I was able to strip him down and admire his body, every inch of it was so sexy and beautiful, and I lost control of myself. Those feelings never faded. And we seem to grow more compatible more and more physically compatible day by day. Plus, his personality is absolutely killer. He's well mannered, dignified and thoughtful and considerate despite his temper and short fuse. His voice was so damn sexy as well. He had no flaws I could possibly find.

Could there be a more perfect man?

I can't really concentrate on anything else fully, like I've gone deaf, blind and dumb to everything that was important to me before. Even my ability to reason goes away when I'm with him. He won't leave my mind for even a second and when I don't see him, I get nervous and anxious. I think about him nonstop. 

Honestly, it's very uncomfortable finding out more and more about myself that I didn't know. I had never even considered the possibility that I would love someone as much as I did now. I thought I'd swear off people after that tutor, and I did a pretty good job of closing myself off from any potential suitors. But i completely forgot about that after meeting Danny. Even when I met the best looking people at parties or dates my bio dad set up, I didn't feel anything. But after I fell for Danny, I couldn't deny the happiness I felt feeling some kind of attraction again.

I'd never get tired of it, that I'm sure of. There was nobody for a long time, and I can't now imagine being with anyone else. 

Then there was Vincenzo, Danny's first love. I kept working that if he changed, it was possible for Danny to fall for him again. That's why I told him to stay away from us, but it still couldn't erase him from Danny's mind. I silently hated the sympathies Danny had for that tumultuous first love that ended so tragically. I hated the face he made while thinking about Vincenzo and his Situation. If I tell Danny about it, he'll just chastise me for being petty. Which sucks. Falling for someone is....extremely inconvenient.

The green eyed monster inside of me kept squirming uncontrollably. Telling me that no matter what, I couldn't let Danny go. I will not go back to who I was before I met him. I can't go back to that so it's probably why I proposed so soon. Whether his feelings for me fade, or he falls for someone else, even if he loses his mind with me, I cant watch him leave me ever. If he tried, I might just tie up his hands and feet and strip him of his freedom. Even if I have to put a leash around his neck to degrade him, even if he screams and curses at me, I'll make sure that he can't see or hear anyone but me. Even if it sends me to hell.

Of course, in reality, I couldn't actually confine him. But at the same time, I absolutely could if I wanted to.

To think that I'm so easily influenced by every word he says and every move he makes. Danny truly awakened my instincts and made me a man. He made my heart beat and drove me crazy and became my weakness because I was deathly afraid of losing him. How could I be so crazy about one person like this? He just came to study, but I already miss touching him. At times, I have vivid nightmares that he disappears and leaves me forever. Once I wake up from them, it takes me about a half hour to escape the state of panic. I can't stand it if I can't feel him in some way.

I'm destined to carry this affection for the rest of my life. If happiness is a daily occurrence to me, I should be used to it by now. I wonder if it was because I was so desperately lonely before, that the time I sow and with Danny feels like a dream or a magical life I thought I could never find. I don't want to wish for anything else ever again. Only that we can keep falling for each other over and over again forever and the next life, just we are now.

His nose is a work of art, actually maybe it was his plump lips that mesmerized me. And that flawless skin that always had the slightest blush on it. I could unbutton his shirt and lower the zipper on his pants to admire the masterpiece underneath. Well, at least I don't have to sneak peaks at him and borderline stalk him like at the beginning.

He's just so precious and I'm glad that he's mine. Danny's laid back personality let's him get along with many people now. And he's in no way materialistic as he keeps turning down all the expensive things I buy for him if it's not a holiday. He also has a lot of ambition. He always puts a clear line in the sand and is careful not to cross it and it makes me uneasy.

The fact that he doesn't actually want anything from me. The only thing he's ever asked me to do is take care of myself and try to spend a little less. If only I could put him in my pocket so I could take him out whenever I wanted to look at him.

I know it's dangerous, but I keep falling deeper and deeper into my obsession with him, and when I told him about the bad things I did. Maybe....I was more like my bio mom than I thought. Her pitiful blood flowing in my veins was nothing me. The obsession, lunacy, and jealousy that I despise so much from her, flowed through me as well. It was beyond shocking and terrifying for me to accept that. I was determined not to be like that woman, which was why I tried to never open my heart again and stonewalled countless people. 

Could I still be different from her? Can I be wiser and more dignified than her going forward? Probably not. I lost my heart, body and soul to this beautiful creature and became a loser that can't keep his emotions in check. Still, I don't want to understand that woman.

I've never experienced longing before, but I feel it quite clearly now. Right now, I feel like locking him in my own space, and I'll punish him by making him feel the longing I felt all the time. He'll wait for me, and only me forever as I erase his existence from the world so only I knew about him. He'd never smile or think about anyone else again. I'll possess him completely if I do that. No matter how much he would hate it, I'd never let him go, and I'm in a position where I'd never have to let him go.

Even if that's what I have to do, I must hold onto him. And I can....

I can't believe I'm actually thinking this through. In real life, I can't beg him or cling onto him if he wants to leave me. I could only stand there powerless. Unable to do anything with whatever decision he makes. What could I possibly say after to make him stay with me?

"Why are you staring so hard? You got a problem?" Danny hissed. 

"You're fucking adorable," I walked around the table and sat next to him on the couch and gently grabbed a hold of his chin. "I've already bought us a house to live in near the college, and it's already set up for us both to live here. Congratulations on entering my elite circle."

Danny turned a bit red. "What?! Who said you should do that?! You may be rich but that doesn't mean-"

"If you didn't want that, you should've never seduced me, baby," I moved closer to start kissing his neck. 

"Y- you hit on me first!" He defended. It was true, but I never would've hit on him if he didn't seduce me first by being so amazing.

"I only struck up a conversation and kissed you. You also didn't push me away no matter how far I was going. You even let me play with your ass before we started dating. You're going to pay for that for the rest of your life, baby," I said casually slipping my hands into the back of his pants and under his underwear.

"What are you doing? Take your hand out ofAH~"

"I'm just practicing, even though it's unnecessary since you're already soft back here," I decided to slip another finger into him and tease his sweet spot. "You know that I'm a slow learner, so this'll take a while."

"You....fuck," Danny let me continue doing what I wanted. "Stop trying to shut me up!"

"Maybe it's your innocent looking, pretty-boy face." I brushed back a my hand in his hair as he tried to fight the pleasure before gripping a handful of it. "Look at me." He opened his eyes, and my face is so close to his that our lips brush as he breathes. "Or maybe it's your eyes..."

At that, he presses his mouth up against mine, his soft, full lips moving over mine slowly, almost gently. He catches my bottom lip between his own and sucks at it, then tugs with his teeth. He was really into it now. I pushed my hips into his, grabbing his hips and pulling him to me in the process. He starts kissing me harder, faster, thrusting against me as he does. His tongue comes out and brushes against my lips, once, twice, three times. Then with a sudden impatience he is prodding my lips open with it, and when they part for him, he's shoving it down my throat.

I groan again.

Before I knew it, I had stripped him of all his clothes except his socks. I kept my clothes on while I admired him. Him being exposed to me, while he was fully naked, made me feel like I was definitely in control here. I kissed and caressed him as gently as I could, but the way he allowed me to run my hands all over his body made me I owned him. Like Danny was my possession. It almost scared me how much I liked it.

"Alright, I want to do it now," I growled into his ear. "But only if you tell me who owns you."

I was so far gone at this point that I would have done it even he didn't ask me to as I was about to bust out of my jeans.

"You do, Ashton! You own me! Please!" Danny immediately started to beg and plead under me just as he knew I liked.

"You're mine, right?"

"Yes!" He nodded eagerly. "I'm yours! All yours! Fuck me, take me, please!"

I slowly pushed myself inside the forever tight, warm space and paused, allowing myself to get accustomed to the feeling and savor it. Danny sounded like he was in a world of bliss and pleasure mixed into one. 

When I was finally all the way inside of him and could feel his ass cheeks against my upper thighs, I lowered his leg back to the floor and reached around to grab his ass with both hands.

I stared directly into his eyes. "Hold on tight, I'm going to lose my mind," I said through gritted teeth as I rocked back, pulling almost completely out of him and then slammed forward, filling him to the hilt. Not caring at all about if it hurt or not. I just wanted to see and hear him cry in ecstasy.

His eyes rolled back and he grunted loudly. I pulled out slowly and slammed in again. He cussed as his hands went around my neck, his fingers latching together at the base of my neck when he realized I had been serious about holding on.

I pounded into him relentlessly, reveling in the feeling of power coursing through me as he gave himself over to me so willingly. His head rocked from side to side as he grunted and panted and mumbled profanities and declarations of love. His cock was swollen purple, his pre-cum weeping freely from his slit just to show how much he was enjoying being fucked.

I loved it! I love him!

When I knew I was close, I shifted my left hand up from his ass to his lower back and brought my right hand around to grasp his dick. I began jerking him off in time to my thrusts in his ass and a couple of minutes later Danny was crying out as I bit down making an obvious mark on his neck. Our orgasms were ripped from our bodies.


He is beautiful.

It's almost too much for me to take in at one time.

"Ashton...." He breathed out. Please...Please...just let me be with you forever, Danny, let me own you for as long as I can, please. "Ashton,kiss me...please..."

Barely a thought passed through my mind upon hearing such a request, as I urgently flung my weight forward and slammed our lips together, already feeling my hazed happiness heightening a hundred fold from finally feeling his precious lips against mine, both of us demanding as well as acquiescing in our movements with one another, making up an enthralling exchange of give and take with our kisses, of asking and granting, of everything that fucking mattered to me in this world.

The feat was effortless as I let myself drown in Danny's full, powder-soft lips that moved so erotically with my own, his every push against my mouth as he wished to seek more of me to hold onto and taste created such a delicious ecstasy that I could literally feel throughout my body, igniting my blood and muscles and something much deeper as I let him get as much of me as he pleased.

Danny wrapped his arms tightly around my shoulders, bringing me even closer to him still, as he hummed against my mouth, the furious, red-hot kisses made my already clouded head fill with even more blissful fog, as he nipped lustfully at my bottom lip, prompting me to open my mouth.

Danny's warm embrace was stern and fierce, as if he never wanted to be apart from me again, as he slipped his warm tongue inside my mouth, expertly seeking out my tongue to tangle with that had me resting more and more of my weight on top of him, needing his fire and light and all of the energy wrapped up in each one of our erotic kisses as we got round two started.

The way Danny let me swirl our tongues together, the way he flicked just the tip of his against my own...the way he would slow down his movements so that he could languidly stroke our two muscles together and feel me more...all of it spoke volumes to me of how hot and lustful my angel was for me, yet our actions also spoke of how much Danny needed me in an entirely different way...something much more personal, even.

The blend of the two emotions I was able to latch onto from him, his kisses and the way he needed our mouths fused together, was both thrilling and endearing sending us both over the edge completely.

"...nnh...mmn..." I purred for my dark haired obsession currently lying sprawled out beneath me, slipping one hand underneath his back to anchor him to me, our heads switching sides in fluid a procession to breathe quickly before crushing our yearning lips back together again, our tongues easily finding one another this time.

Boldly, I lured Danny's tongue inside my mouth, closing my lips around it and sucking lightly at his slippery muscle, part of me wanting to show him that I understood his silent messages loud and clear and that I agreed to see to his every need in this life if he would let me; my actions, however, had him shuddering in crippling, teetering pleasure against my chest pressed squarely against his own.

He was so comfortable with me, always desiring to be intimately close to me no matter what, and I had never felt so humbled as a human being in that things with him would have turned out so perfectly.

I could die right now and be a truly happy man.

"Ash...what are you thinking about?" Danny's lovely voice caught my attention to his dark eyes that were staring up at me from where he looked up at me, his face a vision of time-perfected beauty. I smiled a relaxed, easy smile, my words already crystal-clear to me of what I needed to say to him in this moment.

"I was just thinking about how much I love you, Danny," I finally spoke the words I had swimming in my head nonstop. "I want you all to myself."

"I know, I already said I'll be all yours though. I know how much you like feeling it though and I seem to enjoy it a lot too," Danny smiled back. "Do you feel better?"

I did. I felt secure. "Yes, all because of you."

"What's really wrong?"

I loved that he could tell when something was bothering me. "Exactly what I said before, I love you. Maybe, a lot more than you think, but I don't want to scare you off."

"You mean about you locking me up so I can only be with you?" Danny asked. "You tell me that all the time when you get the chance. I know you won't actually do it, Ash."

"Why do you know me so well?"

"You can't even step on a spider without feeling bad. I'd think you'd feel awful if you really tried to actually imprison me. Just calm down," he fidgeted below me as we heard a car door close. "Get off!"

"I'm trying to!" I said not caring about whoever just arrived.

"Think about your mom, Amanda, and the promise you made," the mention of my mothers name made her image flash through my mind, effectively killing my erection right away. Honestly, my mom only said to wait until I fall in love and my dad doesn't really care if I have sex or not. The only reason I lied is because I wanted to seem more polite than I actually was. Because of this, I now see the downside to lying and not being myself.

"That wasn't cool," I huffed. "It's completely soft now."

"Help me get dressed, you went pretty hard just now," Danny demanded. "Stop looking so smug while I'm sore." Feeling a bit remorseful that I inconvenienced him, i slid his underwear and pants back on. As I finally got to buttoning up his shirt, my room door was opened.

My biological father walked in without any kind of pause. "Usually people knock before entering a room."

"Ashton, be respectful to your dad." Danny scolded. 

Ugh. "Hi, dad. I didn't know you were stopping by," I tried to sound polite, but my words just oozed sarcasm. I clearly didn't want him here right now, but apparently it was necessary to smack my head.

"Hello, Mr. Belle. It's been a while, please sit with us," Danny said politely. I think he was still unaware of the giant hickey on his neck. "Forgive him, he's being an idiot."

My birthdad seemed perplexed by the way I was just spoken to but let it go. "Good to see you in good health, Daniel. I came to speak about business with you two. At some point I need your help with offers."

"What are we offering exactly?" 

"Merging mine and an existing company together." My dad answered. 

"You are in the airline business. Why would you merge with Olive's hotel business?" I asked. "Isn't it a bad look to be associated with her hotel chain after she got busted for human trafficking?"

"Merging with my company, and being under new management will benefit and grow that company. The numbers are declining, showing no signs of growth. This is the best option right now to stay open. I know you don't want anything related to your mom, Ashton. That's why everything will be changed so it can have nothing to do with her." At least he was aware.

"I am hoping that high profile clients looking to book a room at the hotel, would fly with B Airlines. We would be a package deal. We have a good reputation and it can help us keep the hotel chain."

"And what if they turn us down." I looked away from the floor and into my fathers eyes.

"B Airlines, the company your mom built, will be gone. We might have to sell it to the Hiltons if we can't turn the image around."

"Ok, so we'll be rebranding," I sighed. With rebranding there came lots of stress and changes that might cut my time with my baby. Suddenly, I was feeling extra lazy.

"Also....I took a look inside the accounts managed by her and the business partner she had. I wasn't expecting that much money to be in there. It doesn't match up to what the profits should be, so after adding the situation, I found that they were extremely skilled in information technology and finance, but it looks to me like money laundering was their main business. Most of the accounting departments job was to clean dirty money. Recently, they've been reaching out towards the syndicates in Asia as well."

"So what do we have to do with them?" I asked.

"It's a lot, and I plan to take all of it," he said with a determined look. 

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said right away knowing the gravity of what my dad potentially could start. "It'll end with people dying."

"Yeah, but with the money gone, their operation will be shut down and the stragglers will have no choice but to switch over. If I leave them a small hint or rumor, they immediately go to war, and with the bait I have, it won't be long before they destroy each other. It'll be a huge but necessary war between launders."

I've never forgotten how everyone in my family could be considered a heartless capitalist who'd do anything for money, but I never wanted to be part of the bloodshed whether it was metaphorical or real. But with this move, people will actually get hurt, even if they aren't innocent. Yeah, this was the ugly side of business but it was still unnecessary. "Why are you like this?"

"The low life launders will destroy each other and we'll be helping to get the trash out of the streets. I'm cleaning up society and claiming a prize for myself while also saving a large hotel chain. Three birds, one stone."

"You don't actually care about that," I muttered.

"Right, but I already have my own team and I'm confident in my plan. We can see how it plays out through the internet. It'll all be over by tonight anyway."

"If you have a team on it, what do you need our help for?"

"It'll be your property in the near future. Just draft out a rebranding plan and help me screen the employees hired. As for an overall boss, I think it should go to Daniel here." Dad insisted.

"What?" Danny asked.

"The candidate for the managers position is you," he repeated. 

"W- wait! There's no way that I can just-"

"It's fine. I've heard from your teachers and your father that you are a focused and ambitious individual. Your passion is rare talent that tends to be desirable in the workplace, so I believe you can do it," I was truly taken aback by my dads business decision, but it wasn't up to me decline since the offer was Danny's to take or leave.

"A hotel chain is....a lot," Danny mumbled.

"You'll be a general affairs manager at first, and all though it's nothing crucial, it'll give you the chance to understand the company as a whole. Like how the hospitality industry works, what shape the company has and where it will go, where each employee is and so on. It's also not a bad idea to make connections while you're there. You'll be supported by my son and I, should you chose to accept the position." 

Danny looked highly.....embarrassed. But I could tell he was seriously thinking about the offer. "Ok, I did say I'd like to be of assistance, so I'll do it."

For the first time in a few weeks, my birth fathers face lit up as he explained the concept of the hospitality business to Danny as well as what changes he thinks might bring in a new high class demographic. Then he let Danny make suggestions on what kind of rebranding they should go through to attract more customers. 

To my surprise and my dads delight, Danny seemed to be naturally business minded and completely serious. Like he really wanted to do this. Danny kind of exuded the charismatic nature of a salesman, so I thought he'd be better as director of the sales and planning department. "-commend the Japanese menu."

"I should try it out to see if their chefs are up to par." 

"Then let's go together, its open until eleven, and they have imported drinks there," Danny said. "I cant sample it since I'm allergic to alcohol."

"Allergic to alcohol?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, one sip is enough to provoke severe rashes, difficulty breathing, stomach cramps or collapse. The first time I had some, I had severe anaphylaxis that almost killed me, so you'll have to try the alcohol there."

"Oh, we can't have that. Is it ok to go together though? My son is glaring daggers at me right now," dad turned his attention to me.

"Stop it, Ashton. Don't make me lose face in front of your father," Danny groaned. "And besides this is just a business meeting. I need guidance for the future."

Then don't make it sound like you're going on a date with my father. It's honestly making it hard for me to like him and accept him back into my life. "I know. This is just my natural face."

"Fix it," Danny reached over and tugged on my ear gently as if he was trying to comfort me. I relaxed my face and relished in the feeling. Danny continued to rub my ear and the top of my head as he went back to speaking to my father. 

"How do you know so much about business?" Dad asked.

"I helped my dad study for his job with Chip. There's lots of useful information in the reference books. I learn more when Ashton tells me about his work and my Uncle Mickey is a really good entrepreneur, so I have a basic understanding of making everything look legit."

"Then what do you think we should do about the workers. They have families."

"Just some propose some small budget cuts that might be useful in the long run. And before you ask, it doesn't include anyone losing their jobs. I thought about what you said. We should put in the same effort to make sure our employees' are happy, and we appreciate their work and sacrifices since they are innocent. They are some changes that are going to happen but hopefully it will help the company as a whole and helps us grow bigger than before. Happy staff, better service."

"That actually might work." Dad told him with an awe look on his face.

"It's just some idea. We have to go over the numbers more first. As for rebranding, just close for a week and change the name. Announce new management and market it as a new hotel. Luckily not many people knew about how much they owned of the company, so just make a big deal about a grand opening and it should get people wanting to go."

I stayed silent and watched their interaction. I could tell that my dad had grown very fond of my Danny. And although Danny had eventually warmed up of idea of the merger, I was still confused at my fathers intentions. There was always something bigger than the obvious. And I was determine to figure that out.

"Ah, it's so refreshing to see such motivated youth!" Dad patted his shoulder. "What else should we consider doing?"

Danny's presentation was incredibly impressive. He made everything sound amazing. His enthusiasm and energy was contagious. Every idea that he had in that brain was brought to life by the beautiful boy making it so I could only admire and respect him.

"No one's ever had quite a handle of Ashton before like you do. How'd you get him to be so docile?"

"He's already docile and its not so hard coaxing him if you know what he wants, though I won't deny he's incredibly stubborn at times."

"Ah, you understand. With the right mentor, I can see you wind up on Wall Street, or as a corporate lawyer, some career swimming in power and cash. Or else in politics, you've definitely got the manipulative skills for it. That's a compliment, by the way. I think I might see you on the cover of Time or something, trying to be the first gay president." That was very high praise from my dad. "Truly you're the ideal gay son."

"No, no, and no. I'm really not."

"Why not?" He countered. "You have all the qualities of a leader, if I recall. Isn't it just a short step from there to first gay president?"

"Uh, no, it isn't," Danny says, laughing. "And all those things you mentioned are dream careers for Ashton, not mine. Besides, I don't fit the current political zeitgeist. Practically every popular politician these days is either too extreme, or too corrupt and I don't trust any of it."

"And what's wrong with that? Isn't everyone a bit corrupt?" Dad says. I could tell he's saying it mostly to tease Danny which was still rubbing me the wrong way.

"Maybe you get some deviant pleasure out of the idea of being in a vulnerable position at all times, I think I'll decline, thanks. I'd rather do tattoos."

"Well, I guess that kind of stress isn't for anyone who isn't used to it, and to be honest I don't think anyone would even shed a tear if anything happened to you. After all, no one cares about the rich. But my thoughts aside, are you ready to start making some real money? Are you?"

"Not yet. But I will be as soon as I graduate." 

"There'll be women approaching Ashton constantly with the excuse of an heir. What if he slips?"

"He won't, because I'll set my uncle on him."

"Don't you care about the consequences?"

"I have too much pride to care about that. I'm not scared of anything you can do either, it's just how I was raised." Danny said confidently. I had to admit that with that statement, Danny had most likely completely won over my father as he only got more animated getting to know him some more.

Finally, after about an hour, my dad was satisfied with what he heard, he picked up his briefcase and let Danny know he'd contact him to go to the restaurant sometime this week. I absolutely hated that they seemed to get along so naturally.

It was even supposed to be just the two of us right now! 

"You dad seems to approve of me. I think that went well-"

"I don't want you to flirt with my dad anymore." I interrupted Danny before he could finish giving himself praise. Danny raised his brow in confusion.

"You think that was flirting? I just repeated things that you said," Danny rolled his eyes before he laughed. And though I should be annoyed at not being taking seriously, I fell in love with the sound even if it was to mock me. "You should be grateful that you're hot, Ashton, because if that back there that you had witnessed is what you call flirting then I'm embarrassed for you. Just admit that you got jealous that we were able to get along."

"I assure you there was nothing for me to be jealous of. It was quite awful to watch actually. And as the son to the owner of B Airlines, the company that my family has just merged with, it is imperative that you do not make a fool of yourself like this again in the future thus making the hotels look bad. We have a reputation to uphold." I huffed. "Plus, you're a jerk. And I know how to flirt."

"Ashton, I didn't even know you were flirting with me at first. And watching you flirt was like you trying to speak another language. It was terrible but cute."

"It is so on, Dan." I challenged.

Danny frowned. "You better not flirt with anyone else."

"Oh never. But be prepared to be charmed by my sweet southern moves that I know you will not be able to resist."

"How do you figure I'll be so charmed."

"You agreed to marry me. Plus it isn't like you're much of a flirt either."

"Challenge accepted," Danny switched right into action as he twirled his finger in his hair and biting his lip while he looked me up and down. "So heir to B airlines..." Danny gasped as I un-expectingly pushed him roughly against the side of the couch interrupting his flirting scheme.

"Consider me charmed." I whispered against his lips before my hand came up to cup the nape of his warm neck pulling him into a passionate kiss.

Danny moaned into the the kiss as his hands found their way to my waist pulling my body firm against his.

"You know this means, you just admitted that I won." Danny said pulling out of the kiss.

"You do win. Everything you do is just too sexy," I confirmed before reclaiming his lips. I would agree to almost anything he said right now. I just couldn't help that I found Danny simply too intoxicating for me to handle.

Danny gently massages his tongue against mine in an attempt to distract me to switch our positions, which I reluctantly allowed. Danny leaned down in a straddling position and starts placing soft kisses on my neck.

"You're so cheap! How does it feel to lose?" He teased playfully nipping at my jaw.

"This is a defeat I am willing to accept if this is the outcome." I retorted.

"See, you let out that accent to seduce me, don't you."

"No, you just know exactly what to say to me, baby."

"Well, I'll be looking forward to cooperating with you Mr. Belle," Danny chuckled.